may 24th , 2005

what is the object in the sky in this picture?


oh shit! i just realized because i will be at the fashion show i will miss the 2 hour season finale of american idol!
i hope jason can tape it for me!!


tomorrow is the fashion show at 1st ave that i am going to be a photographer for :)
i'm going with fuzzy :)
i must find a fabulous outfit to wear!


ok go to:
click on movies, and then at the very top you can download the interview with oprah and tom cruise and you tell me WHAT is so crazy about it?
it's been bugging me all day how people think that is crazy.
and even that tom has pathological Histrionic Personality Disorder.
maybe he does, i don't know! i don't know the guy! but i still think that seems pretty ridiculous.

i guess this is upsetting to me for 2 reasons.

1. are some people are so cynical, bitter, jealous, or something that they cannot see or deal with a person who is very passionate or very happy and they want to squash it because it makes them feel uncomfortable for some reason?
2. i think i could be taken as being
"insane" in this way. and i know i'm NOT. so to see people just make these massive judgements about a person they do not know. it really bugs me. because it happens so much to me that people make horrible judgements about me.

i wish this didn't bug me so much. but it just struck a little nerve in me.

don't get me wrong, i have had a WONDERFUL day and i am really happy right now.
but this has just been this little minor thorn in my side all day.
because i just can't figure out how someone could , in my opinion, mistake passion, excitement and being in love for insanity.

but i know a lot of people already think i am very insane, including my own mother.
so's just a minor thorn in my side today. not a huge deal but something that has been rolling around in my head today.

i just try to see things from other people's perspectives so that i can understand the world better.

but still, i'm not going to let this get me down. i know where i want to go and be. and i know what energy i want to plug into and will plug into. i've been there before.
it's scary to shine to brightly because some people want to put that fire out. i used to shine more bright than i do now but i let the people who like to rain on parades get to me and i started to withdraw. it's hard to be that open and vulnerable and radiate all that you can be in front of millions. but i radiated and was innocent and naive and did not have shields up.
and i got shot down and so i withdrew, confused as to why someone could take my gift as a threat. how radiating so brightly can even get you killed.
it's taken me many years to process that. and to get to this point now where i am getting ready to radiate again.
but i didn't understand how i could shine all my light OUT, but not make myself vulnerable to the things that light would attract.
how can i shine but filter out those who would wish to harm me because of it? this has been some of my struggle for the past 7 years.
does shining brightly have to have such a price?

i think i am almost ready again. i think i CAN shine but still shield myself. i don't really understand how i know how to do that now. but somehow i have been learning it slowly. it's been a painstaking process.

it's hard to put into words and i'm not doing a very good job at explaining.

but this thing with tom really reminded me again, brought back some of that "post traumatic stress syndrome" i have about shining.
i go "oh ya, THAT is why i do not shine as brightly because some people hate that and try to tear you down." and i get scared again as to whether i'm up to it...whether i can do it and not be hurt so deeply again.

it's so much "energy work". i don't know who else to describe it.
it's hard to work with that much energy being hurled at you from all different directions, some very positive and some really negative.
and then to use that energy and not be swallowed, destroyed, or lost by it.
and also not to mistake it for YOU.
you have to have incredible powers of discernment and it has to be checked in on almost minutely when it's being so focused on you.
it's a very elaborate "dance". letting some energy through, deflecting some other energy, remaining in contact with your OWN personal energy, and then also just the universal energy.
plus then the energy of each place you are in. because every place has a different energy that you need to make adjustments to and work with.

sorry to the people who this is all too new agey and weird for you.
but this is very real for me. and it seems all my "life lessons" have centered around the lesson of learning how to deal with energy at many different levels and work WITH it and not be overtaken by it.

it's like surfing in a way, too.
riding that wave and not being sucked under.

all my live shows, this whole cam experience, the media, the people who have violated my energy and personal boundaries.
it's all been a lesson in energy.

energy is such a vague word for it. but i don't know how else to describe it yet.

but i still have so much more to learn.

anyway, this is all a learning experience for me.
it all strikes a nerve in me.
i feel a little nervous as i am making transformations within myself now.

i'm testing the waters.

and the universe is giving me little bits to chew on.
and that is good.
i'm learning.


adding links and text to the pictures below. scoll down to the pictures to see more info and links to more info!

"CARVER'S CAVE - A great cave located under Dayton's Bluff. Its Indian name was "Wakan-Teebe", which means "The Dwelling of the Great Spirit". Jonathan Carver came upon it during his 1766 explorations, and described it as follows. The entrance was about 10 feet wide, and its height about 5 feet, with a 15 foot arch that is about 30 feet broad within. Its bottom was of fine, clear sand, with a crystal clear lake that began about 20 feet from the entrance. The walls contained many Indian hieroglyphics, and nearby was a sacred Naudowessie burial ground. Zebulon Pike tried to find the cave in 1806, but it was stopped up. Major Stephen Long located it and gained entrance in 1817, but George Featherstonehough reported it again closed up with debris in 1835. Joseph Nicollet gained entry to it two years later, and reported that it was still in the same state as Carver described it eighty years before. In 1839, the murdered body of John Hays washed ashore. In 1866, the Minnesota Historical Society explored it by boat and candles in commemoration of Carver's Voyage."


