september 21st, 2005

i'm sorry....

you know (if you follow my journal) i just think oprah is the bees knees.
(my obessive tv posts sue me...)
i don't think she is PERFECT. but damn, from where she came from and what she has done with her life and other's live's...pretty damn near.
even on E! true hollywood story they couldn't come up with any dirt on this woman other than "she gains weight and then she loses it..and then on and on ..."oh golly gee, let her fry in hell for that. *snork*
she pretty much does only good and raises money (by the buttload) for more unfortunate people, raises awareness on many important issues (besides her make over shows).
and ya ok, she had an tiff with some clothing store. whatever.
she has done more good that bad , infinitely, and for that, she is an inspiration to me....
people want to hate her because...well, she is just so damn stong yet still so human.
if you hate oprah, you are probably missing some essential strand in your DNA that propels the human species to evolve.

all that aside....
i must say (which is probably the biggest gripe i will ever have with her, and it's a damn shallow and petty gripe at that)
i really detest the remodeling of her set for this season.
yes, this is seriously DUMB to talk about.
but i am hyper.
and i need to type out my nervous energy. by talking about ridiculous things.
i'm fidgeting.

i just don't want oprah to talk to her guests on a set that looks like a cross between the star ship enterprise and american idol.

that's just my selfish little need of her. people tell me how *I* should be all the time, and it aggravates me to no end when they tell me how they feel i should present myself. obviously oprah likes her new set. and it's not about the set but the message. i should shut up.

but i felt compelled, as a total shallow hypocrite, to burst forth here (in my space) and say "why oprah why?" (as some guy aggravatingly told me, the other day, how he felt COMPELLED to tell me to stop bleaching my hair) but i am NOT sending this thing i am typing to oprah, am i? no, i am keeping it in my own journal. ..and therein lies the difference.

the banana yellow couch was perfect how it was. it was cosy yet modern.

if i want a science fiction set i will watch science fiction.

you'd think i'd like the set since i am such a trekkie. (oops sorry, trekkER)
what could be better than a hybrid of star trek and oprah, for a person like me?
it should be MECCA.

still no...i'm sorry, i must shed my salty shallow tears. (i'm not really shedding tears, i'm being overly dramatic for the sake of absurdity).
i'll get used to it. i still love you oprah.

also...side note...i am a huge CSI fan. and then the season premiere of CSI miami was like an episide of MUTANT X.

don't get me wrong, i LOVE mutant X for the schmaltzy factor. believe me, it is the new "land of the lost" (but sexy in an unsexy way).
we will go back in time and remember it with a great fondness as it's so dated before it even before it comes. they are MODELS who are MUTANTS. you just can't get better than that on the kitch factor scale. you know? i have to love it.

but CSI, PLEASE, no, please do not turn into Mutant X, we already have that.

i love you for your information on forensics and montage scenes with aphex twin as you cut open dead bodies under a blue filter.

sigh oh sigh.

i'm rambling....

i'm just rambling is all...
nervous energy....

i just like the only things in life that have some sort of continuity to stay that way.
it's comforting. i don't have much continuity in my life.
but i will adapt (of the BURDEN of it all!)


Current Mood: silly


watching david letterman.
rain pounding.
my television doing their own bit of "revisionist history" (while making fun of it , of course) in the making.

Letterman aligning himself with ed murrow (who? wha?) and "the other" as:
OO, LOOK , it's in wiki, it must be TRUE!
like MY wiki "entry".

if you can't follow this. that's ok.


computer back on.
that was freaky!
the dogs are still under my desk right now (at my feet) and the rain is pounding my window and lightning and thunder every few seconds.
Lost was not shown on regular Tv for the 1st 1/2 an hour, so we missed about 4 minutes, and then they told us what cable chanel it would be on, and so we RAN to jason's and switched it on and watched 1/2 and then "poof" Bewitched was on! which was hilarious for it to be THAT...and so we RAN back to my house and watched the rest of Lost to see Kate and Locke sucked down the rabbit hole (hatch).
and how "serendipitous" to say the LEAST that what i was researching today online (was psychological warfare, more specifically ACOUSTIC warfare, and more specifically THAT i was researching what popular songs had been used as a weapon (for example, barney the purple dinosaurs's theme song was played 24/7 for torture:
and at WACO they played nancy sinatra's "these boots are made for walking", and many other things.

