11th , 2005 |
(oops caps lock)
well, of all the weird palce calcutta is very good for me :) hmmm!
and a really great place for jason is sucre, bolivia!
actually the Best place for me, the
most prosperous (in run along these lines like a latitude line...you just
have to go see it to see what i am talking about.
well, the line which if it fell on LAND would be the greatest place for me
to live ever. but the ENTIRE line is in the OCEAN!
except for this very very tip of a penisula that juts out of alaska.
in fact all the great places for me to live are either smack dab in the middle
of the ocean of places like calcutta or kabul, aghanistan. and i can't really
believe those would be THAT great of places to live for me, you know?
still it's interesting and i want to learn more about it.
i weighed myself today and i weighed
only 105.6 and this is at the end of the day after i had drunk a bunch of
water. so hmm!
i don't feel or look any skinner! but according to the scale i am.
very odd.
it's also gene wilder's birthday today?
relationship astrological readings
holy crap, i spent almost all day at http://www.astro.com doing the partner
they take your chart and their chart and then tell you what strengths/weaknesses/challenges/etc
you will have as a relationship. (the astroclick partner one in the interactive
horoscopes is the one i found to be most accurate probably because it is more
thorough..then click on the red and blue lines in the image to read the details
or the symbols in the 12 houses)
i did jason and i, and then ed and i to see if what i was reading about jason
and i was true because i know if the one of ed and i was true i would have
more discernment since i haven't gone out with him for almost 20 years so
i can look back with not as much emotional investent. well, ed's and mine
were so right on i could hardly believe, what a nightmare of a couple we sure
made. even the positive things it had to say were somehow negative. i sure
as heck wish i would have seen that chart BEFORE i went out with him, not
like it would've done any good. but holy moly how totally right on!
then i had to do my dad and i and that was very interesting and also right
on. and then i did my MOM and i and holy freaking god on a stick was it ever
the most right on thing EVER i was...almost laughing or crying and my eyes
were watering. good grief! so after seeing what a nightmare my relationships
are/were with family and x boyfriends, it was consoling, to say the least,
that jason's and my chart together are quite quite fantastic in comparison!
we have a couple of "challenges" in regards to some ego stuff, dominance
stuff, and seeing each other as we really are(and we know this and are evolving:)...but
other than that our charts together was saying we had this great vibe together
to grow and evolve and communicate and we stimulated each other intellectually
and spiritually and we work well as a team and can achieve greater things
together than apart, and just generally a very harmonious thing! so that is
so nice!
but fucking a the thing with my mom,
i have to copy it all down here for you to read....and for those of you who
have been watching the big mom drama these last few years are probably going
to be going "oh my god how accurate!" too! you should definitely
go to astro.com and do relationship comparison chart things and stuff, and
it's free!
you just have to know time and place of birth for those you want to know about.
i love that site!
i may have to pay for one of their more extensive 30 page readings when i
get the money because i think this place is pretty accurate!
(if you want to see how compatible you and i are together, for kicks, i was born in saint paul, mn, usa at 11:57am april, 18th, 1966 and let me know if we are compatible! i need more compatibility in my life :)
here is my relationship with my mom summed up astrologically:
Mercury Opposition Pluto
The opposition of composite Mercury and Pluto could create very intense conflicts between you.
A typical situation is that during an argument one of you will start to psychoanalyze the other and will present a very plausible case, supposedly in the interest of bringing out some foible and examining it objectively. However, what is really happening is that at each turn the truth is subtly distorted so that the one being analyzed becomes the loser in the battle.
The process is all the more devastating in that the truth, slightly amended, is used as the weapon, which makes it even harder to fight. Finally, however, a crisis point will be reached, and the victim of this procedure will strike back and make a break for freedom, even though this seems to violate "common sense" as the other partner sees it.
Use your understanding of the truth to get at more truth, not to win over your partner. And the same goes for your dealings as a couple with people outside of the relationship, since this aspect also gives the two of you power to influence others.
Mercury Trine Neptune
Mercury trine Neptune in a composite chart provides for a highly developed sensitivity toward each other and the ability to communicate nonverbally and intuitively. You know what the other feels even if you are apart.
In addition, you are idealistic about your relationship. You are quite realistic about each other's foibles, but you share an ideal of how things ought to be, which is one of the factors that keeps you together. Both of you may learn to look at the world in a whole new way that brings out previously hidden aspects of reality. The result will be increased sensitivity.
