september 7th, 2005

cute pictures of my dogs and i have a massive headache:

it was good to watch the beginning of lost again. they have so much foreshadowing in it that i missed.

wrote this for a bio the for the

"Ana Voog is an omnisexual minneapolis based multimedia performance artist. at this time she is most known for being the 1st to do a live cam as art, the second in the world to have a cam in the home 24/7, and now is running the longest running homecam on the net (

thee modern grrl is infotainment valu:

Ana Voog BECOMES sexual stereotypes and then blows them up from the inside out hoping that authentic knowledge/power can be gained through total chaos/confusion (or "knowledge through nonsense"). by doing and being what sexual stereotypes are "not supposed to do", she hopes these nonsense roles will be abandoned and new thoughts will spring forth.

now, as she almost reaches age 40, she has been through many "reincarnations" as an artist. 1st as painter and musician was her 11 year journey as singer/songwriter of the all female band The Blue Up? which brought forth 5 records (the 1st which she financed by stripping...and she continued women's rights to be topless with her live shows), 2 major labels...

2nd as "camgirl", photographer/pornographer and writer/documentarian which brought her worldwide recognition from the Museum of Modern Art in NYC, the new york times, A&E, playboy, hardcopy and the list goes on and does one even define it? seriously, this is starting to sound ridiculous, but the ridiculous part is that this is all true! i don't even know how to summarize!

to 3rdly, becoming almost a recluse in north america crocheting avant garde crochet hats and spinning yarn from exotic animals and futuristic textiles. say wha?

4thly, after all this she says, jedi style: "i emerge still a cocoon"
now at the end of her beginning, she starts...just like the paradox she is.

is that enough run on sentences for you? man, i am not even getting started...
and screw punctuation!"


i told her to edit it how she wants. i cannot edit myself. i am completely hopeless at that. i feel like an ass.
how to i condense 40 years into a few paragraphs?
i can't. there is no way.
anyway, so there it is , what i write when under pressure and a few beers.

i'm taking my xanax and going to bed!
i feel like hiding.
"screw punctuation?" is that my "givin' it to tha man CREED for my life summarized? i "screw punctuation?"
people are dying and being raped and murdered but hey... SCREW PUNCTUATION! RAWR!

i just wrote another email to that said "meow?"
how professional am i?
about as professional as hello kitty.
hello kitty with a gun.
but hello kitty is one the the most popular icons of this hey, i'll take it and run with it.
meow indeed.

i either cannot shut up or i say simply "meow?"
what is UP with that?



opening more mail from the p.o. box.
someone sent me keys! ('cause i collect them) and some polished hematite :)
and someone else sent me this HUGE prints of my campix! all arranged very nicely and on really thick expensive photo paper! and it's really big like 3 feet for 4 foot maybe? or maybe 3 feet by 3 feet? wow!
i will out it on my wall and take a photo of it for you!
and someone else sent me $40 with no note! i am amazed!
i have to write back to these people and thank them!

it really brightens my week!

didn't hear anything from nerve but forgot to email them today, again.

i need to write my bio and send a photo to the
ooo, i don't knwo what to write or which picture to submit, but i just have to dive in and do it!


hey, flower, thanks for the fancy "scratch paper" :)

back from the p.o.
my period so bad i bled through my clothes and had to out all my clothes in the wsh when i got home. yuck.
good thing i was wearing black.
i need to take some aspirin. i hurt.

i got my p.o. box back! paid for another year. *whew*

i'm not going to watch the lost episodes tonight so i can watch them with jason when he gets them on netflix.
that way we can watch together and it will be more fun.

so i'm going over to jason's in a few minutes to watch the 1st season from the beginining with him.
(but then running back here at 8pm to see rockstar inxs, how much of a tv junkie am i?
i'm a goner! really pathetic, i know! but it gets my mind off of everything else for a minute)


took sebastian in for his shots. got it done very quickly. he didn't even put up much of a fuss, he's such a good boy :)

went to the p.o. yesterday but my key would not open my box!
so i must not have renewed my box in time :(
so i am going back there today to renew it and hopeully i can get my old box back and not a new one! gah :(
this is such an expensive month.

i have cramps from my period and don't feel like walking much.

i did some investigation today into the sources of this article i posted in my LJ here:
i got it off a friends list and i don't know where he got it.
but after googling i found a number to call to a place this guy is a member of and called it, and indeed this guy is real and the woman writer is his wife is also real.
i actually called the organization and left a message on his voicemail!

and her number is actually in the san francisco phone book.
and there WAS an ems conference in new orleans at that time, as well.
you can read all the updates and sources at that journal entry.

i fwd this info and the story to a local writer from, my local paper here.
and told him if he didn't want to write about it to fwd it to other writers who might.
i think it's a very important story to write about.

there are 2 episodes of lost on tonight!
and jason ordered the 1st few episodes from this 1st season on netflix and he is going to watch a bunch tonight and then order the rest, and then hopefully be caught up so theat he can watch the 2nd season with me that is starting soon!

ow, cramps. ow.
i don't get cramps very often, but right now i have them and owwwww.

i feel really gross and bloaty and i just want to lay low, but there is so much to do...

i made a trade with someone today for this new limited edition katie jane garside dvd!

i traded ana2 for it. i am so happy!
the movie part of the dvd is in PAL format so i will have to find a place here to convert it once i get it.
but yay! katie jane garside movies and new songs from her 4 track with book that comes with and artwork and her handprint!
i'm am REALLY happy! i love her so much :)
sad i didn't get in on the 1st 100 which are signed and numbered.
but at least i am getting one!

ok, i'm going to go to the p.o. now and renew my box.
i'll be back soon.



Your Horoscope for September 7 , 2005

You may have to take care of partnership issues. Don't let any dealings with institutions get put on the back burner. Don't let anyone persuade you to do things you don't feel good about.


Little tolerance
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you should be careful because the energies of this influence are quite discordant and could create trouble in your personal life. The problem is that you are rather emotionally excitable and easily irritated or angered now. With other people you are far less tolerant of individual quirks, and little things irritate you. You may also be in such a contentious mood that no outside aggravation is needed to set you off. Be wary of arguing just for the sake of arguing. But on the other hand, if you feel real anger, you should release the energy; don't hold it in. Your domestic scene may not be very peaceful under this influence, but try to remain calm, no matter how difficult it is. Relations with women may be especially difficult.


Your energy is pretty even-keeled throughout the first part of the day although you may take on too much because you underestimate the workload. The pace of your daily routine, however, will pick up over the next days, and your interest in meeting people and doing new things adds nearly too much to your schedule. Give yourself permission to do a little less.