my pictures for



hug nation is on now!

go join us now!!

see it and chat:

live audio:


i added a bunch of horoscope stuff to the bottom of this page is you care to read about the astrological influences for the coming week.

it never occurred to me that tom cruise cruises pure excitement yesterday on oprah could be mistaken for insanity.

i wrote this is a friend's journal about it:

"i thought tom cruise on oprah was totally hilarious in a good way :)
he was just in the best mood EVER and so totally completely in love and excited, and ya it was a bit manic, but hey i've been known to act like a total spaz sometimes when i am ridiculously extremely happy and so it didn't appear, to me, to be anything freaky.
but i suppose to people who never experience pure joy, it might have seen a bit bizarre. but i hadn't thought that people would have thought it bizarre until just reading your journal entry now.

and none of us know what it's like to be tom cruise. i mean, he just came off working on that huge movie, he's completely in love and the press is going ga ga over it, he goes on the oprah show and the crowd just SCREAMS at him (like the beatles or something) for quite a few minutes and oprah had to calm them down.
it think that is what started it for him. i think he's just a really sensitive person who soaked up all that energy of the crowd screaming at him and he just kind of channeled that for the rest of the show. because when he soaked it in, you could see him getting more and more energized and he could not stop laughing and he said he was overwhelmed.
i know from my personal experience that i can soak in the energies around me so much that it effects my mood.
and i'm guessing that is what happened to him. but it was all a good thing because it was all positive energy. so he was just a big ball of hyper happiness and excitement at life :)
it was pretty cool to witness someone radiating pure joy like that unabashedly :) i found it rather inspiring :)"

i feel kind of sad for people who can't connect with joy on that level and have never experienced being that way so that when they seem someone else acting like that they immediately think it's insanity. or maybe they have experienced joy and excitement at that level but just don't express it in the way tom cruise did.
but then, so what? it feels to me like people just want to rain on his parade. i don't understand this hatred for tom cruise. so he is a scientologist? who cares! and it doesn't seem to be anymore nutty than christianity. i don't see him out on the streets murdering anyone or causing harm to anyone. he seems pretty darn happy. things seem to be going pretty alright for him in his life and it's not infringing upon my personal freedom in anyway or harming me or anyone else that i can discern.
i'm going to choose to be inspired by his happiness! i want to be that alive, engaged in life, in the now, ridiculously joyful!
heck ya! plug me in! sign me up! i'm ready for it now!
it's really nice to see someone so plugged into happiness like that in the midst of all the agony on this planet.
it makes me realize it is possible to be in a state of joy in the midst of all the pain here.
and i think this planet desperately needs more of that.
just watching him i felt my energy levels raising! it was exilerating and hopeful :)
i want to radiate joy like that. i want to be a beacon of joy!
and if people call me bat shit insane for it, then so be it :)

call me an overly romantic idealist new age fruit. i don't care.
i love to see people happy and things working out for people.
i get enough heartache watching the news.
let me see something GOOD happening to someone.

2 gifs i saw of tom cruise on oprah. of course when you take these movements out of context it makes him look strange :)

both oprah and tom were laughing their asses off here :)
you have to remember they are friends!


when i wake up i will add text of the history of some of these things.
for now, i just want to get these up for you.
it might be nice for you to just view these without knowing much about them before i add the info anyway.
and then to view them later when i have the info up for a new perspective :)

swede hollow

"lowertown depot"
it was a
standard oil

all the soil in contaminated
because of it

this was to
the natio'ns
eco village

i wonder
why it
didn't happen?

this cool
dead tree!

this happened
by accident

this bunny
was in front of
the cave

this cave is
where people who
"rode the rails"
would stay

it's blocked off and
cemented shut

but you can
still see
"montana bill 1917"
scrawled into
the cave

we climbed
up there!

up here was
so cool!

it had a neat
hole to climb through :)

someone made
their initial in gum


you can see
this woman here
sitting on the rock
to get an idea
of the scope
of this place

the hole
as seen from the
other side

pure sand
up there.

a little kid
whacking at
the soft sandstone
with a stick.

i left my name, too.

me in the hole.

looking at at it all.

here is the cave
sealed shut.

Its Indian name
which means
"The Dwelling
of the
Great Spirit".

