june 6th , 2005

prophet yahweh summons ufos:

sun ra, a brilliant jazz musician, claimed to be from saturn:


poor prophet yahweh. i don't know if this guy is "for real" or whatever.
but he seems like a good egg to me. i don't know if he is going to be able to summon a ufo and make it hover over las vegas for 2 days during june or not. if he doesn't i don't feel "conned" by him because i don't have anything invested in him, emtionally, to have him be so important to me that he is the one and only person who can prove to me that "aliens exist" i know aliens exist. and so i don't need any more proof (although more proof would certainly be nice!). so if he "fails"
my life is not ruined or something lke it seems to be for other people.
i've listened to him talk on coast to coast am and he seems just like a really sweet soul who seems pretty new to this whole media blitz around him. and i know how hard that can be. so...i actually felt compelled to write him a letter of support! i just hate to see people hurting and getting unwarranted hate mail. sure he's kooky maybe even a little crazy. but hey, no need to send him so much hate you know?
btw, as he says on his site:
"I am not trying to be YAHWEH. I am simply a prophet "of" YAHWEH."
here are all his video to watch, i haven't watched them yet, i just saw the infamous video for when he made a ufo appear for las vegas channel 13.

here was his last email to his yahoo list i am on:

Dear List,

Please read the following email.

It may offend you; but I am deeply compelled to let you read it.

I get these kinds of emails often.


> How are you gonna lie about something this big you crack headed nigger?
> You just made black people seem more stupid and untrust worthy, and you added your crazy beliefs to all of this shit, You are also one of the biggest racists in the world, you have yet to answer some of the main important questions people are asking you and now since the truth is out you decide to say "yahweh" told you not to summon anymore, get the fuck outta here nigger, thats why u wont get any media coverage.
> Summon one over NYC in times square, wind, rain, who fukin cares, isnt ur god yahweh powerful?? even i can summon a ufo in rain or wind.
> I HATE YOU for giving so many people some hope and conning everyone about something that would change the world, I hope you rot in hell and get raped by a man or have one of your balloon gadgets blow up in your face.


Here's another one of those type of emails:

> CANT Believe u would do something like this to people, this couldve been a huge in the history of humanity, a change we all would of wanted, I will give it to you for fooling many people but i hate you for lieing about something like this man your a disgrace to us afro-americans.
> Fuck your Yahweh


Now, when I read the last sentence of this person words, I spoke out to YAHWEH, in my heart, asking Him not to hurt him or damn his soul.

But, before I could finish, I was interrupted by YAHWEH.

I can not tell you what I heard.

But, let it suffice to say that it does not look good for that person's soul.

You see, when YAHWEH proves that He is the Creator, by sending His UFOs and Spaceships to be filmed, then, that man's words could possibly have been against his own soul.

I really would not want to be in this person's shoes.

If I get the chance to intercede on this person's behalf, I will but it doesn't look like it will do any good.

Because of all this, I am asking all of you, who are not patient with me, and who feel that things are not moving fast enough for you, to please unsubscribe from my group as soon as possible.


Prophet Yahweh
Seer of Yahweh


so i wrote him back this, i have no idea if he will get it or read it or care:

hello prophet yahweh,
i feel a need to write to you to tell you i'm very sorry you are
receiving this horrible hate mail. i certainly understand how it feels
since i receive it almost every day, as well. i have over 12,000
people on my yahoo list and at my media peak received over 10 millions
hits a day to my site. so i know how it feels to suddenly have media
attention and to be doing something controversial and have a lot of
people fear you and so be very hateful and even violent in
retaliation. there is so much fear in this world.
i'm not black but my brother is and i see what he goes through. i can
also understand because being a woman in this world is a very crappy
position to be in this world. i have people who are also violent to me
and wish me harm or wish i was raped and have had people attempt to
rape me simply because i am female and because choose to speak my own
truth and be a free person. and this gets a lot of people upset who
tell me i should know "my place" as be quiet and not speak my truth
and live my life as truthfully as i can. and i've had many people,
even women, tell me i am disgrace to women. it especially hurts when i
hear it from women because i would think the last thing they would
want to do is keep another woman down, because in doing so, they are
only keeping themselves down. i wish we could all see each other as
just humans, but that will be a long time from now if that ever

anyway, you are smart enough to know that all the things people are
saying at you right now have NOTHING to do with you an everything to
do with them. they are just projecting their own fears onto you. i
know you know that but i also know that it hurts anyway because you
are human and not made of steel. and it helps to know there is another
out there who understands and sees you for who you are and gets what
you are trying to do.

