28th, 2005 |
just got home.
man, cremaster
1 was a weird
i'm glad there is someone out there making something that damn weird.
tomorrow i'll be seeing cremaster 2 and 3. and it'll be an all day long thing.
1pm we leave (because jason wants to buy some new running shoes 1st), 3pm
it starts, and then it's over 4 hours long with an intermission in between.
so... cremaster cremaster cremaster all day long tomorrow and into the night.
i have so much to tell you about
what was in the box.
and then so much about the film.
and then jason bought the new animal collective cd and 2 broadcast cds which
totally ROCK.
and so i am full of so many things now but no time to tell you about them!
it will just have to cook in me until it's a soup and then i will serve it
to you later and text and word form :)
oh! and i found my id and debit card!
but i already cancelled the debit card so that sucks, but i'll get a new one
soon. i tried to write a cheque at SA and it was declined. i have NO idea
what that is about.
i never write cheques and there is no logical reason i can see for it being
declined. grrr.
wow, that box i went through was
so full of memories i just about got sucked into it and never came back!
now i can't even write about it because i'm going to the film.
i'll be back soon :)
oh yay, i found an old ID of mine
so now i don't have to bring in a birth certificate and all that.
kick ass :)
things in my house to tackle
(except for the fried egg sandwhich and the pookadog)
with explanations on the photos:
today feels a lot more normal. thank
it's nice and sunny out, too.
did i tell u my rent is going up by 60 bucks as of jan 1st? i might have,
but in any case i just want to bitch about that again. farg. so my rent will
be 1045 instead of 985. just going over that 1,000 mark makes it all the more
psychologically worse.
i also lost my state ID and my debit card. yesterday i cancelled the debit
card. and now i have to go through more boxes of paper stuff in my house to
find my birth certificate and social security card or something so that i
can get another ID.
fargity farg farg.
i didn't like the photo on my old one anyway. i had brown hair and i looked
like a dork.
so me cancelling my old debit card will automatically stop my subscriptions
to live365, unknowncountry.com, and coasttocoastam.
although all of those are very cheap. i think live365 is 9.95, unknowncountry
is 4 or 5 buvks a month, and coasttocoastam is only 7 bucks a month.
but i do use them all the time, although live365 not as much anymore so i
might not renew that one.
i think that is all i had subscriptions to.
i don't subscribe to deviantart anymore because i find the people running
the place to be very unhelpful.
it's 55 degrees out, i should get out for a walk and clear my soul.
not much time left to see any leaves either.
i don't remember much of my dreams at all.
it's weird not remembering them. every since i started prozac i cannot remember
my dreams as much and that is odd because i have never had that "side
effect" before.
in fact, prozac used to make me talk in my sleep and i would wake myself up
by my talking. but so far that has not happened.
i keep seeing a lot of triple numbers lately, especially 444.
right now it's 1:11pm.
i think i'll go make myself some eggs now and then..
i don't know. see if there is anything more i can get rid of and look for
my birth certificate and soc sec card, although i think it's in a very heavy
box at the very top of my shelf so i don't know if i will manage to get that
down until jason comes home.
and then at 6:30pm we are leaving
to go see the film "cremaster 1"
they are playing all the cremaster films in order at the walker this weekend.
they are by mathew barney who is bjork's boyfriend or husband. i know they
have a child together and live together.
tonight's is short, like 40 minutes. but then tomorrow they are showing 2
in a row and it's over 4 hours long! gah!
and then on sunday 2 more but that will be a shorter length, i can't remember
how long but something way more reasonable.
Friday we're still riding this wave, if you've got you're shit together you may want to take your shovel over to someone less fortunate. It's so much easier to deal with someone else's trivial-valuables. Venus and Pluto are conjunct today and it's a flavor that will stick around for the week. Pluto used to be linked to Persephone until the Romans grabbed it. Think of that the beauty and moral strength of her story. Persephone was willing to go into the underworld to bring the cycles back into balance, shedding everything! Now that energy mixed with Venus gives us a window to see that deep dark parts of ourselves and community in a compassionate light. In this vision we can see real and lasting opportunities in what on the surface look like blockages.
Horoscope for Aries (October 28 2005)
Take advantage of an investment opportunity by joining forces with someone you respect. Uncertainty will lead to loss. Be firm and act on your first impulse if you want to get ahead.
In a big wayYou may feel distance from someone you love, but it doesn't diminish the intensity of your attraction. Be careful about converting the separation -- whether geographical or emotional -- into protective walls, for they won't make you more secure. You'll only feel more alone if you act out of fear.
Valid during several days: This is an extremely exuberant influence, which
inclines you to do everything in a big way. Your energy level is high, and
you are ambitious in everything that you do. You have a great need to expend
physical energy, but be careful not to act recklessly. Discipline and restraint
are necessary, no matter what you do.
Do not overestimate your abilities, either to yourself or to others. You are
capable of doing quite a bit under this influence, so you don't have to exaggerate.
It is especially important not to kid yourself about your abilities, however,
because you will genuinely try to do the impossible and quite possibly exhaust
yourself in the process. For the same reason, don't take unnecessary chances.
The feeling of omnipotence that this influence confers is not real, at least
not to the extent that you feel it.
Sometimes this influence can signify a conflict with another in which you try to break away from the other's restrictions. It is difficult to say in general whether your estimate of the facts is accurate, that is, whether the other person is really demanding too much or restricting you too much. Therefore you must examine the issue very carefully before you act. You have a great need to be self-assertive at this time, but be sure to reserve it for a situation in which it can be constructive. Avoid acting upon impulse. It could get you into needless trouble.
On the other hand, this influence also confers real courage. The difference between courage and foolhardiness is simple self- knowledge, which you must have in order to make this influence work out positively. If you are cool and collected in what you do, this can be a time of considerable triumph as you overcome obstacles and accomplish deeds that you usually would feel incapable of. If you have to stand up for yourself, you can, and in a way that makes further dealings with your opponents constructive rather than destructive. But this will happen only if you keep your head.
You may feel distance from someone
you love, but it doesn't diminish the intensity of your attraction. Be careful
about converting the separation -- whether geographical or emotional -- into
protective walls, for they won't make you more secure. You'll only feel more
alone if you act out of fear.