february 25th, 2005


today was such a good day! (technically yesterday since i am writing this at 12:04am, the 26th)

it was so busy i could not write it all!
1st i got up and forgot i was to get together with fuzzy today to dye her hair so we got a small late start, but then ventured off into uptown to look for the right colours. and we went to saint sabrinas and i bought 2 bottles of cherry bomb. then we went to ragstock where we ran into rochelle, who is the manager there at the place i used to work at for 8 years. and whenever i go in there i get caught up in such nostalgia, it's really indescribable. i don't know how i can still be so intrinsically linked to a retail store so intensely that i still dream about it to this day, even tho i had such a horrible time there because of the guy who now owns it. but i never felt it was his, i felt it was mine. and that uptown store will always be mine. i wove my soul into that place, i painted the walls, the ceilings, had sex on the counter, slept there on hot summer nights on the cold cement floor because i had no air conditioning. even tho i moved from many places and had several boyfriends during that time, ragstock was my constant rock.
and many hate the smell but i adore the sweet musty dusty smell of old clothes. and as i whirled through it and went into the military section (old miltary clothes from thoughout the world) i remembered that it had yet another distinct smell, and then over to the kimonos, yet another scent! but each one is so alike you wouldn't be able to distinguish it unless you had worked there for years and years. but i just yearned for it. i can't explain it. it goes so deep, like the smell of playdough or glue paste or construction paper from your childhood. i want to crush myself into the racks.
i don't think "ragstock" is "in the blood" but like a few of us from here who catch the disease of it and completely fall in love/hate with it.

it was lorna doone who started it all. yes, like the cookie, the movie, the novel...
she was the 1st "punk" of minneapolis. the transition from glam rocker, rocky horror, to new wave punk , new romantic dreamer artist.
15 or so years my senior, i lived with her a few years, a recovering heroine addict, she told the most beautiul stories EVER. a black and white photo booth in her living room lined with silk velvet. champagne glasses in the corner crushed and smashed from a new years gone by. every thing from the 40's and totally new wave. future and past combined. glitter EVERYWHERE. she is the one who "turned me on" to glitter.
her attic PACKED with vintage clothes from every era imaginable, all dying a slow death from the heat and neglect. i'd sneak up there when she was passed out on methadone, my heart beating and ladder creaking.
but i needed to SAVE those last few relics of embroidered silk before either she died or they did.

we were so alike in so many ways, dreamers, hoarders, romantics...
i learned not only about glitter and stories from her and the art of dust, but also NOT to hoarde and the tragic end that has not only for the person hoarding who becomes a slave to their stuff, but also, one cannot look after that many "stray animals" without them catching a disease and dying off.

i could go on and on about this but must move on now...
anyway i had to move out since her heroin addict boyfriend stole my leather motorcycle jacket, 200 bucks rent money and my cobalt blue rickenbacker 330. another story to go down...

so ragstock....LOVE it, hate the owner. could work there again, even for free. if i lived uptown i would.
i fucking love that place like there is no logical reason.

and rochelle...i have so much to say..i can't type it all....wow...

so we move on to this punk rock record store, which is STILL weird to me that there is a record store at ALL completly devoted to ONLY punk music. i mean, it was hard enough to find it at all...to have an entire STORE dedicated still blows my mind.

so i bought some nuclear red dye from there. and they were eating these cool sandwhiches which i found out were mock duck from a place called jasmine deli on nicollet. so i had to go THERE.
$2.50 a sandwhich! mock duck, carrots, and cilantro and bubble tea!
fuzzy had mango and i had coconut, the tapioca black as frog eggs but swet as candy :)

i love earth!

right next to the black forest which is, hilariously, a heroin hangout (or at least it was), and the place i met kat from babes in toyland.

anyway, all of hennepin and lake street, all my life, everything, it floods to me.
it's overwhelming. the guy that busted in my house and tried to rape me, the corner i blissfully passed out with my best friend, the 24/7 diner, my life, my entire life.

