august 22nd, 2005

now my house it too hot!

for all you back fetishists out there
(is there a fetish for backs? there probably is...)

i just saw the most fuct commercial (what commercial ISN'T fuct?)
it was for summer's eve "feminine wash"
at the end it said "enjoy being a woman"

ya, fuck you "summer's eve"! enjoy being a woman just don't smell like one, right?
so so sad.
the fact that douche's are still even being made is a crime against nature.
did you know that vaginas are self cleansing and NEVER need to be douched?
and that douches actually fuck up the "ph balance" in there?
douches are just a shame device and a way to make more money off of women's shame of their bodies.
i don't know about you, but i like pussy to smell like PUSSY not some fucking air freshener.

another thing that bugs me, while i am on this subject, is scented tampons.
what the fuck?
WHO is going to smell that?
if i stick it way inside my body, how on EARTH is anyone, even me, going to smell a SCENTED TAMPON.
that is STUPID.
why not make scented aspirin or scented q-tips?

that is just as stupid as RIBBED FOR HER PLEASURE condoms.
as if those make the LEAST bit of difference in our lives.
those tiny freaking ribs? puh-leez.

BABIES come out of there and that is pretty painful.
do you think we would like it so much if the inside of our vaginas were SO sensitive we could feel the tiniest little rib on a paper thin condom? i think not.
if we could feel the ribs how do you think we could deal with feeling every HAIR on the babies head coming out of us? i don't think we would survive as a species if this were the case. think about it.

sorry to wreck anyone's boner (*snort*) during all naked all week with my little rant here about useless "feminine" products that piss me off, but golly gee darnit, i hate those commercials!

and oh, for the guys, STOP TAKING or DOING anything to try to enlarge your penises.
just. please. stop. now.
it doesn't work. they are playing into your fear.
and put your money where your MOUTH is, if you catch my drift.

if you spent 1/2 as much time worrying about how to give women orgasms for REAL and less time worrying about the size of your penis, we would ALL be having a LOT more orgasms/pleasure.
so PLEASE, take this information in and get to it!

just a little word to the wise here from one who knows!

this has been ana voog's sex advice column "dr. phil" style (just telling like it is). haha :)

ohmigod, i realize how obnoxious that is yet i still could not resist.

this is what happens when i have a glass of wine.


ah! ok, i am home finally i am trying to be naked on cam and i am FREEZING!
i have actually turned my oven on to 500 degrees to make my house warmer because i am shivering my little asss over here and it's most uncomfortable! i should go put on a big furry hat or something.
it's 57 degrees outside right now.
all of a sudden it's like fall or something. this has been the hottest summer on earth, and boom, totally cold.
when i went for a walk i had to actually wear a sweater! i like it this temperature, tho.
but not to be nude in!
so kind of funny/not funny that the weather would take this turn during all nude all week.
usually august is the hottest month of all!
and my stomache is all puffed out today, too. it's just not fair!



attack of the sideways nipples!


sorry i haven't been on cam much today.
i'll make it up to you tonight :)
i had so many errands to do today!
now i'm going to go for a walk.
more from the rose bath series when i get back :)



the last of summer...

i can't say i was very impressed by figs.
i had the dark ones. i hear there are other kinds.
they weren't bad, they were just kinda "eh".
a very light taste, almost like watermelon but not as sweet.

listening to stereolab's "emperor tomato ketchup"

yes....yes....the nude pix are coming :)

the last six feet under episode last night was SO good, even jason shed a tear and that's saying a lot!

i'm thinking i should get a cake...



click the picture:

(the weird disney cartoon pictures courtesy of j.d. casten :)


ah jae, saved one pic and put it under the bed :)
i lightened it a little:

he says:

"I call this particular frame "sein de lever de soleil avec les chien" or 'Sunrise breast with the dog'. hehe"


bummer, i slept in the nude last night and then went to check on the saved pictures, as i do 1st thing when i wake up evey day, and my aloecam (the software that saves the pictures) stopped saving them. so i didn't capture any. bah!


