july 3rd , 2005


goodnight :) gonna watch csi in bed then go to sleep :)
i saw another wild bunnny rabbit today :)
i don't know why that gives me such a thrill but it does :)


my soup was soooo good! it was good without miso but then i added the brown rice miso and it was even better!
i ate all the yellow squash and most of the green pepper. the rest all went in the blender. it's amazing that all those veggies just turned into this amazing broth and they fit exactly into 2 containers! it's a perfect broth now to add more stuff into or eat as is! now i'm going to stick those in the freezer and make ANOTHER huge soup!
yay! i wish i had bought tupperware sooner! now i can cook all my veggies and none get spoiled!
god, i am sounding like martha stewart or something today! ha :)

i wish i had a big black iron couldron and i could cook gigantic soups over an open flame :)


the flowers, the railroad spikes i found the other day.
the veggie soup i am making thanks to your support!
i was going to add potatoes and string beans, too, but i ran out of room!

i'm going to go for a walk now and let all that simmer :)

i added some fish sauce to it to make it salty, but i don't know if that will be salty enough because i didn't have much. so i guess that is the one thing that does not make this soup absolutely 100% animal free. but it was not much!
so after this has all cooked i think i will add miso :) and then it will be fabulous! i also put in cracked black pepper and toasted sesame oil :)

after it's done cooking i will put garlic and onions and maybe the tomatoes in a blender and then put it back in :)



i bought a TON of amazing food!
yay! so nice to have some money to spend on food! my fridge is all full now!
i even cleaned my fridge before i put the food in.
so it looks so much happier in the fridge now :)
and i bought some carnations for my bedroom and put it in the prosperity corner of my bedroom bagua :)
i haven't bought flowers in so long, they really can make a room feel so much more fresh and alive and cheerful :)
i am going to try my hand at making an all veggie soup!
and then i bought some tupperware things so i can freeze a bunch.
i actually should have bought more because i always make too much soup and i never have had anything to freeze it in before some of it i would always have to throw away.
and i bought some "angel la guarda" 7 day candles.
i will take pictures of everything for you :)
i'm going to go make the veggie soup now and then go for a walk :)


pix from the other day, graffiti on trains from my walk, and treasures bayarts gave me and things she painted and made! and look at the eyes i found on birch trees!

lots to do today. going to get ready to go food shopping now. yay! food shopping!
and then go for a walk after that :)


Horoscope for Aries (July 3 2005)

Do something meaningful yet stimulating today. A short trip will turn out rather well and bring you into contact with someone who has interesting information about someone or something you both have in common.


Good investments
You will have great sensitivity to beauty today and an appreciation of lovely and well-made objects. This is a good day for buying clothing and art objects or for planning to redecorate your home. You have a strong desire to gratify your senses, but not to the point of being compulsive or foolish about spending. If you spend a lot of money on something that you want, the chances are it will be a good investment. In fact the best purchases to make today would be objects that will increase in value as they get older, such as jewelry or antiques. Your relationships should be very positively affected, and you might even start a new romantic interest. This is also a good time to smooth out any difficulties you are having with another person.


It's easy for you to get lost in mind games today as you can find stories within stories and hidden motivations where there aren't any. It may be best to drain off some of that excess mental energy by doing crossword puzzles or some other type of brain-twister. Don't let your cleverness get in the way of more meaningful experiences that are waiting for you if only you ask the right questions.