april 6th, 2005


holy shit, haha :) god, will it ever end? probably not.


get a life, buddy! sheesh.
ya, way to go! wow, my feelings are SO HURT.
wow, you sure showed ME!
can't even spell sonia's name.

please don't anyone feed the troll.
but i just had to show you that because it's just so pathetic that someone is STILL pissed about my ronald reagan (can't even spell HIS name either) post from EONS ago that they have to make a lj about it!
i only discovered that journal because whoever made it added me as a friend a few days ago then deleted me as a friend. and i was reviewing who had been adding me and deleting me tonight.




put on my silver pants so i didn't feel so blah!



kick ass! super tight black stretch jeans are back in style!
i need to get myself many pairs somehow!


it's so weird for it to be 6:30 and still really light out.
soon is time for ANTM and then AI.
i am SO extremely bloated. i didn't excercise today but i suppose walking to the p.o. and back counts for something.
but i might be losing weight because when i put my jeans on, even tho i am a bloatation device, they still were not as tight on me as when i 1st got them. either that or they are stretching out. i haven't washed them yet because i'm too afraid they will shrink and i will not be able to get them on. when i lose a few more pounds i'll wash them.
but i remember when i 1st got them i had to really squash myself into them and my waist poofed out the top of them just a little little bit. and now it doesn't poof there anymore.
tomorrow is going to be another gorgeous day for walking.


good grief!
so i got outside and mailed off 3 things. but i went out before taking a bath and i'm a total scuz but i just thought, ah, i'll just do this quickly. and i put a hat on over my greasy hair and some lipstick so i don't look completely dead and scuffled out 1/2 dazed and with a headache. and i'm ambling along almost in a dreamstate. i realize that i am walking to the p.o. on auto pilot, and all of a sudden i hear someone yell "Rachael!" and it's Kii, this guy i went out with for 5 months, and i don't know whether or not he really qualifies as a past boyfriend since he never said he was. i mean, i asked him to be, and he couldn't make up his mind and so i left him for another guy who DID want to be my boyfriend (robert from the famed "pizza night") and then he wanted me back but by then it was too late. but he did my artwork for anavoog.com cd. he is a really amazing artist and so full of positive energy! and it was fun to go out with him at the time because we were BOTH bald and in rock bands. ha :)
he was in a band called Flipp.
anyway. no bad memories with this guy or anything, just a really sweet guy who i went out with for awhile.
well, i don't think i've seen him for maybe 7 years? maybe more?
so here we are at this windy and bizarre intersection. me with piles of boxes. and Kii in front of me talking a mile a minute, as always, and just WTF? i mean of ALL the weird places to run into him at THAT intersection?
so he drove ALL the way up here from L.A. for an art gallery show thing he is in because his paintings are fragile or something.
and the wind is blowing like crazy and making my eyes water and i'm squinting and trying to take in everything he is saying. and we talk about my hats and my mom and his paintings and he gave me some cds of his work. he si always so ORGANIZED!
and THEN along comes chris strouth, this guy from the music scene who kii and i both know well, and THAT is completely random, too! and so kii and are just like what is UP with this INTERSECTION today??
what are the chances?? it was information overload. and kii took a pic of us with his cellphone.
and i'm feeling massively insecure about what i look like and thanking the lord i wore a hat and some lipstick!
and THEN kii runs into someone else he knows. and there are 4 of us just standing there at this remote and random windy intersection. bizarre!
but time runs out 'cause we all have places where we need to be and so it's quick goodbyes after about 15 minutes of trying to take in everyone's information.
and i make it to the p.o. and go "whew" to myself.
and i almost don't even get to send one thing in the mail because i say it's perfume and they say no alcohol can go on a plane, so i lie and say it's not an alcohol based perfume, it's a rose oil, so they let it through.

and then i am opening a letter i received and trying to read it when that russian boy is there!
and i can't think of any way to get out of having to walk out with him because the p.o. is closing and everyone is leaving. so fucking a. i have to walk with him for blocks trying to understand what he is saying to me in his thick russian accent and i am completely uninterested in what he has to say and the wind is blowing our hats off and my head is hurting so much. he is talking to me about dumb stuff like why i do not like to ride the bus, which has to be about the most boring topic to me of all time. and especially since my answer is "because i don't like being stuck in a small place with freaks who want to talk to me" and i think the meaning of that is totally lost on him.
and his hat blows off to reveal that he has cut his hair into a samuraii style, which i had to laugh my ass off at this little skinny russian boy with a samuari (sp?) haircut. because it does NOT go at ALL. but hey, i give him credit for being that daring and trying it out. but it is doubly absurd because he is covering his hair up with a gilligan's island hat. and he wants me to go with him to this weird store that sells fruit for cheap. i mean, can this guy get a CLUE?
no, i do not want to go to the FRUIT store with you!!
i am trying to AVOID you!
and SOMEHOW i manage to escape from him into my little store without saying that yes, i will see his films he has made that he wants me to see. i'm just like "i'm sure i'll run into you again! bye!"
and god, i probably WILL run into him again. fuck!
all of that WOULD have been charming if it were not for the fact that he is annoying!
he says on may 1st he is moving to a different part of town so i hope to god that will narrow my chances of ever running into him again.

so that is enough talking to people for me for one day, i'll tell u that!
that was like going out to a club or something!
it was cool to see kii and chris, tho! but i'd like to be a bit more prepared the next time something like that is foisted upon my foggy brain!

i made some of my tea. it's called "rose cabana" or something.
and listening to the cure (head on the door)


heard the tiniest amount of thunder last night at 4am, maybe saw a tiny flash of lightning. but that's all i got.
today i have to get stuff done.

in 12 days i'll be 39.
i'm kinda freaking on that a bit.



Horoscope for Aries (April 6 2005)

A change in attitude as well as in your financial situation is apparent. An older relative will need addition help or your services. Don't let a slowdown disturb you; the extra time will aid you in doing what's right.


Stormy weather
Weak, transient effect: This morning you will have to be quite careful, because you are emotionally excitable and impulsive. In your contacts with others you will seek excitement and stimulation, and thus you may attract people who are quite different from your usual crowd. You may even be quite upset by these new people, but you should realize that they are filling a real need in your life now. Or you may act disruptively in your current relationships. It is not exactly that you are trying to start a fight, but in talking with someone you may stir up feelings that cause a fight to begin unintentionally. Consequently this can be a stormy period in relationships. If anyone tries to restrict you, your reaction will be very negative, even if the restrictions are in your best interests.