1st, 2005 |
nope, i'm still on a huge role of
so i googled 444 resurrection and was taken here:
flip me out the door, there is the merkaba again. and thot (who is the maker
of the grid)
and just everything....
also i had a huge realization about women.
i was thinking about the word "mediatrix" again and the meaning
of that and how i seem to be shown over and over again that i am a portal
or a gateway or a door, or this power lies within me (and within us all).
how i synthesize and connect things and make a bridge between opposites. that
they meet in me.
and i was brought to this page:
about the virgin mary who is the
mother of god (which my name, ana, means by the way, mother of god)
and also how something called anna has something to do with TIME.
and then it hit me!
all women are this. we all have the capabilities in our physical bodies to
UNIFY the spiritual and the physical.
we are the very VESSEL for which this transformation/union takes place!
as we unify and synthesize souls to physical bodies within our body and then
the finished product (humans) are brought through our gateways, portals into
the physical world and into time.
freak me out.
talk about mediatrix!
our bodies are like an inverse merkaba....instead of turning physical bodies
into light, we take light (souls) and synthesize it into the physical realm
of time! we are a gateway TO earth, but we connect and unify the spirit world
wth the physical world.
now why this whole "virgin"
thing came into such huge importance is still a mystery to me.
and i know once i figure that out, the whole reason why women are treated
like such crap (and that we also allow this) will be understood more completely
by me.
i know it just has to do with disconnection.
the disconnection the man feels since he is not a gateway in THIS way.
and so he has put women into the category of "purely earth" (the
body), man into the category of purely "sky" (the mind). and this
disconeection between the body and the mind is fucking things up bad in more
ways than one.
people in medicine are figuring this out now. but we still aren't able to
make that leap in mass consciousness to apply this to society, as a whole.
how we treat women, animals, the earth...anything that is of "the body"
is unclean.
but IRONICALLY it is "man"
who is projecting his own feels of "uncleanseliness" upon the
is the man who feels "dirty" because who is the only person who
can make a "virgin" be "unclean"? a man touching her.
so it really is the woman who is seen as pure and the man sees himself as
evil. and then he projects this onto her.
just as we do not want to take on
the responsibility and power for our own alchemic process (from spirit to
physical..and then physical to spirit....but in actuality it is not black
and white like that but still a UNION og the physical and spiritual but just
at a higher VIBRATION)..and we "make jesus do it".
so do we throw all of "physicality" onto women and make "them
deal with it" while men go about dealing with their more "advanced"
projects of "the mind".
this is shown in great clarity in the 1935 movie "the raven" featuring
bela legosi and boris karloff.
where bela plays a man who is obessed wth making edgar allen poe's torture
devices come true...
and then he falls in "lust" with a beautiful woman who he must them
"own or destroy". because if he cannot own her or destroy her, she
will destract him from his "very important work" of making torture
anyway, that movie is FULL of great symbology about this.
remember that mary did NOT conceive
"the sun of god" without the help of a PARTNER (an angel or the
holy spirit or whatever it was that came down and impregnated her). she didn't
just do it all on her own.
but because she did it (theoretically or symbolically) without a human
this why man sees himself as "dirty"? maybe even "worthless"?
is he jealous of this angel or holy spirit which "took his place"
in the creation of a being and so by that rendered him "useless"
in the act of creation and not fit to "make a god"?
and so he is taking this jealousy and envy and hurt pride out on the woman?
again, i think this goes back to
the fact that man does NOT want to take responsibility for his part in the
act of creation. he both wants to create a being (robots, technology, cloning),
and wants to dominate this being, and also does not want to take ANY responsibility
for ANY of it (unless he can dominate it).
i think this fear of responsibility man has for his part in the act of creation
and his unwillingness to take on the responsibilities of that are what is
causing all this nonsense.
man does not want to take responsibility so he makes up the myth that he had
NOTHING to do with the "birth of jesus, the sun of god"...and in
that very act chops the head from the body, and disempowers himself which
leads him nowhere except to a place where his own body alienates him, as if
it were some separate entity from himself.
but instead of unifying his body and mind and taking responsibility for his
power in creation, he projects all of this onto the woman and tries to control
HER body.
it's completely ridiculous.
anyway. these are my thoughts on
this today.
and will change hourly and daily, as i am always evolving this theory.
yes, i have been procrastinating
by researching "the endless knot"
also the platonic solids, the star tetrahedron and metron's cube!
google any of those and it will take you to interesting places :)
also...i think i finally understand the meaning of christ on the cross, whose
meaning has always seemed to me to be ridiculous, pointless, and absolutely
and i think it still IS all of those things, except for that i have realized that it is a watered down and twisted version of ALCHEMY!
