12th , 2005 |
working on a hat i started a billion
months ago.
the grey alpaca i bought the other day is just what i needed to finish it.
and i may incoorporate this racoon paw into it that belonged to my taxidermied
albino racoon named rascal that i gave to a friend for a wedding present.
i keep emailing her to tell her i found the paw so she can put that back on...but
she doesn't email back and i don't know why.
so....the paw shall become part of this hat , i think.
the albino racoon died of natural causes. he was a pet.
when he died the husband had him taxidermied thinking this would make his
wife happy, but she was horrified.
so i ended up getting him on ebay long ago when i thought it would be a spectacular
to start collecting only albino taxidermied animals :)
i still hit myself over the head for not getting that albino peacock. damn.
it's was gorgeous. i should have gotten it. fuck.
who knows if i'll ever find another! *sigh*
oh well, i'll live.
anyway, this will probably be one
of the weirdest and most elaborate hats i ever make.
it's hard to say until it's done.
i went on the treadmill for 1/2 an hour. when i started out doing that, i would be winded. but this time it didn't even phase me. i suppose since i've been walking for an hour outside. we could only handle 1/2 an hour on the treadmill, tho, because it's so damn boring.
now i'm frying up some tilapia in butter. yum!
and then it's survivor and then the apprentice :)
i've had to have my oven on all day for heat!
it's nice to be in a good mood today and feel "normal" :)
promoted the book here, in my lj,
in my crochet lj, in the crochet lj community, the spinning lj community,
on my mailing list, and linked to it on my hat site *whew*
maybe i will put a link to it in the cam pic on anacam, too :)
i think my horoscopes are completely
off today.
they sound like something i felt last week, but not today.
i don't feel like arguing with anyone and i don't feel irritable either :)
just got off the phone with a woman
who is putting together a book for SuperNaturale
and they want to feature one of my hats, too and write a little thing about
me on their site! i am really excited :) so i am going to email them photos
of hats i have on hand, and if any of them are not what they want i can make
a new hat for them because i have til fall for this. yippee!
i like to have my hats in books!
also they said i can be an editor at their site which just means i can post
little cool things on their blog there if i feel like it :)
and she said she has connections
in case i would want to put out a book of my own. so that is a nice option
to have :)
these things all give me a bit more energy to get back into my crocheting
:) and so i am going to work on a hat today that i started eons ago.
yes, i feel a sparks of hope and
creativity in me again.
it's good to get positive feedback on what i do and feel appreciated.
and see concrete evidence of what i have made.
it propels me forward so i don't feel like everything i do is just in "the
i'm listening to ultravox.
my house is finally getting warmer.
jason is leaving work in 20 minutes. and then we are going to go on the treadmill (blech)
but it's way to cold, rainy, and ishy to go outside.
deiter endorses the pluckyfluff
and there is the page where my hat is featured in it,
with the opposite page featuring something i wrote about freeform crochet.
i'm so excited about this book! it's SO well thought out, beautiful, cute,
delightful, with tons of gorgeous full colour photos! and it's hardcover!
it's only 37 degreees here. very
rainy and windy.
i turned my oven on at 9am and it's still not warm in here, so i cranked it
from 200 degrees to 350 degrees and put on a winter hat and scarf. i am FREEZING.
many dreams whirling through my head. nervous, groggy, shivering, all my muscles tense and sore.
Horoscope for Aries (May 12 2005)
No matter how fast your mind is racing, now you must slow it down. Speed no longer matters, for you've already demonstrated how efficiently you can separate yourself from the pack. Don't just speak your mind to show others how quick you can think. If it's important, then make your point clearly for the maximum effect.
The onus will be on you today, especially if you haven't held up your end of the bargain at home. Take care of business before you venture out or you will answer for your neglect later in the day. Deal quickly with an emotional situation.
Cruising for bruising
This influence confers a tremendous intellectual and mental energy. You can
work with your mind much longer than usual and thereby accomplish quite a
bit. At the same time you will feel intellectually competitive and fond of
debating with others. The negative side of this influence is that if you take
yourself and your ego too seriously, you may speak and act during this time
as if you were spoiling for a fight. You may feel quite irritable and even
be set off by rather trivial incidents. Often you will act defensively on
issues that you have no real stake in at all. One problem with this influence
may be that you will find it difficult to determine when it is necessary to
defend your position. You tend to identify your ego with everything you think,
say and believe