april 13th, 2005


making a soup:

chicken, red potatoes, green curry, garlic, red onion, toasted sesame oil, salt, pepper
i'll let that cook for a long time then add more veggies to it later on.
like fresh basil and carrots, perhaps.
maybe peanuts.

that's kind of too wintery of a soup for spring.
i need to make a mostly veggie spring soup after this one is eaten.
fuzzy gave me some organic veggies she got for free. beets, carrots, parsley, cabbage, and some stuff i'm not too sure what it is. a root thing. i think it will all make a very nice soup!

i haven't started the mom documentation yet.
just getting the other basic stuff done 1st, cleaning, washing, cooking.

then walking.

then mom stuff.

listening 2 prince.



it's 62 and sunny.
i definitely neeed to get outside and walk and get rid of some of my nervous energy.
already i've forgotten my dreams, but i know they were all riddled with nervousness.
today i have to ge everything ready to go to the courthouse tomorrow and fill out paperwork and give my statement.
i'm really nervous.
that's all i can say.
i just feel nervous and there is not much more to say than that.
i can't wait until all of this is over with.

i will play mellow music today and just try to take things one step at a time and remember to breathe.





limited edition anavoog.com posters for sale!
i only have 20 of these left and then that's it!
once they are gone they are gone!

see the photo of it here:

they are big 18" by 24"
i will autograph each one!

for sale for $15 only (and that includes the shipping and handling which will probably be around $5 since i have to buy a cardboard tube to stick these in and those cost about 3.50, as well)

please go to:

and buy a nonrecurring 1 gift membership to ana2 (which is $15)
(i repeat you will NOT be rebilled ever! and it's totally secure)

then email me at anavoog at gmail dot come
and tell me what username you picked so i can delete it later.
and tell me your address so i can send you the poster!


i need to come up with $257 by thursday, so....

if anyone would like to donate money to help me pay for this restraining order against my mom,
please go to:

and buy a nonrecurring gift membership to ana2
and in return i will mail you one of my artwork/drawings.
i have a whole bunch that i was going to sell.
but i will use it for this cause instead.

they are the very last of my drawings from my childhood. so this is a REALLY good deal
that will never be happening again, simply because once this stuff is gone, it's gone forever and i will never again have any more of this to sell.
i will just select it for you because if i have to take pictures of it all and then match it to everyone, it's going to take me forever to do that.
so the artwork you receive will be a surprise.
but it will be good and it will be signed by me!

that is just the only way i can accept money by credit card is the ana2 gift membership way, at this time.
and i don't have paypal.
so please if you can donate to help me with this restraining order.
because i do not have $257 dollars at ALL.
and i rrrrreeeeaaaalllyyyy need it by thursday!

then just tell me what username you picked and an address to send you the artwork!
(my email is anavoog at gmail dot com)


Horoscope for Aries (April 13 2005)

Do something that you enjoy. Go shopping, take a short trip, or visit someone you haven't seen in some time. This is a great day to find love or to do something with that special person in your life.


strong will *
This is a day when you should put all of your attention and energy into getting ahead and attaining your ambitions. More than any other influence, this one signifies ego expression and expressing your will. You are inclined to be more strong-willed than usual today, to the point that you may not make compromises even when you should. Pursue your own objectives, but don't be so willful that you alienate others unnecessarily. In your dealings with superiors, this influence has a double-sided significance. You may alienate your superiors because they see your actions as a threat to themselves, or you may win their regard and support. It all depends upon your relationship with them and your attitude toward authority figures in general; either way, you will have extensive dealings with people in power.