The only warning that is necessary with this configuration is to keep in mind the truth as it is at the moment. Do not confuse your ideals with present reality, but keep them in mind as a goal to work toward.
Mars Trine Neptune
The trine of Mars and Neptune in the composite chart can indicate a relationship that is motivated by the desire to attain an ideal, or it can mean simply that you are unclear about what is to be done. Lack of clarity about your aims can lead each of you to act in ways that are likely to be misunderstood by the other, or even to work inadvertently against each other or the relationship. It is therefore necessary to be unusually clear about what you are doing together.
It is often the case that the two of you are seeking a spiritual goal. However, you must not let your search for the spiritual ideal obscure your practical needs in a relationship, regardless of what kind of relationship it is.
At its most successful, this aspect can help you attain your ideals, if the two of you are very aware. At its least successful, this aspect may cause you to have cloudy objectives, so that neither of you will concentrate enough on the practical problems of making the relationship work.
Uranus Square Neptune
The square of composite Uranus and Neptune occurs in the charts of the children of the early 1950s, who as young adults brought the drug culture to its climax, before it subsided. The problem signified by drugs and the drug culture is the problem of the nature of reality. One of the key phrases for Uranus-Neptune is revolutionary idealism, which is not content to merely exist but tries to impose itself upon the world and become part of the way you live.
Your relationship may have a radical feeling of disorientation. Ideally, the two of you should know yourselves and each other, but instead you feel totally lost about almost everything, including yourselves. This aspect will make it more difficult for you to find yourselves, unless you can learn to be hard-headed realists.
If you can learn to live together in the real world, you will be better able to make it all work.
Moon Square Pluto
The square of composite Moon and Pluto can lead to a very intense encounter. Whether or not it will work out positively depends very much upon how you handle it.
Both have a great penchant for working upon each other's psyche. But don't overdo it or try to be your partner's psychotherapist. Such tactics are often a disguise for a not-so- subtle power game between two people who profess to be only trying to help each other. As a result, one of you is very likely to feel emotionally dominated and overwhelmed by the other.
The emotional intensity of this aspect can also work in another way. It can create such a strong involvement between you that you cannot let go of each other for a moment, resulting in a smothering relationship in which neither of you can grow.
Beware of emotionally manipulating each other. Love each other for what you are now rather than for what you think you can make the other person into. If you cannot do this, perhaps it would be best to dissolve the relationship.
Pluto Square Ascendant
The square of composite Pluto and Ascendant indicates the danger of a serious ego conflict between the two of you at all levels of interaction. One of you will attempt to dominate the other, or perhaps both of you will try to be the dominant one.
If this contest between you continues, one of you will at length emerge as the loser, who can "win" only by breaking away. Then the fight for independence becomes another of the many struggles that mark this relationship.
Fortunately, there is another side to this aspect, which you should strive to develop. It can also indicate that you transform each other inwardly and outwardly, but in a positive way. While you may naturally be concerned for each other, you must not make an ego issue of your partner's development. You must just allow the process to unfold, as it surely will.
When Pluto's energies are used for selfish and egoistic purposes, they tend to become malevolent.
Jupiter Square Saturn
The square of Jupiter and Saturn in the composite chart indicates that the two of you have some difficulty in reaching a balance between optimism and idealism on the one hand, practicality and/or pessimism on the other. Most likely this will manifest itself as great swings of feeling and mood when you are together. Sometimes you will be very positive and optimistic about your relationship, while at other times you will doubt that you can ever make it work.
One of the factors behind this problem may be that one of you sees the other as a wet blanket who continually dampens enthusiasm and spontaneous self-expression.
You both must try to be more patient with each other, for impatience is also one of the problems created by this aspect. Whenever your mood begins to change for the worse, you should sit down together and try to find out what is causing this situation.
Moon Sextile Uranus
The sextile of composite Moon and Uranus indicates that there is an open and free quality to this relationship, or at least there should be. It should change your thinking and give you new insight into the creative possibilities of a relationship.
Under no circumstances must you force this relationship, whatever it is based on, into established patterns governed by regular rules. This partnership may be a totally new hybrid. A sexual relationship, for example, is likely to be very open and may even include other people. Or this aspect may produce a friendship that is also sometimes a love affair.
This aspect may bring together two people who have rather different opinions and ways of thinking. Should this be the case, however, you will be able to get along together if you are open enough to allow each other to creatively challenge and possibly alter your thinking.
