may 31st , 2005

live 8

i don't get it.
the new "live 8" (live aid) ISN'T going to raise money for the poor as live aid did.
they are putting the concerts on for free to "raise awareness" about poverty.
ummm, wha? aren't we already aware of poverty and starvation?
and how is raising NO money for the starving supposed to help that?
do you think the starving people of the world are going to give a crap if some people go to a bunch of free concerts?


Condom Reef Discovered

Oceanographic scientists say they have discovered a vast, floating "reef" of the world's disposed condoms in the middle of the South Pacific, about halfway between Tahiti and Antarctica. The phenomenal mass is almost two miles long, an eighth of a mile wide, and in places up to 60 feet deep, the oceanographers say.

Mason Froule, Australian marine biologist at his country's Oceanographic Laboratory Outpost on Macquarie Island, South Pacific, said the bizarre accumulation is explained by a scientific term called "like aggregation"-- that is, the massing of similar objects over short or longer periods of time due to wind or ocean currents, magnetic fields, buoyancy and other conditions.

"It's fairly common in the world's oceans," he said: natural events such as red tides, for example, are instances of "like aggregation." "People with pets that shed lots of hair can see it in their own homes," Froule added. "The dog sheds everywhere in the room, but after falling out, the fur soon collects in a few clumps and masses."

Froule said ocean "reefs" of styrofoam and detergent residues have been observed in the South Pacific and elsewhere for many years, but they are usually broken up by storms before they become large or hazardous. He believes the huge concentration of condoms, not reported before, is more resilient than other "aggregating" ocean materials, and may have been developing for decades. Froule said parts of the newly discovered reef are matted together so densely that "you could almost land a plane on it." "I suppose it would be funny if it didn't pose the hazard it does to marine life and navigation," Froule stated. "I pity any freighter, submarine, or dolphin, for that matter, that might run into it."

The biologist said he and his Australian scientific colleagues will have the reef mapped by satellite and monitored from now on to see if it expands, breaks up, or drifts from its current location (reported at 63 degrees latitude and 154 degrees longitude). Froule said there would not be much point in trying to break up the pulpy mass with explosives or other devices. "It seems pretty indestructible," he said.

The world's industrialized nations are estimated to consume and dispose of nearly 300 million condoms a year. Industry analysts say about a third of the discards become waterborne.


ohmigod i can FINALLY get connected to anacam and ana2! yippee!!!!


i still can't get connected to anacam or ana2 :(
so i can't even ftp up this journal entry.
still, i'll write here anyway.

diablo cody wrote a snarky blog entry about my blog entry about her article:

so since she linked to my journal entry i took the advantage of that by posting a bunch of sexy pix of me in that entry and maybe i'll get a sign up or two out of it. ha :) who knows? it can't hurt :)

i wrote above my pix "ana voog, a girl who crochets"

i know, massively snarky of me back, but i couldn't resist!
it was her sentence "I'm used to enraging certain women--for God's sake, my cell phone screensaver says "Tit Inspector."
that was particularily silly taking into account what i do as a profession, and also that ducky, who commented briefly in that thread too, is a sexologist and has probably seen more tits than anyone.
just the fact that this diablo person could say we didn't like the negative tone of the article because we are "certain types of women" is a ridiculous connection to try to make. i mean, fuck, i'm an x stripper just as she is. who cares? what has that to do with her ignorant article? i like tits. we all like tits.
and this has WHAT to do with knitting?

it's like hey, i made a bad article but woo hoo! i like tits and strippers so you men still love me, right?

and trying to downplay all our comments by saying we were a bunch of midwesterners, when in fact, the comments came from all over the world. not like that should matter.

she downplays her responsibility as a journalist by calling her article (which was on the FRONT PAGE with full colour photo) a "wee creampuff article". i'll agree wth her on the "creampuff" part, but "wee"? hardly.
talk about disempowering herself and discrediting herself even further as a journalist.

i'd be pretty honoured if i had an article that made it to the cover of city pages! it makes it into hundreds of thousands of homes!

