13th, 2005 |
jason found this :) you have to watch
rushing around like crazy cleaning,
unpacking, getting back to the most important emails (likemy dad), and a friend
wants me to write a book about crochet with her and i want to do that and
the sex worker art show wants me to submit something and there is that deadline,
and then i need to send hats and make one more for another boook about crochet,
and i have so many little irons in the fire i am trying to keep on top if
it all.
and i have so many emails to still write back to. i haven't read my friends
list in 5 days. i am so behind on getting up to speed with my friends.
found the cheques people sent me for another poster and cd and that was a
relief to find that because i need the $ and every dollar counts right now.
all i've eaten today is a coke but i am nuking a microwave dinner now.
but in one hour jason and i are going out to some irish festival with his
friend james and so i may not eat much of my tv dinner now so i can have some
irish stew out the festival.
i think the only reason i can even deal to go to a festival right now is because
i am still on overdrive and i haven't been able to properly calm down and
relax yet.
but at least i have 1/2 unpacked and made things so that i can get to them
and i did laundry, dishes, took out trash,
found my bills (at least i know where they are even tho i cannot pay them
i really want to submit something for this sex worker art show. i don't knwo
how to get my brain organized enough to do anything right now except just
clean and organize.
i haven't even washed my hair in days and so i am going to do that now.
and i have the lamb roast in the oven so i can try my hand at some sort of
lamb stew thing tomorrow.
so it's funny i'll be wanting to find and eat some lamb stew tonight.
ok, off to the bath and to find something to wear outside....
and i'll take some pix for you :)
i weighed myself today and i weighed 103.2!
i am so hyper i am losing weight.
i want to make this
recipe someday.
i think i may try some sort of variation of it.
goat cheese dumplings sound insanely delicious.
more stuff on vegas from other camgirls perspectives:
oh, and i never did teach camgirls
to crochet, even tho many wanted to learn. i just didn't have the time or
i left all my yarn in my room. i didn't even want to pack it.
it was just cheap acrylic yarn i had gotten for free anyway.
maybe one of the housekeepers will be happy to have it and make something
with it :)
renewed my domains. *whew*
i forgot there are 2 cheques i received that i haven't cashed yet. that will
ok, off to clean the house and organize to help to organize my mind.
so i can get back to my life and normalize myself a bit!
getting caught up on everything that
needs getting caught up since i was away.
anacam biz, emails, cleaning, laundry, dishes....sleep.
i still have yet to fully unpack and put everything away.
my house is a mess.
then going to go for a walk at 4pm with jason.
so i am still unwinding, decompressing, processing....
for all the pix from vegas and stories, see past anagrams, as always:
i'm a bit stressed about $ and how
i am going to make ends meet this month as i spent a lot of $ in preparation
for going to vegas and stuff. i need to come up with a solution pronto and
this is really stressing me out.
but at the same time i need to RELAX, but i don't know if i have that luxury.
but before i can relax or do things to make money (crochet stuff, sell stuff,
have another all naked all week? i don't know. all three?) i just need to
UNPACK and CLEAN and just get my house in order before i can do anything else.
and i need to renew my domain names
so, this month has been just ridiculously expensive and i'm freaking about
it. my life is such a mixture of pain and pleasure.
i guess i will renew my domains right this very second because no sense in
waiting. it has to be done.
Horoscope for Aries (August 13 2005)
You will be chatty, which will benefit you when settling issues with loved ones. Your ability to take charge and do what's necessary will be impressive and win you points with friends and family today.
The world as it is
Today feelings of inadequacy or futility may tempt you to avoid direct confrontations
with people and even to take more devious courses of action than usual. The
responsibility for such tactics lies directly on your head, so don't be surprised
if they work against your best interests. It is possible that this influence
will stimulate your innate idealism, which is by no means bad and could produce
a beautiful moment in your life today. But it could also make you want to
reach for unrealizable goals, which is particularly discouraging in view of
the low energies you probably feel. Use your common sense even about ideals,
and above all, deal with the real world as it is, not as you would like it
to be. You can work to make it what you want, but don't assume that it already
Your spirits lift with the Sagittarian Moon, as you fly above whatever the current conflicts are in your life. With Mercury squaring your key planet Mars, however, current predicaments are not going away nor are they being resolved. It's just that you are on a temporary holiday while you are free to visit your own future -- even if it's only in your overactive mind.