Uranus Sextile Ascendant
The sextile of composite Uranus and Ascendant signifies a relationship that will be unique in many ways. It will cause the two of you to think about life in new ways that you would never have thought of until you met each other.
One result of this change is that you will see elements of the world around you that you have never seen before, and this will enable you to enlarge your capacity to deal with life in appropriate ways.
One likely change will be in the company you keep. Both of you will want increasingly to be around people who embody the new ways you have found of dealing with life.
The only point you must keep in mind is that any action of Uranus makes it difficult to hold on to old and cherished, but largely unconscious attachments. If you can let go gracefully, you will experience the effects of this aspect as totally refreshing and stimulating. If letting go is hard, the two of you may find this relationship disruptive and upsetting, although not as harsh as the square.
Sun Trine Uranus
Sun trine Uranus in your composite chart means that you will be strengthened by seeking out new paths of self-expression together. Do not allow your relationship to fall into conventional patterns; instead, explore new ideas, new horizons.
If this is a love partnership, you should keep yourselves open to encounters with others. However, this should not be interpreted as a license to be dishonest with each other. On the contrary, this encounter calls for even higher standards of honesty. In this way, as you come to each new experience, you will be able to deal with it openly, not from a fearful or narrow position. Be assured that this relationship will expose you to new areas of life with each other and within yourselves.
Venus Trine Uranus
The trine of Venus and Uranus can be very beneficial in the composite chart of any kind of personal relationship, as long as you both are willing to strike out against the conventional paths and find a path of your own. For this relationship has a flavor that others would consider unusual, even eccentric.
A sexual relationship with this aspect is likely to be very open. There are countless other ways of being unusual as a couple. The point is that if you don't want to follow the customary script for your relationship - love affair, friendship, marriage, or whatever - then you don't have to.
Uranus is the planet of freedom and unconventionality, but it can also mean instability if forced to follow conventional modes of expression, because it is the planet of rebellion.
At the very least this aspect will allow you to experience a relationship that is different from any you may have known before. Allow yourself this experience, and it will be good.
Moon Square Mercury
The square of composite Moon and Mercury raises certain problems for your relationship. It indicates that the emotional bonds between you are somehow working at cross purposes to your intellectual bonds. Normally this means that for each of you the intellectual and the relatively detached part of your understanding is overwhelmed by the emotional and subjective part. The result is when you try to talk about a problem it becomes an emotional contest instead of a discussion. You must try to become more objective about yourselves and each other when you talk things over.
On the other hand, it must be said that you don't keep things secret. You do express your emotions openly, which is an advantage even in a difficult relationship, for you know what is going on between you.
It is not one of the most difficult squares, for it can signify great depth of emotional understanding between you.
Moon Square Mars
The square of composite Moon and composite Mars is a somewhat difficult aspect for a relationship. The Moon rules the basic feelings and emotions present in the relationship, while Mars indicates its vital energies. More precisely, Mars is the energy one uses to assert one's individuality. The result of the square is likely to be emotional conflicts between you and a sense that your individuality is constantly being challenged by your partner.
Whenever the two of you have a disagreement or communication problem, your immediate response is to get hot under the collar. Only by maintaining some degree of calm, difficult as that may be, can you arrive at a creative resolution of the problem.
If you really want to solve your problems, avoid getting angry with each other. Chances are, with this aspect, you both fly off the handle too readily. Keep cool and save your anger for times when it is really justified. Otherwise the relationship will not survive or be productive.
Mercury Square Ascendant
The square of composite Mercury and Ascendant is a relatively easy square to handle. It signifies that the two of you discuss what overall purposes this relationship will serve in your lives. Just be careful not to get so wrapped up in yourselves that you neglect communication with others.
The square between composite Mercury and Ascendant indicates that you are unusually concerned about what you are doing together. You are very involved with analyzing your objectives. Avoid spending too much time conceptualizing the meaning of your relationship. The analytical side of Mercury can be quite destructive in a personal relationship, because the all-important emotional experience becomes secondary to intellectual analysis, which is a substitute for real understanding.
Mercury Square Saturn
Mercury square Saturn in the composite chart can present real problems in a relationship, for it symbolizes basic difficulties in communication. Most commonly the problem is not that the two of you cannot communicate but simply that you do not try. Do not assume that the other person knows what is on your mind. Try to say whatever you are thinking, and say it clearly.
