may 30th , 2005



an article:
When Knitting Was A Manly Art

2 sites for men who knit:

i'm also looking for more images of men knitting, especially vintage ones :)
if anyone has any, please post them here or email to:



places on LJ we are discussing this article:


pix from the baseball game yesterday, etc:



what a pain in the ass today was!
due to an error on my server's tech administration, all the usernames and passwords were deleted to ana2!
and this is the 2nd time this has happened! and about the 10th time they have let things get too full and so i can't do my ana2 biz!
i keep telling them to fix this problem and they never do!
very very frustrating!
i won't go into the technical details of the entire thing and the technical details involved in fixing it.
but believe me it's a PAIN IN THE ASS and VERY DEPRESSING way to spend one's day!

so things are ALMOST back to normal in ana2.

i did a whole bunch of other stuff, too, that i don't feel like typing about. but it's been a day of emailing , emailing, and fixing and fixing.

now i've nuked some fried rice from yesterday and i'm finally going to eat something.
and then at 8pm i am going to watch the new reality show "hell's kitchen" with jason and finally get some snuggling in.

i never did get to go outside for a walk or anything because of today's fiasco.

i just want to chill out now. my back is full of knots.



Horoscope for Aries (May 30 2005)

Don't be fooled by someone's advances or promises. Stick to what's familiar even if it does seem to be a little boring right now. Self-deception will be your worst enemy. Ask a true friend for his or her thoughts.


Helping others
Under this influence your energy is best expressed by activities whose principal goal is helping others. You may feel like doing very little, and certainly you will not be very self-assertive. But you are able to work with a spirit of true self-sacrifice and a desire to help others. Now you are more conscious of other people's needs and wants, because your own ego needs aren't very great. The only problem to watch out for is the temptation to view yourself as a kind of "savior" helping those who are lower or worse off than yourself. This influence can always create illusions, and you may think you are being totally unselfish when you are really on one of the strongest but subtlest ego trips of all. This is a good time to look at your life objectively to see what it really is without judging or condemning.


Your enthusiasm drives you to new heights as your optimism soars. Look carefully at what's going on to make sure that you're not just hiding an underlying tension that you can't shake. You won't succeed if you totally ignore what's real, but then again your positive attitude can probably overcome much of the negativity by your intention alone.