2nd, 2005 |
i couldn't resist sucking up more
info today!
i'm making so many connections, it's amazing!
even down to my love of going to the train tracks and trains!
i'm just...flabberghasted!
in one hour i leave to go see quintron.
i've made a bath and will get ready while 1/2 watching ANTM.
my brain is whirling about zero point.
civil rights for human beings
with all the respect being paid to rosa parks today, at her funeral, for standing
up for the rights of african makes me want to say:
i cannot wait for this same respect to be paid to homosexuals who are still "sitting in the back of the bus" in regards to their rights to legally marry and all the benefits and rights and social standing that comes with that, in the eyes of society.
and women who are also "still sitting on the back of the bus" in regards to just about everything all over the world.
and for all the women and children who are being sold into sexual slavery all over the world right now (including over 200,000 american children) which is a 50 billion dollar a year industry!
we have such a long way to go. keep
on going!
Ancient Egypt Link with Australia
very interesting!
For sale: Britain’s underground city,,2087-1849406,00.html
oh fuck it , i'm never going to make it outside.
i got my new debit card. woo hoo!
now i can buy stuff like a normal person again :)
it's frickin WONDERFUL outside! it's 68 degrees and PERFECT!
arrrgh. now i am torn between working on the box and documenting it's contents
and going outside for a walk on one of the nicest days left of the year! aaaaiieeeee.
i think i'm going to have to go outside. it's too damn nice out.
i forget it gets dark out so quickly now, too, tho. there is only about 2
hours left of daylight.
that sucks because i need to eat and take a bath before i go outside.
ok, i'm going to make myself a fried egg sandwhich.
and then get the heck outside.
maybe i'll skip the bath part and take one once i get back in.
i'm getting laundry and dishes done, too.
and i desperately need to clean the kitchen a bit.
going through the box of momentos and taking pictures of things so i can remember them that way and also show you, as well, before i get rid of them (might just mail them to random people or something...or sell it...or something...i may make "package deals" of various things for $15 a piece, perhaps..if you see something you want, make me an offer)
then my camera ran out of batteries
and i can't get the compartment open that holds the batteries, something spilled
on that side (a coke?) and it's stuck, so now i have to go to the little store
for some rubbing alcohol to help me pry it open. (i use rubbing alcohol and
a q tip to try to dissolve it around the edges so i can open it. bah.)
i need to get dog food and more cokes anyway.
then i'll be back to take more pictures of the stuff in the box.
oh i do remember one tidbit of my
dream which was not bad.
something told me that the world "jew" literally meant "time".
that is was not actually meant to mean a race or religion but time itself.
so i looked up the etymology of jew and here is a page:
and then, again, this circumcision
thing. but now it's "cicumcision of the heart"
and what does THAT mean?
"Circumcision is that of the
heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter."
Romans 2:29
??? not in the letter? wtf does that mean?
well, here:
i don't think i can think about that
anymore today.
still seeing triple numbers and 11:11am.
saw 555 and then just now, obviously , 11:11am :)
yay :)
inspired by bayarts
i signed up for:
Nation Novel Writing Month
where you write a novel of 50,000 words from nov 1st til nov 30th!
go there for details!
and with this cool word meter thing
words currently written 831. goal: 50,000
(so i've only written 384 words out of 50,000 so far...which means i must
write 1,750 words per day from now on in order to reach the deadline! yikes!
well, it's worth a try!)
i was going to call my novel "mediatrix" and then i realized what i was writing was pretty much babble so i decided to call it babel, after the city which was supposed to be a gateway to god (and then god got pissed off about that and destroyed it and made the people constructing it , all of a sudden, speak in many languages so that they could not communicate with one another to effectively rebuild it) but i found out there are already many books named babel so i decided to spell it backwards "lebab" and googled that and found it it is a hebrew word:
"The word translated "heart" is the Hebrew word "lebab (lay-bawb)" which means the inner man, mind, will, understanding, resolution and determination."
how cool is that?
it's sunny and around 50 degrees.
i woke up at 9:30am with a headache from bad dreams not worth mentioning.
if only my enthusiasm and progress could get over into my dream state. it's
exhausting to wake up from bad dreams and then get out of that state and back
into happiness of some sort. but i do it.
listening to human league's "dare"
jim walsh, a local music critic from city pages emailed me and asked me what my favourite song was right now and why. and i thought of saying broadcast's "black cat" or animal collective's "leaf house" but then i picked imogen heap's "hide and seek" and i said because it was "breathtakingly beautiful and made my heart achingly swirl"
then i wrote some more in my "novel", which i have NO idea what it will be.
tonight at 8pm jason and i are leaving
to go see the band Quintron at 7th st entry.
and tomorrow we are seeing broadcast at triple rock.
i hope i don't get overstimulated.
also, i am not going to drink, which will be hard.
but jason and i have made a no drinking pact. no drinking for either of us for our physical and mental health. although we will have some champagne on new years.
jason is making progress on his running. he is also doing weight watchers and signed up for a yoga class.
me, i'm not doing a damn thing physically,
but i sure as heck am doing a lot mentally!
but i need to get some physical in there for balance.
i was looking up info on kundalini awakening last night. i really want to
experience that. but the more i read about it the more i realized maybe i
am not ready for something like that. but at the same time, i think hell ya,
bring it on.
i found out the kundalini is considered to be female and rests at the base
of the spine coiled 3 1/2 times. why 3 and 1/2 i do not know.
i guess everyone's experience of kundalini awakening is different. but there
was a lot of shaking and trembling and speaking in tongues and hearing voices
and seeing visions and just all sorts of massive upheaval in every way both
physically and mentally.
the shaking and trembling and buzzing and swirling and laughing or crying
hysterically and hearing voices part does not appeal to me. i just want to
energy moving up my spine and visions :)
well, i do hope it happens to me
before i die because it sounds like an amaizng experience.
but i have enough to do this month already.
Horoscope for Aries (November 2 2005)
Take a chance on love as well as on something that you've wanted to do for a long time. A residential move or just a few changes can make your personal life better. Lifestyle change will lead to a much better future.
Bad for diets
This influence makes you inclined to excessive indulgence, but it also indicates
great pleasure, joy and satisfaction, if you have the sense not to overdo.
You are certainly not going to feel driven by ambition and the desire to conquer
the world. You will want to sit around and take it easy or go out and buy
some expensive, luxurious toy. This is certainly not the day to go shopping
if saving money is your object, because you will buy them, even against your
practical common sense. Perhaps your worst trouble will result from overeating.
A certain aspect of this influence signifies heavy, rich, sweet foods. A bad
day for diets! You also may drink to excess, leaving tomorrow for recovery.
This much must be said: you will enjoy doing it, and that is not all bad.
You may have to face the consequences of your desires today. From a positive perspective this can deepen a relationship, allowing you to grow more intimate with another person. It can be erotic, emotional or philosophical and, in any case, it's about going further than you've been before. Difficulties arise if you try to zoom through things without being held accountable. Make the most of this time by slowing down to address the softer side of the story.
Wednesday the moon is -void of course- for much of the day. Meaning it doesn't aspect any bodies in the sky, it can be a bit frustrating if you're trying to close a deal but great if you're just absorbing reality without a hypothesis. Mid-day PST the Sun and Saturn are square so the sting could be in the air of physical pains that need addressing or contractual, financial plans that need attention. Avoid acting rashly, lots of times in the discovery of what seems like a daunting problem the first reaction is best to breath and survey.