You must be careful, however, for when this aspect does not cut off communication, it may make the two of you dwell on negative or depressing subjects. You both may have a tendency to say nothing until you have a complaint to voice. Then you put the complaint in the most cutting and irritating words possible. Try to avoid both negative and excessively critical thoughts and words. It is almost better to say nothing.
As a couple, you must communicate regularly about all things, not just complaints and criticisms.
Sun Sextile Ascendant
Composite Sun sextile the Ascendant indicates that the two of you enjoy social exchange with others. You are not a couple that likes to retire by yourselves and avoid others.
Not only do you like to be with friends, but also it is very important to both of you to have opportunities to talk with people and exchange ideas and communication. In a similar way, the two of you place great importance on communication between yourselves.
You will probably be good friends. If this is a sexual relationship, you may be lovers, but even so, you will be friends as well. This is very important in a relationship between the sexes and not always achieved.
You are likely to experience a certain restlessness in this relationship, but not a difficult kind. It is simply that the two of you like to seek out new experiences and new opportunities for doing things together.
Sun Sextile Saturn
The sextile of composite Sun and Saturn gives a sober and rather restrained tone to your relationship but at the same time makes it stable. Other relationships may be more flamboyant and uninhibited, but with a Sun-Saturn sextile, yours will probably outlast them, assuming there is a basic attraction between your personalities.
If either of you is inclined to be impulsive or to act rashly, this aspect indicates that you will have a positive restraining effect upon each other. It will teach you a lot about yourselves and will have a great effect on the way you think about things. But in this strength there is a possible danger. With this aspect you can get so set in a rigid thought pattern that as a couple you do not grow at all. Don't allow the structuring tendencies of Saturn to become rigid.
Venus Sextile Ascendant
The sextile of composite Venus and Ascendant is an excellent aspect for a personal relationship. First of all, it is a sign of loving friendship, whether you are lovers or simply friends. It is easy for each of you to indicate your feelings to the other, without the hesitancy or shyness about revealing emotions that can make a relationship difficult from time to time. You always feel comfortable and easy with each other.
When stressful times occur, you both are primarily concerned about the survival of your relationship, so you willingly make the necessary compromises to ensure it. The only problem to watch for is that the energy of Venus may be so accommodating that one partner will give way when he or she should take a stand in order to save self-esteem and respect.
This relationship may possibly become associated with some artistic or aesthetic activity involving music or the arts or a branch of the entertainment industry. Certainly the two of you will be attracted to such activities, especially if you had an interest in them before you came together.
Venus Sextile Saturn
Venus sextile Saturn in a composite chart will have a certain restraining effect upon a relationship, ranging from a lasting sense of distance between you to a restrained but otherwise very affectionate bond. A love relationship with this aspect may be more durable than most, but both of you would approach it with a sense of duty as well as enjoyment. If this is a marriage, this aspect might make you stay together for the sake of the children or some such reason, when other couples would have split up.
If there is affection between you, it is quiet and without fanfare; in fact, you may not show it overtly at all.
In a business or professional relationship this aspect favors such endeavors as commercial art and practical design work of all types.
Saturn Conjunct Ascendant
The conjunction of composite Saturn and Ascendant can have several very different effects, depending on other factors in the relationship.
On the positive level, it can signify a relationship that is bound together so strongly that almost nothing can break it up. This is not so much because there is a positive attraction between you as because you are intensely involved with each other in a way that seems strongly predestined. Unfortunately, even if one of you wants to break out of this relationship, it might be difficult because of material circumstances, psychological needs, or other factors that seem beyond your control.
If either of you experiences this relationship as a trap from which you would like to break free but cannot, you must examine why you are together. People sometimes stay involved with each other for reasons that have nothing to do with happiness.
Moon Conjunct Ascendant
The conjunction of composite Moon and Ascendant signifies a relationship in which your emotions and feelings play a very prominent role. Therefore, this aspect is more favorable to a personal relationship than to a professional one.
In a personal relationship the Moon close to the composite Ascendant signifies that the two of you can achieve a depth of shared feeling that will be the envy of many other couples.
Of course, this attribute can also be a problem. It may prevent you from seeing each other clearly at those times when a certain degree of objectivity and detachment are called for. During periods of stress in the relationship, you may get so wrapped up in your emotions that neither of you is capable of sorting out who is responsible for what.
This could be a difficult aspect, but if other indications are good, it can also be an excellent aspect.
