june 5th , 2005


alternative croppings:





i took some really cool photos today!
the clouds were amazing. the sun would shine and then it would look like a tornado was coming and the rain would come down ferociously.
i found 8 dead birds!
i picked daisies.
there is a stupendous cumulous clous outside my window today. they are as big as mountains.
i'll get these photos up later on tonight.
going to jason to watch a movie.
we didn't go see the harp thing.
we went to applebees for dinner and our service was so terrible they gave us our food for free.


i want to go out and photograph that little dead bird i saw yesterday, if it is still there.

at 3pm jason and i are going to see that mass harp downtown.
should be interesting a bit.

my house needs a major cleaning.

i am entering pmsland, i think.

i lost a lttle bit of weight! i was at 108 for the longest time and today i weighed myself and i was 106.8!
i sure hope i stay there and it continues to go down!
my goal is 99. i used to weigh between 92-95, but i think that i would be happier at 99.
but i would settle for 103.

a new bill nelson diary entry

it's 78 degrees with 40% chance of rain all day.

jason's taking a nap.
i wonder if i should go quickly photograph that dead bird before it's gone.


prophet yahweh's videos he summoned.
i haven't watched them all.
it is interesting, tho!


tomorrow i am really going to have to hussle about my rent.
today i have to hand in my rent but i will hand it in at the very end of the day.
then tomorrow i'll get up at 8am and hopefully make it to the bank before they do and cash the cheque from my dad and then hand that cash back to them and deposit it so it will be available right away so nothing will bounce! a day of spinning plates!

so far i have sold only 1 cd! and no one has bought anything from my cafepress store.
maybe this is just a slow weekend? eee! dang!

go see the things i have for sale out in my LJ

i guess i have to think up more things to sell!

interesting lj community:


Horoscope for Aries (June 5 2005)

Get out and do something physical so you feel accomplishment at the end of the day. A little love and affection can be yours if you do something nice for the person you are most fond of.


Beliefs and ideas
Valid during several weeks: This can be a time when you do more creative intellectual work than usual and attempt to convey your experience and view of the world to others. You will assert and defend the beliefs and ideas that you consider true and important wherever necessary. Obviously this is valuable if you have to influence other people and make an impression on them, but it can also be a danger if you try to beat people over the head with your opinions and ideas. The problem is to avoid identifying your ego with what you believe. When you identify your ego with your ideas, you really believe you are those ideas, and you will defend them as if they were literally your own body. What you can do now is put all of your energy into expanding your mind. Look for experiences that will open up new dimensions of reality.


Creativity abounds as you think of many ways to express what is on your mind. It's not enough, however, to have an active imagination, for your clever thoughts might just fade back into the hazy edges of your dreams from where they came. Even if you'd rather be doing something else, use the words that come to you in order to inspire others to greater heights.