just recently they used her dad, frank, for the experiment, or actually excerise, in crowd control, new orleans.:,1282,68732,00.html)

showed up at the end of the season premiere of Lost!
"random" nonsensical pop songs being used as acoustic warfare.
also serendipty used as..well..serendipity!

so my entire focus of today...wrapped up in a tv show!
and it's always some really specific thing.
it's not like "oo, i'm thinking about women's right's and then oo, look a show on women's rights! i must be "PSYCHIC"
it's always VERY specific.

i don't think most people on the internet wake up and say "i think i will learn about acoustic warfare today!, most specifically pop songs being used as psychological warfare! ya! and hey? did britney spears have a boy or a girl?"

maybe i am wrong on that....

anyway, there it was at the end of Lost. and at the beginning of "invasion". the seriously HORRIBLE cheesy propganda made for tv movie which has a hurricane (surprise!) and weather manipulated as a weapon (surprise!), and of COURSE, it's the fat beer drinking stupidhead that "knows" that all of this is propoganda. but hey, he's STONED and has a fake BLOG already. so let's just make this into an entire JOKE.
(with fake blog entries and fake "replies")

weather as a weapon? who's ever heard of tesla?
wtf? on no....
quick....get it on tv....make lots of references to beer.....
discredit discredit.

i don't have words..

it's ok. whatever. i know i seem like a nut.

it's meant to be that way.


i'm going to turn off my computer for a bit because of this storm....


to add to the feeling of apocalyptic doom, there are the air raid sirens going off right now to tell us of severe weather. the sky is swirling with doomsday looking clouds and incredible lightning and hot wind whooshing by.
i'm afrid the electricity might go out at some point...the lights are flickering.
i just hope the electricity will stay on from 8pm to 9pm! because i want to see Lost!
although right now on tv all they are doing is interrupting to give us weather updates.

tornado warning...eeeek.

jason is shutting all my windows and the dogs are swirling, too.
gonna go now...


gearing up for the season premiere of Lost!

i took in so much information today.


it really really sucks that a lot of these websites that i find that have tons of cool weird information on them are almost always completely homophobic as well. it's such a bummer!


ok, now i've found the georgia guidestones, which is really creepy.
commissioned by a mysterious man by the psyeudonum of R.C. Christian.
which is most likely after Christian Rosenkreutz who wrote "the chemical wedding" and was the founder of the Rosicrucian Order.
ya, just look into that.
seriously freaky.

You can find the "Guide Stones" by going to Rt. 77, just 7 miles south of Hartwell Lake and 7 miles North of Elberton in Elbert County, Georgia

In order to stabilize world population,
we must eliminate 350,000 per day.
- Dr. Jacques Cousteau

and then look into "project falling star"


today i have been reading more about bohemian grove, molech, and then that led me to psychological warfare, nonlethal weapons, acoustic warfare, psycho-correction' device, and the first earth battalian, and a book named "men who stare at goats"
i don't have all the links i went to. but there are some. google those words and you'll find the weirdest stuff.

and really you should look at this old bohemian grove book.



Your Horoscope for September 21 , 2005

Think about the consequences before you make a move that is questionable. Partnership problems can be resolved. You are thinking in extremes, and that will backfire in the long term.


Your adversaries may have a tough
time of it in the coming days. I bet their schemes will backfire, their bad hair days will be frequent, their ignorance will be glaringly visible, and the trouble
they've caused will be punished. How should you react? You're
allowed exactly one hour of gloating. Anything more will put you at
risk of becoming more like them, which would be costly. In fact, I urge you to take this opportunity to disengage from them completely. Summon as much love and forgiveness as you can, beam it their way, and then do all you can to free yourself forever of their hold on your emotions and their influence on your actions.


A "lucky" influence
This is a pleasant time that is good for all relationships, but you may not feel especially active. Today you tend to attract circumstances, persons or objects, including money, that can be useful later on. This is a spontaneously "lucky" influence. The quotation marks around "lucky" mean that it is not so much luck that helps you as your attitude of relaxation and willingness to let your life flow without the tension of resistance. Many things are prevented from entering people's lives because they are too tense to let them in. At other times you might unconsciously alienate a potentially helpful person, or you might be too cautious or overlook an opportunity because of tension. This influence helps to prevent such negative states of consciousness.


Although your work is very important today, you still might feel too lazy to get everything finished that is expected of you. If, however, you can figure out a way to have fun or be creative at your job, then you can find energy you didn't know you had. Still, you will need to focus, but feeling good will make it easier.