R.I.P. Robert Moog

excerpts from the article on yahoo:

Robert A. Moog, whose self-named synthesizers turned electric currents into
sound, revolutionizing music in the 1960s and opening the wave that became
electronica, has died. He was 71.

The arrival of the synthesizer came as just as the Beatles and other
musicians started seeking ways to fuse psychedelic-drug experiences with their
art. The Beatles used a Moog synthesizer on their 1969 album "Abbey Road"; a
Moog was used to create an eerie sound on the soundtrack to the 1971 film "A
Clockwork Orange."

"He's like an Einstein of music," Carlini said. "He sees it like, there's a
thought, an idea in the air, and it passes through him. Passing through him,
he's able to build these instruments."

A deliberate man with brushed-back white hair and a breast pocket packed with
pens, Moog drove an aging Toyota painted with a snail, vines and a fish blowing
"When I drive that thing around, people smile at me," he said. "I really feel
I'm enhancing the environment."


i wish i could have met him. he changed my life and the sound of music forever by creating the 1st synthesizers!
and i took 1/2 his last name to make mine, voog!
(although his ryhmes with vogue and mine rhymes with loom)

moog's site:

moog movie:



today is anacam's 8th ana-versary!
and the beginning of "all nude all week!"

welcome new members and old members returning again :)

thank you for supporting my art in it's 8th year :)
i really appreciate it more than i can express in words!

i'm going to do my best to make this week a very exciting week for all of us in celebration of 8 years!
the longest running homecam on the net!

how on earth did i manage to make it this long?
i really don't think i would have ever guessed i would make it 8 years! i really don;t knwo what i thought...i just try to take it day by day and i guess that is the trick.
pretty soon the days add up to 8 years!

this site still has yet to beat how long my band, the blue up?, were together, tho. which was 11 years.

so we still have a ways to go before we get to 11, but we will get there, i think!

at the 11th year i will be 42! which, as hitchhiker's of the galaxy know, is the answer to "life, the universe, and everything!"

that will be the year anacam opens up like a lotus flower and reveals all new secrets :)

if anyone has any questions on how this muthaship works, just be sure to give me a hollar. it's a pretty vast place by now and i'm pretty sure that, even i, have forgotten about a few rooms and hidden closets!

i'm in the process now (thanks to my boyfriend jason) of moving this mutha over to a new and cheaper server with even MORE space, so i am hoping with that i can get back to make more video and sound content for ana2 as i will have ROOM for it. and i am REALLY excited about that! but it'll be a few more days before that can happen and we have the kinks worked out.

it's time for sleepytime now and CSI (in the nude!)



Mutual reinforcement
Valid during many months: This influence indicates a time of equilibrium in your life, when the demands of the world are in balance with your emotional needs. Emotional maturity and past experiences have prepared you for this, and now you can put your understanding to work to make your life run more smoothly. Tensions that in the past have seemed to pull you in opposite directions are now working in balance and harmony.
At this time your emotional attitude is sober. Your mental state is relatively quiet, and you can see objectively what is true for you, what your needs are and how much you can give and get from others. Your domestic life and your work reinforce each other, and you are able to attend to both without sacrificing either.

Now is a good time to take care of any business matters concerning your home and personal life, such as buying or selling real estate, making home repairs, reorganizing your finances and making provisions for the future. On both the psychological and material levels you are unusually well organized, and your plans should work out successfully.

Older people, especially women, may give you great insight and understanding. Your own emotional attitudes are "older" at this time. You take advantage of other people's insights of age.


A voice comes screaming from within, "No! Not yet!" But the truth is Aries, you cannot hold back time. You had your moment in the Sun and now comes the time to let the magical experiences ripen. In the meantime, don't be afraid to show your feelings before the changing tides carry them into the past.


Gossip will make you look bad. The less said and the more action taken, the better. A chance to make a professional change or to improve your health is apparent.