well, it HER career! *shrugs*

anyway, just bitching about it in here in the mostly drama free zone of ana2. i didn't even do too much bitching about it out there, i showed incredible restraint.
i posted the link to the article all over but didn't get into discussions with people about it except in my crochet journal a bit.



when my harddrive died and jason took it out of my computer and backed it up on his...he still had my old config file for chillcam! so he emailed it to me, i dropped it in, and now my chillcam works! yay!
it's scary to think i am one config file away from my cam not working.
but i'm just glad it is now. i hope this is the end of my technical difficulties now and i can just get on with things!

ooh it's not the end because i can't get connected to anacam to ftp this up!
jason checked and things are down with my server :(

this day, i swear! wtf??


ok, i'm home from my walk and also from dinner.
i thought maybe my registration code wasn't working because i tried it in a newer version of chillcam.
so i tried to use the registration code in the older version i had and that didn't work either!
WHAT A BUMMER!!!!!!!!!
i am so dirt ass poor right now. but i am going to have to buy chillcam for $25 bucks (thank god that is still relatively cheap) and hope to god that will work.
i really hope it will because i have a terrible feeling that the chillcam site is not really being upkept and no one is really looking after it. so if i pay for it and the code still will not work, i have a pretty good feeling that no one is going to be around to help me out.
i do know that way back in 2000 the guy who made chillcam pretty much lost interest in the project.
but i havr to be glad for what his software did for me because without chillcam i would never have been able to dfo what i do with my cam. we were a total symbiotic relationship. i would inspire him to make his software better and add more filters and i, in turn, would do cool things with his software and tell everyone about it.
but it got to be just too much for him and i don't know where he is now. :(
anyway..i'll try to buy it tonight and get a new code and try to reconfigure it so my cam can be back on :(
either that or i will have to switch software :(
which will be a huge drag because no software does what chillcam does :(


ana2 reconfigured (yay jason!)but not chillcam yet.
going for a walk now. i have ZERO summer clothes and my legs are so white. yeesh. it's 78 degrees out! where are my sunglasses???
i'll be back in 45 minutes.


got my new login ID for my credit card billing co.
i hope jason can configure the ana2 signup page with it before we go walking because no one can sign up now for ana2 until that is corrected.

hopefully when i get back from my walk, i will have time reconfigure chillcam so that my cam will be back on!
this is really an insane day!

i need to go eat SOMETHING and get some clothes on for walking.
i have to get outside today or i'll go even more insane!


i found my registration code for chillcam. put it in and it failed to work!
emailed the guy who made chillcam. i had saved his email with the code in it since 1999!
please god let him still be able to be contacted at that email address!

i also need to contact my credit card processing company right NOW.
because i just remembered that i need to do that today as they are giving us all new passowrds for the site for the 1st time EVER since i have used them all this time.
so i have to call them on the phone and get a new authorization code or something.
and then do a bunch of other stuff and jason then has to reconfigure stuff on our end to make that code wotk with everything. thank god i have jason or i would be entirely lost with things like this.
and no one will be able to sign up for ana2 until that is reconfigured.

this is just a day of technicality like yesterday!
so much STUFF to do! so much configuring and fixing and figuring out!

and jason is on his way home and i have to also get ready for our walk and i still have not eaten anything!


no, rebooting did not bring back the configurations for my chillcam!
not only did i lose the configurations but the dang thing isn't even registered anymore!
so the registration code is also gone.

wtf is going on with my life lately?
why is this stuff happening to me?


print screens from hug nation!

i needed that! :)

now i have to reboot my computer to see if that will make the configurations in my chillcam come back!
if not i have a lot to reconfigure!




{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS TO ANA2}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

and crap, somehow ALL the settings were ersased in my chillcam! gah! why?
what is UP with this day?

must eat and then walk with jason at 4:45pm for an hour.
it's gorgeous outside. after today it's supposed to rain for 5 more days, so i must get out there!

and then i might go out to eat with jason and his friend. but i'm not sure yet if i will.

and i paid my electric bill!