but i left all that to come whre i am now. had to get away.

ok, so, then we go to this place which is stevie nick's haute couture DREAM HOUSE.
and i am in snobby rich as fuck hippy land but it's GOOD.
i never knew there were snobby hippies!
haute couture for hippies?
1,000 a dress. and i know that is cheap for that.
but hand dyed, just...drenched in beads, 20's reconstructions.
carnelian, jade, garnet, handdyed silk, netted crinolen handsewn texture colour scent land from HEAVEN.
a turkish opium deli.
fuzzy had told me she was bringing her hats there and i'm like ya ok. but until i saw it....wow! just...you have to EXPERIENCE it and what was it doing in the middle of NOWHERE next to a super amercica???
i said this was like stevie nicks dreamland and the 2 old hippy women turned to me all wide eyed and said "do you know stevie nicks?????"
and maybe i just gave off some rock star vibe that they even thought this might be a possibilty because i was definitely more courtney love looking than stevie (which weird connection because courtney LOVES stevie, so go figure). and i said no and they were sad.
but heck if ever i DO meet her i will tell her!
i mean the stuff in there you would wear the the OSCARS.
and it just made me know , even more deeply how much i am missing out when i look at haute couture in magazines and cannot see it, touch it, smell it.
it was sensory OVERLOAD.
not only clothes but rich tea and incedible combinations of incense and oils and scrubs and completely DECADENT.

jacqui, if you read this, you would LOSE IT in this store!

and so ya, i must bring in some of my hats and i swear to god it is my MISSION to meet the owner fo this store now.

what was the name of the store? larue's?

so then back to my house and i bleached fuzzy's hair and dyed it "tigerlily" which was very david bowie "low"
and i dyed 1/2 my head cherry bomb and the other half nuclear red.
and the 2 are SO alike it is very hard, in dark light, to see any difference at all, but once is more orange and one is more blue. and i think i will see more of a difference in the sunlight and as it fades.

but it is DELICIOUS and CARNIVOROUS to have my hair a red red blod red agin *dreamy sigh*. my tub looks like a slughterhouse.
here are no words to describe the feeling of it but it is just so highly charged with sex and decadance and life and vitality. mmmmmm! and it's on my HEAD! YUM!

happiness :)

to top it all of a yummy sweet dark beer and listening to the current, a new station here which deviates between ella fitgerald, patsy cline, the sex pistols, and my bloody valentine, the jam AND play ME. ha :)
what could be better???

sometimes life is SO DAMN GOOD!

i want to eat it all!!!
EVERYDAY should be as good as this day!

and in closing i must say fuzzy is the bomb.
who else can i go on search for hair dye with, marvel at scents and comic book stores, lose youself in the decadence in a stevie nicks world while simultaenously loving the punk rock store where they sell vinyl of the germs 1st record, eat mock dock sandwhiches with bubble tea, then love missy elliot, bad tv, japanese chins, and david bowie's hair form low AND get excited about freeform crochet and loves clear plastic tubing for making hats all in the same day with?
i mean what are the chances of that? AND that we live in the same city and in the same time??
i am SO lucky!


Horoscope for Aries (February 25 2005)

You may be confused about a job you must complete. Someone is likely to forget to give you some vital information you require. Question everything and everyone. Someone you least expect will help you out.


You may need to put the brakes on in your mind today, for you tend to think and speak hastily. Others may seem too slow for you today, and in your haste you may overlook something significant. At its worst this influence will make you feel scattered, undisciplined and nervous. But on the positive side, it acts like a stimulant upon the brain. You are interested in new kinds of experiences and very impatient with the usual routine. Do something different or meet new people who will challenge your thinking. Even your long-time associates can show you aspects of themselves that you never knew existed. In conversation with others, you are inclined to be blunt. Just be careful not to overdo it, and avoid saying things simply to shock people. Be prepared to back up your words later.