may 16th , 2005


working out the details for my live cam show i will be doing for
in australia! yippee :)



my site is the 245,189th the most popular site on the net:

(according to that site. i wonder how they figure that out?)

haha :) well THAT puts things in perspective, eh?
i guess that's not so bad when you think of how many millions of websites are out there.

woo hoo. go me! lol :)

all the rain and cold here is starting to get to people here, i can tell.
it feels like september or october. all day it was so dark you couldn't really tell what time of the day it was.
it was disconcerting. it felt like an eclipse. like some sort of "inbetween" time.
it stopped raining and jason and i went for a walk. but the last 1/2 of the walk we were rained on, but it wasn't too bad. it's supposed to be in the 70's tomorrow instead of the 50's...but still rain.

on our walk today i think i saw a beaver! or some sort of large brown animal that was about as big as a beaver.
i can't really imagine it was a beaver...that would be so strange. but i don't know what else it could have been!
it was about as big as one of my dogs.

i'm cooking a curry soup. beef, potatoes, onions, garlic, red curry.
my house smells sooooo garlicy and the wind of howling through the cracks in my windows.
i'm getting really sick of that sound.
it seems the older i get the more sensitive to scent, light, and sounds i get.
i find i have less tolerance for anything in the unpleasant range.

i found this site the otehr day about "highly sensitive" people

except i'm not shy.


i posted a silly meme in LJ

here are the answers:

i asked you which one of these you thought i was.
i'm actually both for a lot of these, depending on the circumstances, but i bolded the ones i lean more towards:

* dominant or submissive (i am dominant! i can't believe some of you think i'm submissive. pushaw!)
* logical or intuitive (well, i go by my intuition more than most people, i think. but i DO believe i am highly logical, although many might disagree with that)
* social or loner (if i am in a social situation i would seem like an extrovert, but i prefer to be alone)
* kinky or vanilla (well kinky! duh! some of you think i'm vanilla? ha!)
* cute or sophisticated (fashion-wise, i'm cute, but i'm trying to cultivate some sophistication as i get older)
* kitten or puppy (how can i pick? but since i have 3 dogs i'll pick puppy)
* warm flannel sheets or sleek satin (flannel in winter, satin in summer)
* leader or follower (leader! but if i HAVE to follow, i don't have such a big ego that i can't be a follower well)
* quiet or talkative (depends on who i'm with, but i'd probably say i am more talkative :)
* spontaneous or planned (you'd think i'd be spontaneous, but i'm not really because i'm nervous. so i like to plan things, at least a LITTLE bit)
* teddy bear or porcelain doll (i like to collect dolls, but i'm more emotionally attached to stuffed animals)
* hiking or window shopping (does hiking mean there are mountains or hills? because if it means that, then i'm all for window shopping)
* tequila or vodka (i loathe tequila, so i'd have to say vodka)
* top or bottom (almost every single one of you said top! why? i'm actually a bottom. but i can be a great top of i have to be, but i'd rather not.)
* bare foot or shoes (again, so many of you said i'd prefer to be barefoot. no way! gimme BOOTS!)
* jeans or slacks (i don't really like either. but the word "slacks" makes my skin crawl so i'll say jeans")
* tender or rough (i don't know what they meant by this. like am i tender hearted? if so, i am very tender! if they meant rough sex, then i'll say rough :)
* aware or dreamy (i am both, but if i had to pick one i'd say aware)
* nerd or jock (i am NEITHER, but i am DEFINITELY not a jock. a jock? do i look like i'm into sports? *shudder*)



i don't know WHAT i'm doing today.
i'm in a strange state of stasis. it's so grey.
i'm doing silly lj memes. and gicing support to my lj friends.
and watching oprah.
and thinking about life in too many ways to count.


it's raining raining raining.
so no going to the p.o. for me today :(



just out of curiousity (not to get in a debate about it at ALL), i am wondering what religion you are (if you subscribe you a religion)?
if you don't, are you spiritual and if so how would you best describe it?
do you believe there is a "god"? if so how would you best describe it/she/he?
and if you are not spiritual how would you best describe that? agnostic? atheist?
i'm really curious about the spiritual beliefs or nonbeliefs of those who read my journal :)
again, this isn't being asked to get in a debate or discussion about it at all. i'm just curious!


i didn't make it as a fashion designer to be in:
so i asked instead for a photographer/press pass and seats up front so i can be one of the photographer's snapping the pictures up at the catwalk!
and i got that, so rock and roll! :)
i'm also going to try to interview any designers who want to be interviewed and document as much as i can!
then i'll put it all up on my website for everyone to see :)
this will be my 1st "official" job as a person OF the media and not a person IN the media :)
so, it should be a very interesting thing for me! i know i'll do a good job since i am the queen of documentation!

w00t! :)


the wind is howling through my windows.
an unnerving sound.
57 degrees. grey, of course.
i don't remember any of my dreams.
i'm still pissed that for some reason i thought i could get on the survivor show that is going to be in the mayan ruins, but i've missed that boat already. it's been cast.
i forgot when you try out for survivor you don't know where it is you are going to go.
ffffffuck. i want to be in the MAYAN one!
you can even ask jason for how many times i've said "why don't they have a survivor in peru in the ruins?"
and now they are going to have one like that and i'm not in it! bah! *grumble*
fargity farg farg.
if i try out for survivor i just know i'll end up on another damn island.
i don't want to be on an island. i want to be in mayan, aztec, or incan ruins!
oh well oh well oh well. so it goes.
maybe i will try out for survivor anyhow someday and just see what my chances are and see what happens.

but today...i do not know what i will do with today.
i have a few more packages to take to the p.o. i suppose i will do that.
and i will go for a walk. and i will do my usual things.
and just keep on going.

you have to make a videotape to send in to survivor. i don't know what i would ever do on that videotape.
isn't that weird? i usually wouldn't have a problem with that. but for some reason this leaves me stumped.

as scarlet o'hara would say "oh fiddle dee dee, i think about that tomorrow"

i need to get in better shape before i'm on survivor anyway.
but i AM working on that!
but i need some arm muscles.
i don't think i'd win any challenges or immunities or anything.
but i do think i could make it to the jury, at least.


The life of the party
This is a very lighthearted time, when you should be able to relax and enjoy yourself with friends and loved ones. You will enjoy being with groups of people, and you will wish to express your feelings of affection. Your favor will extend even to the point that you want to share it with everyone. This is also a good time to go out and meet people. You will not have the fear and shyness that may sometimes make it difficult for you to encounter new people, nor will you need to worry about making a bad impression on the people you meet. This influence helps to ensure you will make a favorable impression upon everyone. If you usually enjoy being the life of the party, you will certainly have the chance to play this role now.


You've already made your choice and now you have to live with the consequences of your actions. If you overstepped your boundaries, you'll, at least, have a chance today to do some damage containment and clean-up. Don't waste energy thinking about how it should be; just get to work and start making it better.