(it hit me like a ton of bricks
when i saw a symbol for alchemy that had the snake on T shaped cross which
is a symbol for alchemy and also the basis for the symbol for the medical
profession..and then i realized the tree of life, the cross of jesus, the
merkaba, the kundalini, and all of it fit together like pieces of a puzzle
into one thing!)
the cross is really the tree of life of the kabbalah and many other teachings.
and christ's crucifixion (ha, i wrote it 1st as cruci-FICTION...perfect!)
and resurrection are simply symbols of the alchemic process, which throughout
the thousands of years, has been completely twisted and watered down to keep
that essential piece of knowledge from the masses and instead used to disempower
it's just so cool how all the pieces of the puzzle keep coming together for me lately and how i keep seeing triple numbers (especially 444 which i found out today is a resurrection number...but i don't know why yet) and 11:11.
and i have always thought that when
i see triple numbers like that it means i am "on my path".
well, i ran inot a site today about seeing triple numbers and it said EXACTLY
that...that it was the universe's way of telling us "we are on our path"
if we keep seeing them.
really really cool!
even if all of this is bulshit, it's still very INTERESTING that others are
thinking along the same lines as i am.
and it's all so weird how i saw hexagon
fabric swirling though my room, as a child, before i would go to sleep.
and i intuitively, the other day, googled "hexagon fabric of space time"
which brought me to all of these places and all the geometry i am seeing in
my head all of the time is meaning exactly what i FELT it meant, but didn't
know how to APPLY it to anything.
i see/feel the patterns in the earth and how these fit with the fabric of
space/time which circles the planet.
i have run into diagrams on the net to all of this exactly! and now am finally
finding ways that i can apply my knowledge to help the earth and myself through
these "shifting times".
it's just really really exciting
to see what i have been seeing and feeling drawn out inot diagrams with explanations
confirming my intuition.
and it's so cool how my dreams of the hebrew letter chet, the tree of life
and tiferet, my dia-monde dream which is the rune ingwaz, all of these things....lead
me to the same places...a portal, a gateway, a bridging between 2 worlds,
a synthesizing and harmonizing of opposites, and time travel.
over and over again these themes are presented to me in various forms through
my dreams and intuition.
it's really exciting! (oh, and medusa!)
(also snakes, eggs, mirrors, and chalices, kings/queens, eyes, scissors, spoons,
orbs, ufos continue to be themes of mine)
and it seems that whatever i watch lately reflects this as well, whether is
is watching all the cremaster movies, or seeing the movies cube and hypercube.
and then the whole tie in with saturn and the swastika and what is happening
in our world now and how these events tie in with the past and all this ancient
knowledge andhow this knowledge is being used for "bad" not "good".
and how i can see now how all these symbols, any symbol, can be used for either
dark or light.
and how if you are missing a piece of the puzzle, the "ship" will
not run.
like christ on the cross. the symbol
of so so so soooo wrong.
i knew it had to mean SOMETHING because it is such a powerful symbol and it
plays itself out in so many ways all over the place not just in christianity
but in other religions and , it's just a common theme which seems to resonate
with an awful lot of people. the whole "martyr thing".
but martyr-DUMB is what happens when
we become FIXated on the cruci-FICTION.
and we are missing huge pieces of the puzzle which make is unlightened and
so then disempowered.
but we have done this to ourselves because we were scared to take the plunge
and realize how powerful we really are and what we are capable of. and so,
instead of taking responsibility for that...we turned it into a cross for
JESUS to bear and weigh him we were symbollically weighing ourselves
down to the material world only by choosing to bear a physical cross of suffering.
we were scared of the responsibility of the alchemic process within ourselves.
we fear change.
so we made jesus , symbollically, do all the work so we didn't have to.