*spiining plates spinning plates spinning plates*


<AnaVoog> we are lucky people indeed!
<citizenkai90> hi!!
<citizenkai90> *hugs*
<pinktassy> grandpa caleb & halcyon are discussing the
spirituality of gardening :)
<citizenkai90> a spiritual endeavour for sure. i'm just getting to the
ausio link. slow internet :p
<pinktassy> ok it's time for HUGGING!
<AnaVoog> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Anonymous3224 has joined the chat room.
<pinktassy> ***HUGS***
<ukg> ((((((hugs)))))))
<pinktassy> hi anonymous :) *hugs*
<aliteraryaffair> *smiles as she putters about listening* Here are
my hugs for all y'all. :-)


so much to do! must find 300dpi photos for teknikunst.. finally got back to emails. posted posted posted.
and when i wake up go through all the campix. then archive the past anagram and start the new one.
deal to photocontest (which now has 2,156 members1!) and any other lj community i manage. still haven't eaten.
now must go put in more usernames and passwords for the people who have written to me.
weirdly a past boyfriend (the english one, howie, who was the roadie/your manager for robyn hitchcock) who i haven't heard from in years and i gave a free pass to YEARS ago and had deleted that free pass YEARS ago writes to me that his username and password doesn't work anymore. WTF?
ya, your password hasn't worked for the past 5 years, man!
and he didn't even spell my name correctly!
you'd think if you went out for someone for over a year and i've known him for 20 he could at LEAST spell my name correctly!
i don't think i will write back.
i used to be interested in staying in touch with my past boyfriends. maybe because i felt i still needed to resolve things or make peace or something.
but something happened in the last year, maybe just everything to do with my mother, made me have no energy to want to resolve things with people from my past anymore.
i mean, i broke up with these people for a reason (except my 1st boyfriend, ed, who broke up with me. actually i broke up with him 1st and then went out with howie, then i broke up with howie and went back with ed, and then ed broke up with me. oh, the drama) why do i want to keep in touch with them?
and strangely this year ed emails me for the FIRST TIME in 18 years to tell me happy birthday. WHY?
i'll tell you why because i emailed ed and asked him if he had a certain mp3 on hand, and he didn't and he wrote back asking me how i am and if i planned to make music again and for the 1st time, i didn't write back and i blew him off like the millions of times he's done that to me. and because of that, because i know how his brain works intimately, THAT is why he wished me happy birthday. and the second i would give him a spec of attention, it will be back to him ignoring me. such a boring, exhausting, and pathetic game of the seeker and the sought.
i'm so over playing that with anyone. and it's so predictable i can almost set my watch to it (if it had anything to do with linear time)
usually i'd be all super happy that he paid attention to me at all, which is seriously sad of me, especially since it's been 18 years.
but this time i didn't write back and i'm glad. i'm just so over it all. i really really finally am.
and robert also emailed me happy birthday. i didn't write back to him either.
the last few emails i had with him a year ago seriously creeped me out.
all past boyfriends can all go fuck off into the sky. i wish them well. but i just do not want them in my life anymore.
sure, i'll wonder what they are up to once in awhile, but that's about it.
the second we start talking again i remember how irritating they are, and long past boyfriends!
so long everyone in this world who has been unfathomably cruel to me! i don't wish contact with you anymore!
i don't need to resolve anything with you. i don't need your blessings or your curses. i don't need your approval, appreciation, or your time or energy. i don't need your emails or attention.
you can all fuck off into the sky because you've been unfathomably cruel to me.
i wish you all well and good riddance!
i'm clearing out my "emotional corner" and all i'm throwing all the baggage you've all given me out the window.
so long and thanks for all the fish!

wow, i am in
a firey mood today!


finalizing details with teknikunst
i will be doing a 2 hour webcam show for them on july 28th!
but because of the 15 hours time difference my show will be 3am to 5am CST!
it's a good thing i usually stay up that late so that won't be unusual for me to do!
i always said i was on australian time :)

all the americans think all i ever do is sleep.
and all the australians email me "do you ever sleep?"