"sacred house
within the

it's been virtually
destroyed :(

i crawled up
to the top of the mouth.
this is me looking down.

the sidewalk
that goes nowhere

i think
this is where
the fish hatcheries
used to be

someone's sock

stairs that
go nowhere

a car seat
and an old
lots of
cnas of beer
strewn all
over thre place.

more stairs
that go nowhere

just one of
this cities
many portals
to other dimensions :)

who knew
electricity was mean?

the flooded



second to last picture. an ancestor?
the picture is credited to my grandmother.
last pic, the book the pic came from which was written by my grandfather, gulbrand loken.
which sent me on a search again for things that are loken.
my mom knows all about our family history, but i won't be talking to her any time soon :/
found a lady on the net who thought she made up the "baby name" of loken. so i emailed her and told her it was actually already a name.
i've often thought of changing my last name to loken before i changed it to voog.
i do get emails sometimes from voog people who think i might be a relative of them.
i should have written back especially to find out about this other "ana voog" who was born in 1916

i went on a search because my interest was peaked again when tonight on the local news they were talking about "the kensington runestone"

more links here

it seems the vikings/norsemen were here in minnesota at 1362, according to the stone.
actually lots of evidence of them being here way before that.
very very interesting!

and it seems they were maybe one of the original "knights of templar"
who were being persecuted at the time and maybe came over here to escape that.

brought me to this interesting page on vikings here
too bad it comes from a site about "white power".

i also thought there might be a connection between loken and a "god" from their mythology named "loki"
which took me to this weird page

so much to investigate!

it's the full moon tonight!
when it rose and was at the horizon, it was HUGE and orange!

now i am 1/2 listening to c2c



Moon Week Sagittarius thru Pisces
The lunar week runs Sagittarius thru Pisces. Moonday is a full Moon day, see kNEW mOOn for the fortnight flow. So Monday is a day where plans of travel in the mind, heart and body, make themselves known even if you weren't planning them. It's the difference between a journey and taking a trip, traveler of life or a tourist.

It gives Sagittarius a charge all week, so Gemini and the fire signs -Aries,Leo,Sag- will get special bursts off of it. The establishing of a plan always requires more weeding out ideas and concepts then making them. This week exposes root aspects of the personal and collective that is not in harmony with the stated goals. It can be a deeply effective time to sweeten our attitude by discovering where we look for the salt in our life. Obsession and worry are generators of mental and emotional 'salt'.

At the end of the week as the moon slips into Aquarius the opening of possibilities makes for a brainstorming weekend. Let the options role out, fantasize, play 'what I would do if I won the lottery'. At the end of it carve with the chisel of reality and find simple basic acts and beliefs that can be done right now to give you that feeling. Want is a symptom of a lack of gratitude.

Full moON
May 23th '05

This full moon has the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius. It brings together a one pointed vision with the ultimate in duality. Sounds like it could get messy but really it's a chance to see what forces we are generating that hold us back from the journeys and voyages of the heart, mind and body that we want to take.
So often the internal judge is the harshest, even the most confident egos are under a barrage of self-sabotage. In this waning lunar cycle we can detect these parts of us; we can convert or banish them, the third option of staying oblivious never brings bliss. Saturn and Pluto are in aspect during the Full Moon so these adjustments can have long lasting influence. This is the window to your charming, graceful, issue free self for the summer.

The sky is full of planets in air signs and as the week moves on we all begin having revelations on personal and social scabs. The first shock is seeing a problem or issue that was unnoticed. Not rushing to a simple solution can flip it so you see it fresh, slowly they always unravel, and it's the nature of things in motion, even thoughts, to come to rest.

With Mars and Venus square, Mercury trine Neptune and the Full moon moving through the pattern, details of the internal weave we all have with the masculine and feminine principle come prominent. The famous Yin and Yang are depicted swirling, they are in motion, balance is a single slide in the whole movie. In these churning waters of the moon we can learn to flow with balance rather that try and stand on it. The body and mind are a reflection of the heart; if we can adjust that emanation all we have to do is clean the mirror not change the reflection

May the Full moon keep dis- from your ease?


This fire moon is just what you need. It's a more refined energy and so use it's efficient forces to straighten up the cave, make lists of what your optimum summer would be and plant some food for next month, even if it's just basil on the windowsill. You need to watch the birth and maturation of things this week. The weekend is going to bring you a glimmer of things to come if you can tune to this deep cellular cycle in us all. The Jupiter opposite your sun thing is giving you a peek into the nature of expansion, and one thing we know is nature loves harmony, and then things grow effortlessly. So sink into how much force it takes to sprout, grow, mature and seed. None if you're in the flow.


Horoscope for Aries (May 24 2005)

Circumstances will be very unusual with your finances or the money matters of someone to whom you are close. Handle any joint financial ventures with kid gloves. This is not the time to criticize what others do.


Slightly out of focus
This is a very poor day for doing any work that requires disciplined thinking and precision. The world looks like an impressionist painting today, slightly out of focus and emphasizing large patterns of color and shadow. Work with numbers of strict logic will be especially affected. If you do this kind of work today, check it over for errors in a couple of days. Almost certainly there will be some mistakes. Communications today will be especially difficult. Even when you and another person are trying to be very clear, you may have misunderstandings. This is a poor influence for any important discussions about business or personal matters. Even if you are sure that you are speaking clearly and honestly, make sure that others are treating you the same way.


You are less irritated today as you settle in to a state of tentative satisfaction. This may not last long, but an easygoing attitude can help you accept things the way they are. Disillusionment may return soon enough, but there's really nothing to do about it today other than enjoying what you have. Even if your life looks good now, push yourself mentally to prepare for what is coming up next.