(which is a cop out and doesn't work, obviously)
and we twisted the story around in so many disempowering ways.
whether or not jesus actually existed
doesn't matter.
what matters if the story and what this story tells.
and it matters now that this story be restored to it's original meaning.
that we are ALL meant to be beings of light, SUNS of god.
and i know i am maybe making a far
stretch here that sounds like i am tripping on acid or stoned or something
(which i am not) but it was very funny to me the other day when i, for the
billionth time, as all of us have at one time or another, realized that the
opposite of god is dog.
and this is funny because of many reasons. #1 men, when they are not being
their enlightened selves and they are being purely only physical...we call
them DOGS.
woman are "treated like dogs" when we remain purely in the physical.
so dog IS the opposite of god.
but then this is contradictory because dogs are some of the most enlightened beings on this planet!
and so through this new piece of
the puzzle, and a big piece of the puzzle i got the other day when i watched
the documentary "the famine within" (which is too much to go into
right now, for me, but i think everyone should see that!)
i am seeing now why women are "treated like dogs" and men are "dogs"
and how the snake is really the kundalini energy moving up the spine to the
apple of enlightenment and how this got turned into a bad thing and women
were eternally blamed for casting all of humanity from "the garden of
eden" into a world of suffering...and how it shouldn't be that way at
all and that's just not at all the way it is supposed to be. the story of
the garden of eden is also massively edited, flawed and twisted in order to
disempower us. but we did it to ourselves and that is madness!
so....with this "airy fairy stoner" entry i will try to rip myself
away from the computer now and go work on the mundane tasks i need to do around
my apartment :)
it's bizarre that it is already november!
i have a feeling it's going to be another unusually warm winter here (global
it seems like each year we get less and less snow. unusually warm means above
freezing. not, as in, actually WARM :)
it was cold in my house this morning. i woke up at 8am and turned on my oven
and by the time i got up (11:11am) it was toasty warm. now i actually have
a window open.
i need to kick some ass today and get more done in the thing room.
more throwing away of things and sorting, and i wish i had the spirit to tackle
my taxes more, i just have to do it even if it's painful. now it's down to
i have to categorize the months into things like "food", "clothing"
"art supplies", etc) and that is sooooooo borrrrrrring toooo doooooooo.
but if i don't do it, i am going to be paying my accountant a freakng fortune
to do it, and this is already going to cost me a freaking fortune the way
it is because there are so many years to be done.
what i WANT to do today is go for
a walk and take pictures and also start working on my photo for the 12 babes
of xmas. but i have a month to get that done.
i just have to , for the sake of my sanity, keep going with the thing room
and getting rid of things and doing the taxes thing because , as i said, i
WILL be done with it by the end of this year. i have to just keep going. i
have to push myself and not give up. i will not have any of this hanging over
my head for even one second of 2006.
and then i can dedicate 2006 entirely to creativity and not taxes, sorting through my stuff, or getting retraining orders on mothers. 2005 was a heavy year and i'm through with that now.
just these last few ends to tie up.
Tuesday is the kNEW MOON! After this cocoon of introspection, detection, and for some emotional infection it's welcome to have a fresh start. Scorpio represents the depths, deep personal and social motivations. As we ride this waxing moon for a fortnight we have the ability to make those adjustments internally that we've been pondering. It's a 'grand cross', that is a 90-degree angle of Mars, Saturn, Neptune and the Sun/Moon. What we do and also what we don't do will have influence for the next few cycles. Don't apply the pressure of success/failure to attempts of evolution; trust that even identifying the need for the change is in itself part of the process. It's a great window to express deep feelings that other times you can't, grace from the depths is on your side.
Horoscope for Aries (November 1 2005)
Your financial situation will change swiftly, so keep a close eye on what's happening with any money venture that you may be involved with. Your goals can be reached today if you state exactly what you need.
Needless conflict
Today you will display a great deal of energy in your dealings with other
people. However, the problem lies in how you use that energy, for you may
try to dominate others. Or you may encounter others who try to dominate you.
Do not be so concerned with your own desires that your actions are out of
harmony with the people around you. Do not be so willful that you actually
get in the way of your own intentions. This influence can help you, because
it enables you to make your mark on the people around you, so that they accept
you and let you lead or help lead them. But you must be sure that you are
right and that others really are willing to accept your leadership. Otherwise
you will only create needless conflict that will bring you nothing.
It isn't only about what you say today; it's also about what you do not say. This New Moon activates your passions, but it's a luxury if you actually get to speak them out loud. Your feelings may not easily integrate into your life, so you must make a conscious choice regarding what is critical enough to share.