june 7th , 2005

i'm having a terrible CSI withdrawal.
i wish i had all the CSI episodes on tape so i could watch them when i need them!



interesting how today i posted "my dead birds with flowers" (etc) series to 4 different communities and the found_objects community exploded with 100 comments...75 within 45 minutes. holy crap! this has been an intense day!





i just came back from a delicious dinner and i'm stuffed to the the gills. i needed that for i am PMS girl!


ok, i'm off to wash the pink gook out of my hair.
i'm listening to radio dismuke on live365 which plays old stuff from the 20's :)
i think jason and i may go out to eat at this new restaurant tonight which will make me happy :)

i need to get the fuck out of my apartment.

i am pms girl.

feed me.




i just don't know what to think about all this.



added some fuschia dye to my hair. must get food.
must clean. must bathe. must crochet. must go for a walk.

listening to air.

question about confederate flag:

which states still fly the confederate flag or display it?



no, i am not doing anything useful with my day. i am still argueing with really stupid people about why gwen stefani's use of japanese dancers in her stage performances is not equal to using "midgets" in blackface.
i can't believe i am actually even having this argument!
i should know better by now.

i'm walking away from the computer now.

i am finding all these cool icons in the thread , tho :)

this is what my day has amounted to:

ravensee :
I loved her more when she had more meat on her bones. She's still amazing, but she looks like another starving starlet.

ana :
ya, my love for people is based solely on how much they weigh.
if my friends gain or lose any pounds i deem undesirable, i just drop them like flies. so i totally understand what you mean. :)

ravensee :
ya cuz I LOVE HER and we're best friends. ;)
I should have used the words "her persona". Silly.

ana :
oh, i didn't know she had "a persona". silly me.
i guess that makes ALL the difference.
thanks i'll update my "cool book" with that important information.

ravensee :
That makes absolutely no sense at all.

ana :


i just want to get my period NOW.
last month i got it on the 13th.

i'm listening to keane. i actually got into a silly argument with someone about the gwen stefani backlash.
haha. good lord.

i am cced on this huge flame war that is going on between a bunch of jason's friends right now.
it all started out with someone forwarding a joke about the red states (the ones who voted for bush).
and then this sparked one of the most hilarious rants for and against this and the current state of the world i have read in a long time. i don't think i've read such well constructed zinging zapping sarcastic massive rants in a long time :)
zippity zap! the witty verbose sarcastic assaults are in high form.
but i had to write to find out who was who, because i have met most of them but a few i did not know.
and i was trying to remember who was who through what gag gifts they all bought each other the last time i saw some of them. was the one who was offended by the joke against the red states the one who brought the playboy joke book or was it the wind up penises? i don't think it was the pickled pigs lips or fake rotting teeth which i now proudly own :)
but ya, it did seem especially hilarious to me that the last time i saw them we were all hee hawing over these things they brought and other tasteless and goofy things. and now some are all in an uproar about a joke about the red states. i mean c'mon. i guess it was only one guy i met who was in an uproar about the joke. but he certainly was laughing at all the ridiculous gag gifts last i saw him. so....

anyway weird day.

i better go try and actually do something with my day instead of just piss and moan.

i think i will go redye my hair red. that might cheer me up some.




oh well, prophet yahweh sent an email out telling everyone to stop emailing him because he is getting too many emails he can't sort it all out. so i guess he probably won't read mine or get to it. *sigh*. oh well.
i certainly know how that was at the peak of anacam's busiest time.

it's 81 degrees and massively humid. and i have pms.

the other day i looked at my cafepress store to see if i had made any money and i had made 13.00 (and they had made 67). today i looked to see if i had made more, but what i had made so far went down to 6.00! so maybe someone cancelled an order?
i filled out the for to get paid (they only pay you after 45 days and you've made $25 or over.)
and they even take taxes out now from what i earn. so you that 6 bucks i earned, i guess the governement gets 1/2 of that.

so with cafepress taking most the $, and the government now taking their share from what little i earn. i doubt this place is going to make me much money. dunno.

this is a really fucking slow month for me , moneywise and i HAVE to come up with things to sell so i don't end up in the hole at the end of this month like i did last month. this is very stressful.

and so far all i've sold is 2 cake and eat it cds and 1 poster when i let everyone know i had those for sale, too, again.

what a pisser i am not selling more. maybe everyone is poor this month?

fuck i have to think of something. i've even thought of having an emergency all naked all week, but god i really hate to feel pressured into doing something like that especially since i said i would never do one again.
maube i can do an all naked 5 days! ha :)

but seriously, that is the kind of position i am in if i don't think up something fast to make some money!

what a suckfest.



Horoscope for Aries (June 7 2005)

Unleash the pioneer within and do things that you may not normally engage in. Getting involved in your community or trying your best to meet new friends will have a positive impact on your life.


For the future
This can be a time of very successful energetic activity, if you proceed cautiously enough. You may be infected with an unjustified optimism that anything you do today will "turn to gold." It may, but it won't happen by luck. It will happen through intelligent planning and foresight, which are available to you under this influence if you make a conscious effort to take advantage of them. You act for the future under this influence, because you are more concerned with what can be done than with what is. Therefore this is a good time for furthering new projects. But do not overextend yourself and go beyond your resources, which is another temptation now. Also your fondness for taking risks can lead to accidents at this time, so be careful. You are not unlucky, you are just somewhat impulsive.


Engage in an intense dialog about your most private personal perspectives. You might need another person's point of view in order to clarify your own, but the intensity can backfire as others, too, hold onto their ideas, thereby setting up the possibility of verbal warfare. Keep a tender spot in your heart in order to minimize unnecessary pain.