diablo cody (the women who wrote the piece "anarchy and apron strings" for the local City Pages paper here, the one i went on a seething mad rampage about in both my ljs and the knitting and crochet lj communities, and that sparked huge debates) posted in my LJ to me.

she wrote:

I wrote this article
I'm truly sorry if it pissed anyone off. I envy knitters...I thought that was pretty apparent. As for my pieces being "mostly negative," that may be true, but at least I've found my niche, right? Believe it or not, I've gotten nothing but love letters other from knitters so far, but it's always fun to see a diverse spectrum of opinions.


i wrote back:

maybe you should try crochet. if you'd like to learn, i'd be happy to show you.

here are all the links where we are talking about your article:

she wrote:

Isn't crocheting supposed to be harder? My crafty friends told me I ought to try knitting thing first.

I'm pretty much all thumbs on the yarn front, but I appreciate the offer (and the links--dang!)

It's weird that people are saying "She seems jealous" as if that's not totally obvious--of COURSE I'm jealous! I thought I blatantly stated that. Also, I love women. I don't see how dissecting a trend suddenly means I dislike women. I've been boring dudes with my mouthy feminist schtick for years!

It was just a scene piece. Not a big political thing.

i wrote:

with crochet there is no "casting on" and stuff. plus there is only one stick not 2.
and i can show you how to freeform which means that you don't have to count anything. you just make it up as you go along. and making mistakes is fine. you just make the mistakes work for you. so there is no need to ever undo anything.
i can show you how to do it in 15 minutes. seriously, if you want to meet at a coffeeshop, i'd really be happy to show you, for real. it would make me happy to do this. because i don't think you really get it yet. and maybe you will never, but give me 15 minutes and i'll try and show u :)

you brought in PLENTY of politicism into your piece.
anyway, just go read all the comments everywhere. you'll get plenty of insight from all angles if you do.

btw, sorry for calling you a clueless fucktard in my crochet journal.
that was unnecessarily mean of me. i was absolutely seething mad at the moment and wasn't choosing the most mature communication at the time to get my point across. i do apologize for, in the heat of the moment, using such harsh words.


i can't believe she said "at least i've found my niche"
what a lame copout statement. that is all she can aspire to as a journalist?
and saying it was "just a scene piece" not anything political?
hell, it's called "ANARCHY and apron strings", she she brought up feminism a gazillion times, etc etc. what a COPOUT to try and backtrack like that.
i hope she reads all the comments that were made about her piece so she learns something about journalism and what it means to get your piece on the cover of the paper and have it distributed to thousands and thousands and thousands of people. she needs to take responsibility for what she writes!
fucking a, if you get your article on the cover of a huge paper you better think about what you write and not just throw out a bunch of bullshit. you better make sure that you have put forth your very BEST and RESEARCH.
but sadly in journalism, these days, that doesn't seem to mean much to anyone.

i really hope she reads all the comments and takes it all in.
especially if she says she is a feminist.


Horoscope for Aries (May 31 2005)

Networking will get you where you want to go. You will meet some great business contacts and make new friends. Love and romance will highlight your day. You'll be able to make a profitable move.


Infectious good mood *
This is probably the most agreeable influence of all in its effect upon your mood and in the way it makes your life work. It is extremely good for all types of relationships, whether professional, personal, social or intimate. You feel optimistic, eager and outgoing, warm and friendly to everyone you meet. This time is also lucky financially. You may have a sudden windfall, although this is not the usual manifestation. You are inclined to indulge yourself and to spend money, especially on lavish or beautiful objects. In many respects, self-discipline is at an all- time low at this time, but it usually is not needed. Celebrations held at this time are unusually successful, for you at least, as is any kind of entertaining or social occasion. This will be due partly to your infectious good mood.


The fires of enthusiasm grow hotter today as you are inspired to turn things upside down if necessary. You have declared a heightened state of emergency and are getting ready for the action. Be prepared to interact with anyone at the drop of a hat, for it will be your sense of immediacy that will bring you success. Remember, everything is cyclical. Act now while the energy is receptive, for it will settle later in the week.