11th , 2005 |
jason and i tried to go for a walk but it was TOO windy and cold so we stopped and turned around. and tomorrow is supposed to be 10 degrees colder! brrrr!
i got my pluckyfluff
book today! yay! and my hat is in there :)
it makes me so happy!
it's the cutest most beautiful book!
i will take some pix of it for you!
but 1st i am going to go over to
jason's to watch 2 more dr. who episodes and eat ramen.
i'll be back in an hour.
i would definitely say i am more
of a new romantic than new wave
after some reflection, that is indeed what i still am.
and then that bleeds into some of the goth and glam stuff, like bauhaus and
colour me beautiful dahhhhlink :)
i am a decadent futurist in love with the gorgeous past.
i would pick ultravox over devo any
roxy music over the sex pistols.
bowie over iggy
siouxie over cyndi
i would rather be painted silver, dripping in pearls, running through the fog in wales like a liquid space alien than sneering, drinking and pogoing in a sweaty club with a bunch of punk guys on speed.
and for that, i infinitely rule :)
btw, bill nelson's diary moved here
and a new GOLDFRAPP album coming
out in august!
i can't WAIT!!!
ok, how do i word the letter i must
write to the chief of police to get my gun back?
what do i say?
anyone care to help me out on that?
i am at a loss over what is the best way to word it.
a drawing i did in 1981 of a "new
romantic" :)
took a photo of it before i mail it off to someone :)
i just took a photo of it. my scanner
isn't plugged in.
(and bayarts i'm sending you the paper copy of this)
another grey day in the series of
grey days. only 54 degrees.
i'm going to work on getting those posters mailed to people today.
i have no excuse not to just work on tasks like that since i am feeling zero
creativity, at least this hour i am.
i keep trying to force myself to be a little bit creative here and there just
to keep the coals alive for later bonfires.
i don't know what more to say in this moment. i have to just keep going even
if it's baby steps.
i can't shake the feeling that somehow i've missed a bus or missed my stop,
or i'm off kilter from where i "should" be.
and i'm trying not to beat myself up over it. i try the best i can.
it's not like my life is over. i still have a new chance in each new "now".
and i am really working hard to get myself back on track.
i just have to get these things mailed off.
and then i have to come up with more things to sell.
and i have to do my TAXES.
and then i really really really really have to write new songs for a new record
or i am going to feel like a total slacker.
i need a "big project" to show this world i am still alive and kicking.
in here, you see i am, but this place is small.
this place is my little womb. my messy little womb that needs to bleed.
Horoscope for Aries (May 11 2005)
Sometimes dreams rehash what's already happened, but they are also harbingers of what's to come. It may be difficult now to tell whether it's the past or the future that calls to you from these symbolic realms -- and that's where the current magic begins. You can turn uncertainties into possibilities by allowing yourself to play out the dreams in fantasies. And if one feels better than the others do, move your life in that direction.
Traveling to a destination that is inspiring and creative will get you moving in a whole new direction. Communicating with people in the know or who have experience you lack will help you make a decision.
An eager mind
At this time you must express yourself and your thinking in every possible
way. Your mind is clearer than usual, and you feel more alert and mentally
sharp. At the same time you are very conscious of your purpose in any project
you are engaged in, which enables you to express that purpose clearly to others.
Just be careful that you aren't putting so much energy into communicating
with others that you aren't allowing their communication to come back in to
you. Also don't let your own subjective point of view blind you to others'
points of view. Your eager mind may also attract the attention of someone
above you, who will get in touch with you about some matter that is important
to you. In general this influence favors communication with men rather than
with women, but all communication is improved.