3rd, 2005 |
took a nap. i needed that. we don't
leave until 9:30pm to go to Broadcast.
i remember when i was young and used to shows being late. heck, when i played
my band would go on at midnight. i forgot that was normal.
i'm still a night person, but i hate shows that are late now. i like them
to be at 7pm at the latest.
at least there is no smoking now in the bars which is really a plus.
oh and my mom is back in LJ with a NEW journal which is a norwegian word that
she misspells. so perfect.
i'm glad i have one last red bull in my fridge to drink before i go out.
Scream thy last scream old woman with a casket,
plan, plan your pointers, point your pointers,
waddle with apples
to crunchy Mrs. Stores,
she'll be scrubbing buffles on all fours...
Scream thy last scream old woman with a casket,
fling your arms madly
old lady with a daughter,
flat top of houses, mouses, houses,
piddle and diddle sitting fat...
watching the telly to all hours, silly child
fling your arms madly
old lady with a daughter
Scream thy last scream old woman with a casket,
plan, plan your point, this point your point,
this walk in with apples
to crunchy Mrs. Stores,
you'll be scruffing buffles on all fours...
Scream thy last scream old woman with a casket
i didn't really like quintron a ton.
i didn't hate them, but they werejust not my thing.
they had all the elements of something i SHOULD like. they were like a cross
between the cramps and the B-52s. and lots of kitch and even a puppet show.
but it was just missing something. the "it" factor. the songs were
kind of mediocre to me. even seen other people do it better. or maybe i just
wasn't in the mood for that kind fo thing last night. it was a very perfect
college party band. it would be great if you were at a kegger party and want
to pogo up and down.
tonight jason and i are going to see Broadcast. i DO know i like them. i have been listening to their music for 3 days now, so i'm excited to see them :)
Thursday the moon moves into Sagittarius and we get a burst of energy, the lunar has gained some momentum, in that haze we see direction and a focus develops. The true higher goals of our life often get cluttered amongst the 'day to day'. Now is the time to calibrate that to deeper motivations and desires. After the big, "who am I?" the "what am I here for?" is the all time favorite question asked by seekers. The moon aspects both Mercury and Uranus giving us ability to give and receive communication of a transformative nature.
Horoscope for Aries (November 3 2005)
Talks will lead to resolution, so clear up whatever you can today. Be concise and don't let anyone put words in your mouth. Your strong convictions will attract someone who can make an interesting partner.
Considerable credit **
Valid during several months: You should formulate objectives for long-range
efforts at this time. Find out what you want to change about yourself and
your world and get to work on those changes. The energy you have now will
allow you to keep up a sustained effort for a long time. At work you may be
given an opportunity to wield more power and thereby be more effective personally.
But if you work solely for your own benefit now, you will sow the seeds of
your own undoing later on. You should work for your own good and for the social
good by identifying your own needs with those of society. If you do this,
you will be given considerable credit for what you do. Sometimes this influence
brings an opportunity to understand your motivations and to operate from this
new understanding.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars Trine Pluto exact at 19:10
activity period from end of August 2005 until middle of January 2006.
Personal growth **
Valid during several months: This will be a time of new activities and new
encounters, some quite unexpected, that will generate both excitement and
personal growth. You are not satisfied with your daily routine under this
influence, which signifies a time when you can break away from the routine
and introduce into your life fresh elements that will keep you alive psychologically.
As a consequence of all this, you can do quite extraordinary things under
this influence. In whatever you do, you will have the chance to show off aspects
of yourself that others may not have known you had. You may not have known
about them yourself. Consequently this is a time of personal growth and self-discovery
that can be quite significant in your psychological development, as well as
being positively exciting and interesting.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Mars Trine Uranus
activity period from end of August 2005 until middle of January 2006.
Eager for input
Valid during several weeks: Today, you are more in touch with your feelings
than usual, and you show greater emotional sensitivity in your interactions
with others. It may be good to talk about your feelings with someone today.
This feeling quality makes you a good listener. You are eager for input, and
you would much rather listen to others than have to take the initiative yourself
to start a conversation or make the connection that brings you together. When
others talk to you, they will perceive your interest, sympathy and concern.
They will realize that you aren't playing ego games with them.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Mercury Trine Moon
activity period from 2 November 2005 until middle of December 2005.
A painful sting ***
Valid during many months: There could well be a very painful argument if you
react in an unconsidered manner during this time. Without warning one word
leads to another until you suddenly show yourself to be hard and hostile in
order to cover up one of your own weaknesses. In this way you can hurt your
partner, a friend, or someone else to whom you are close, so that you greatly
reproach yourself afterwards.
This person will probably ask, directly or indirectly, for your sympathy.
Unfortunately, in such a way that you are reminded of one of your own hurts
a situation in which you had to rely on the sympathy of others. At that
time your appeals were rejected or you were belittled, and for that reason
you now thoughtlessly refuse to help, even if you are normally a considerate
and sympathetic person.
As your own experience probably took place in the distant past, you have forgotten or suppressed it because it was too painful or shameful. For this reason there is a danger that your reaction - presumably unintentionally - will go unnoticed by you or you will only become aware of it when the other person has already been alienated. It could be too late then, and such wounds are often hard to make good.
That is why it is important during this time to be careful during all interactions with people who are close to you. Pay attention when you feel a painful sting. If you remain aware of your feelings and reactions during all personal contacts, you will certainly recognize the situation described above - perhaps even before it occurs. Then you can show the other person the sympathy that you once so urgently needed yourself. In this way, you will not only prevent a distinct rift in your relationship with this person, you will also recognize your own wound.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Chiron Square Sun
activity period from middle of January 2005 until end of November 2005.
You may try to run headstrong into the obstacle currently appearing in your life. Often you can power your way through resistance, and you are awe-inspiring when this tactic works. Now, however, an impulsive attack is foolhardy and even frustrating. Stop pushing so hard and try to understand what this situation can teach you.