Uranus in the Third House 3rd hs
Uranus in the third house of the composite chart indicates a relationship that will revolutionize your basic ways of thinking about life. This relationship will change your thinking somehow. And the two of you may try to communicate to others your new ways of looking at the world and try to change their thinking.
As with any situation in which Uranus is prominent, you must avoid the tendency to make your relationship fit your expectations. If you try to do so, the unstable aspect of Uranus will come into play. Communication between you will become erratic and disruptive, and you will often make each other angry.
Of course, some relationships do exist primarily so that one person can challenge the consciousness of the other, but these are not often long-lived. Such a situation is not particularly desirable in a close personal relationship.
As always with Uranus, you must flow with the energy and let it take you wherever it goes.
Jupiter in the Third House 3rd hs
Composite Jupiter in the third house indicates that this relationship will broaden and expand your consciousness in your everyday life. The third house is the house of the mind in its routine day-to-day functioning, your automatic and unconscious actions.
Narrow habits of thought and rigid ways of thinking will be expanded by your experience of this relationship. You may find that together you will become more interested in philosophy and other mind-expanding disciplines. A third-house composite Jupiter is a sign of a relationship that will broaden your consciousness.
Pluto in the Fourth House 4th hs
The fourth house can be a very important and critical position for Pluto in a composite chart. The actual effects of this can vary considerably. For instance, the fourth house rules the past. Therefore you may find that past circumstances have a stronger than usual conditioning effect on the course of your relationship.
The fourth house rules the deepest levels of the unconscious mind, so the two of you may act out very deep, unconsciously motivated patterns that change the course of your relationship.
In a love relationship or marriage, one or more of your parents may have an unusual degree of influence on the relationship.
The fourth house also rules the home, and in a relationship that has a clearly recognizable home, very powerful forces may be experienced there. The problem is that home should be a place where you can get away from pressure, but with Pluto in the fourth house, home could be the place where pressure is most intense.
Whatever the effect of the fourth-house Pluto, it does provide for resolution of its problems, because it gives you the desire and the ability to get at the depths of your own being.
ohmigod i just found a woodtick on
deiter! aaaaaaa!!!!!
thank god i got it before it had really dug in or anything, it was just starting
to. when i grabbed it off with tweezers there was no blood or anything.
i am thoroughly grossed out!!!!!
how the fuck did a woodtick get on deiter?
deiter has not been in a place where there would ever be woodticks, and i
was in a place there would've been woodticks but that was when i was exploring
the place where the caves are over a week ago!
other than that i have NOT even been on grass!
what the hell?
could a woodtick from over a week ago survived in my house for that long?
it had to have come from me or jason from a week ago because i just can't
see any other possibility. but then how did it survive that long and then
just on deiter NOW?
arrrrrgh!!!! *goosebumps all over*
i am washing EVERYTHING on my bed right now and i am going to clean clean
clean today.
i am PERPLEXED and GROSSED OUT by this woodtick!
god, i hope there are no more!!!
that is my worst ever nightmare is woodticks. i'm serious. i have a freaking
phobia of those things.
there is no bug in the universe that will flip me out more than a woodtick,
besides a leech or any other bloodsucking type thing. but woodticks are especially
disgusting to me since they are so small and can fit into the tiniest of crevices.
ohmigod, it's like something from science fiction but worse. i hate them hate
them hate them.
i remember getting my 1st woodtick at my grandmas house. it was on my knee
and i woke up screaming.
grandma had to take it off with a match or alcohol or something.
i don't even remember because i was so hysterical about it.
my poor little deiter. i hope that
woodtick wasn't carrying an diseases!
god, i really don't get this bent out of shape about insects. jason is the
one who screams at every insect he ever sees (except dragonflies). and i'm
the one who has to capture all the spiders and then bring them outside to
but woodticks or mosquitoes? kill kill kill! smash them all dead! eliminate eliminate eliminate!
wow! i am so glad i am always petting
my dogs so i discovered this woodtick asap!!!
i am going to go inspect all the dogs more now.
poor little monsters!
