october 12th , 2005

i love that 1st pic! pooka gets so excited (they all do!) when i get home :)
but to have pooka's flying capabilities captured on cam! so rare :)
i loves me the pookadog :)


i can see why bruce springsteen has such a following now :)
a better and more thorough review tomorrow :)
but ya, there were moments that were absolutely riveting.

in other news, just to write ti down before i forget,
i woke up with the words "red owl pillar 23" in my head.
it probably mans nothing but it was odd and interesting all the same :)


i moved a ton of pic from floppies onto my harddrive.
i'll try to get a lot of them up for you after i get back from the concert.
i didn't realize also i had saved so many photos from other now defunct cams.
that makes me happy :) very nostalgic :)


i'm still looking for the hundreds and hundreds of photos i have on cd somewhere.
where did i put them?

but i did find the floppy discs and i'm going through them now but it'll take awhile before i get them all on my computer so i can upload them for you :)


today is very grey and rainy.
in 2 hours i am leaving to go see bruce springsteen play a live acoustic set. we have to go really early because i don't even know if we get set seats or what. it's going to be a long line. we already have tickets.
i don't know any of the songs he is going to play, so it will be interesting to hear it all with fresh ears.


Mileva Maric

btw, if you can watch "einstein's wife" (Mileva Maric is her name), then please do WATCH it.
VERY enlightening!!
in fact, the 2 hour pbs special "einstein's big idea" was all very very interesting from a female perspective...
showing the role females had in all that, even if not entirely the truth and still shown in a subservient role, it shed a lot of new light on the quest for knowledge and how females played into that.
that even bugs me how i am saying "females played into that"
like how i was always considered a "woman in rock" (for those who knew me pre-cam etc)
i never could have that review of my music without that "women in rock" or " all female band" prefacing it all.

anyway, einstein's wife had a name....Mileva Maric.

let her story be known.
play it on loudspeakers at full volume (amps on 11 , puh-leez)


Horoscope for Aries (October 12 2005)

You have plenty on your plate, but that's when you do your best work. You will make heads turn. Use your intelligence and personality to enforce your presence as well as your talent.


An opportunity ***
Valid during several days: This influence usually represents a time of optimism and positive thinking in your life. You seem to be at a quiet point of balance that enables you to look over the affairs of your life and get a good perspective on them. Therefore, it is a good time to make long-range plans and to reorganize. You should use this time to gain new perspectives through education or travel or by participating in one of the consciousness raising activities or groups that exist now.
This is a time of psychological and physical equilibrium. If you have recently been ill in either body or mind, this influence will help tremendously with the healing process.

This is also a good time to examine your ideals and your goals, for it may be possible to actualize them in various ways now. At other times there is too much tension in your life or too much resistance from others. If you are involved in any movement for reform, now is a good time to take some positive action. Or you might become more involved in religion or philosophy, because you need to know much that is beyond the apparent order of things.

It is quite possible that you will do nothing during this time, because it gives you a feeling of balance but no drive to do anything in particular. You have an unusual sense of ease and relaxation now. This is also a good time to travel, both for relaxation and for educational reasons.

The important point to remember with this influence is that it is fundamentally an opportunity. You will not feel driven by any energies, nor will you feel any resistance to your efforts to do something. You can make great use of this time, but you have to take the initiative.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Jupiter Trine Jupiter exact at 01:03
activity period from 7 October 2005 to 16 October 2005.


You might feel as if you cannot express yourself now. This is not because you are unclear about your position, nor are you lacking the words. You have a responsibility to a group of people, family or coworkers, and you must squelch your personal point of view for the good of all involved. This is a positive step for you and you will be appreciated for your efforts.