i also understand, being a slight celebrity, what it is like to have
people put you up onto a pedestal and then when you do not live up to
the their standards that they projected upon you, they feel YOU have
let them down and betrayed them in some way, and so then they lash out
at you and try to whack you off the pedestal that they themselves
made, and you didn't even want!

you are having to deal with a lot of energy hurled at you right now,
and i know what that is like. it's hard to stay grounded. having
millions of peole hurl all their conflicting energy at me for many
years now, i have really learned a lot how to shield myself and how to
sift out the good energy and protect myself form the hurtful energy.
although i still have a lot to learn on this front, i'm sure a lot
better at it than i was in the beginning!

it's good you probably know how to meditate well, and so that will
help you keep grounded. i'm still pretty awful at meditation. so i
take bubblebaths to keep me grounded. i guess that is a form of
meditation. i also crochet which is like a form of meditation.

i make these hats:

anyway, you take care of yourself , ok? stay grounded.
because if you don't take care of yourself first then you can't take
care of anyone. so you just make sure to take all the time you need to
do whatever it is you need to do. even if that means you don't ever
summon another ufo the rest of your life.
the people who love you are still going to be around and they know who
you are. you don't have to prove anything.
all that matters is love. and i know you know that :) and make sure
you're having fun with life. you seem like a person with a really good
attitude about life, it would make me sad to see you get terribly hurt
or bitter with all this negative energy zinging at you. you are such a
treasure :)

if you'd like me to make you a hat for free, just let me know :)
i don't know if you are a sun ra fan, but he seemed like a person who
would have loved one of my hats. but he's not around anymore and you
seem like you have a sun ra "vibe" to you. maybe you'd like one of my
hats? i'd love to make you one :)
or maybe my hats wouldn't be your style. i don't know :) my hats are
pretty unusual but then so are you! :)

take care alright?
i send you some good juju across the universe to you!

ana clara voog




made it to the bank and drug store. jason walked with.
not much going on today except lots of little busy work.
like photocontest is NUTS this week. i'm getting like 10 submissions an hour and almost ALL of them are wrong.
i'm super super hungry. gonna go make food.
then at 8pm i go to jaosn's to watch six feet under!
it seems like YEARS ago since there has been a new six feet under. i'm trying to remember what even happened last season. if you haven't ever seen it i recommend it! it's my favourite show.


it's 81 degrees. another day with big puffy clouds and one minute is sunny and the next minute it pouring rain.
i need to get my ass moving and get to the bank and to the drug store to get my migraine medication.

dealing with photo contest mostly this first hours of wakefulness.

today i went to see who had submitted for the sky theme and i had 24 people who submitted!
i was like "woa nelly! this is going to be a big week!"
but of those 24, 9 were way over the pixel limit (one was even over 1,000 pixels wide!)
4 had land in the photo, and 4 submitted photos that i deemed not really about the sky but about man made objects or animals that were in the sky.

ooo, the season premiere of six feet under is tonight (jason informs me)???
wooo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!

go look at yesterday's anagram, i made a ton of photos!



Horoscope for Aries (June 6 2005)

Take a second look at whatever you are working on, purchasing or trying to negotiate. You will find a very small but important detail has been overlooked. Your finding will show people you are in control.


Expect the unexpected
This can be a somewhat disruptive influence, during which you are subject to sudden upsets or to behavior that is upsetting to others. Under this influence it is quite likely that you will not follow your normal routine as on other days. There could be an automobile breaking down unexpectedly, a sudden argument or an unexpected separation from someone. The point is that you can expect the unexpected today. You are striving to break down your everyday routine, and it would be best to find ways of doing this intentionally, rather than waiting for it to happen. Let the restless spirit within you express itself. You need new air! You may very well discover a valuable aspect of yourself that you never knew existed, because you were afraid to let it come out.


There may be too many things to do and not enough hours in the day. Although you'll do what you do best, a part of you is longing for deeper meaning. You may feel irritated by all the external noise in your life right now and wish that you had the time and wherewithal to delve into the pleasures that you know are waiting somewhere far away.