*throws a load of laundry in with extra hot water and bleach and soap!*
today my dad turns 65! he got my
birthday present, the handmade soysilk paper and he really likes it :)
he said they found a small patch of skin cancer on his forehead! but that
he is going to have it removed and it's no big deal. still! that frightens
me a lot!! gah! but it isn't the really bad type of cancer, whatever that
he freudian slipped that he had a "consulation" (like consolation
instead of consultation) with the doctor next week.
my brother's birthday is tomorrow.
i think he turns 35? i can never remember if he is 4 or 5 years tounger than
i am.
it freaks me out that jason is younger than my brother! because when i think
of my brother, he is like REALLY young to me. i'm 7 years older than jason
is. i'm a cradle robber, i guess.
yep, my brother and my dad, birthdays
right next to each other.
after mom left, it was just me alone in a house with 2 gemini men.
fun fun fun.
i love geminis but they drive me
a bit insane.
it's true they have 2 sides.
i remember jason giving me a synapses
of this before, but i didn't really take it in.
this is just....fantastical and bizarre!
but i can't say it's any more bizarre than christianity etc.
i can't stop reading about it, tho, because it's just so WEIRD!
but weirder still is how it all fits into to all this other wird stuff i've
read. anyway, all really fascinating.
but since:
"More recently, on an April 2005 edition of Coast to Coast, Dames told host Art Bell that he is now "100% certain" that the killer flare will strike by the end of the year. In this latest account, the disaster is said to be immediately preceded by a sign: the downing of a U.S. space shuttle due to meteor activity."
so...i guess we shall soon see what
will happen :)
in the meantime i guess i will just crochet myself a towel.
last night i took that gigantic muppet
monster coat thing i made for my 2nd fashion show at the fine line and i cut
it into smaller things to make other things of it. it was just too heavy the
way it was to ever wear comfortably in any situation ever. i don't know how
much it weighed, but it was a lot! i am guessing 10 pounds or more?
probably more because i think deiter weighs about 13 pounds and that thing
seemed heavier than deiter.
so now it's 1 almost white mohair hat that needs a lot of work done to it
now before it's actually "something", a pile of yarn that will be
another hat, an asymmetrical poncho type dealie thingamajig, another hat that
is compromised of all of fuzzy's yarn dangling from the top of it (which is
rather cool!), and another poncho type thing with a hood (which i am also
in love with) and then there is photo of all the tubes i made yesterday.
plus there are 2 sleeves i took off that thing which will be made into these
"things" i want to make which are comprised of only one sleeve.
i didn't take photos of those. remember for the past few years i kept making
sleeves that didn't go to anything?
i think i have 5 or more sleeves now and i should make those into "somethings".
i also have 3 sweater type things that i started but never finished, and also
the 2 ruffly collars i was making but then never finished. so if i can just
FINISH all these projects that started LAST year, i will have quite a collection
of things to finally put up in my "2005 collection" part to my hat
site. so i have a lot of work to be done!
i think for that really bizarre asymmetrical poncho thing i will maybe put it in a red dye so it will be more one colour rather than having it all multicoloured like that. i think the too many colours make it look tacky. sometimes i love a million colours running through stuff, and sometimes i think it just looks overwhelming and tacky.
and i think i will throw a lot of these things in the wash to felt them a little and just see what happens to it when i do that.
i like to be the mad scientist and throw things in hot water or bleach or dye or all 3 just to "distress" the fabric and make it do new things.
so, yes,i have MUCH to work on.
but right now i am reading this
article from penthouse which is an interview of the son of ron hubbard
who started scientology.
i did skim this article about a year ago but never read the whole thing.
it sounds remarkably similiar to all the satanic rituals that so many people
accuse the masons/illuminati/many members of our
government of doing and i'm quite sure it's all related, like what happens
at the bohemian
Horoscope for Aries (June 11 2005)
You can be on top of your world today. You will dominate whatever is going on and, by doing so, control the outcome. Be smart and look out for others, and you will also gain popularity.
Be flexible
You will have quite a lot of communication with others today through conversations,
letters, phone calls and so forth. Use this interchange to test out your ideas
and see how people react to them. If you have made such a strong commitment
to a particular position that you are unwilling to see it challenged, you
may be quite upset by some of the reactions. But that would be a poor attitude
to take. You can correct your thinking on a number of issues without too much
difficulty now. Even with the best intentions, however, you may run into quite
a bit of disagreement today. This does not necessarily mean that you are wrong
but that you should reexamine your position. If you find that it is difficult
to reach compromises, delay any negotiations or discussions until another
You could be singing the hesitation blues, for you can't move forward but you aren't satisfied with any retreat scenario. Your impulses are on a time delay now. Whatever you want to do, will likely have to wait until tomorrow when assertive Mars returns to your sign. Practice patience; it will be worth the wait.