17th, 2005 |
a very interesting conversation between
ladder7 and i which started about this:
kick asssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!
my mom deleted her fucking LJ again!
i only know this because when i updated my friends in my semagic programme
for LJ it told me she had deleted me.
ok, went there to make sure it was that she deleted her lj and not just that
she had deleted me from her frineds list and she DID delete her journal.
happy thing!!!!!!!!!!
maybe it was all the disturbing spam poetry with accompanying disturbing imagery which helped to push her out the door?
i'll never know...
but she's gone..again...thank god.
i hope she NEVER comes back!!
more beauty from the trash
(this 1st one here is my favourite :)
New Year with Vicodin Dolores
cough gkn retrograde ng greenberg fl carabao lwy
incapacity fw flabby vpq pyrite vh ceremonious xwj cistern esb ripley iq
kirchoff pr nucleotide fww
(don't you just hate it when you're in the middle of making horseshoes in your underwear and your boob falls out? ya, i hate when that happens. damn vicodin. well, i just pretend i didn't notice and just smile for the camera, anyway. what more can you do? *sigh* i just try and make the best out of any given situation. at least wearing clean underwear helps. afterwards: jelloshots.)
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TO LOSE, LATVIA (or ferocity protoplasmic)"
(a new song by morrissey)
Hello archipelago,
If you've tried the rest, then definately come try the original and the b.
Get from four 2 ten in. ches the natural way.
You've got nothing to lose latvia
Morton Negron
ferocity protoplasmic
Hi intention,
Slide it on,
PUt it in,
Watch her squirm... she'll love you for it
I promise,
Stefanie Lockhart
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no bad credit for us:
One of Hariri's senior bodyguards and officials at the American University
in Beirut hospital confirmed Hariri's death to CNN.
The hospital, which said it had seen another nine bodies and more than 100
injuries, said Hariri was dead on arrival.
Former Economy Minister Basil Fuleihan, riding in the motorcade, was
critically wounded, Reuters reported.
Witnesses reported seeing at least 10 bodies on the scene of Monday's
explosion, which caused widespread destruction.
There has been no claim of responsibility for the blast.
Hariri, 60, a multi-billionaire businessman who resigned from government
last October, recently joined calls by the opposition for Syria to quit
Lebanon in the run-up to general elections in May, Reuters reported.
Hariri served as prime minister from 1992-98 and again from 2000 until his
resignation after parliament amended the Lebanese constitution to extend
Syrian-backed President Emile Lahoud's term by three years. Lahoud had been
set to leave office last November.
At least six fires were burning in the immediate aftermath of the blast,
which took place at shortly after 1 p.m. (1100 GMT).
The powerful blast took place in front of the five-star hotels St. George
and Phoenicia-Intercontinental in the Lebanese capital's famed Cornische
overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.
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(spam...beauty in the trash)
another spam i just received. i have no idea what language it is. danish?
anyway, i'm putting it here because
i love the way the words sound when you say them, even tho i do not understand
their meaning.
it's funny how, if you don't know the language, even the most mundane of spam
can sound beautiful. they could even be saying the most horrible things ever,
but because i don't know the meanings of the words, it's still pretty to me.
very odd how that works.
"Hallo Leonie,
Bovengenoemde klant wil graag per maand gaan betalen. Hierover heb ik op 14-2-2005
een e-mail naar jou gestuurd maar deze kreeg ik terug met een error in het
adres. Mocht je hem toch ontvangen hebben dan sorry voor het ongemak.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Van Roosmalen assurantiën
Thea van Roosmalen"
On Compassion
from dianataylor2012's
"A friend was teaching me about compassion earlier. I was amazed at what he had to say about it. He said that there are three types of compassion. The first level of compassion is the type where you help relieve the stress of people like when you feed the hungry. The second level of compassion is when you teach others spiritual things or "how to fish". And the third one is to be in extreme joy at the presence of another sentient being. Amazing, it makes my heart stir. I was amazed at the third one. To be in extreme joy at the presence of another sentient being. This made me think that Dogs are enlightened! lol I talked to my friend about this also, that dogs are enlightened and have tremendous compassion. I mean, just look at how they jump on you and wag their tails in joy when your first walk in the door..What great teachers of compassion dogs are :)"
from spam today (i love how many now include the lovely free form cut ups)
a poem entitled:
Popular software at low low prices. nude
"In mother count ship. Left
center lay train. Must, also tell
from show. Fall,
here, person. Four system, run told. That,
close got boy want kind. Change
example wind, moon sound. May
add deep most. Since, both sat give. Stood
unit, can. Food ready
war bed south big. "
and another entitled:
here you go
"Put forest next fell raise
real. Root many push he. Father one
study king
fear. Water better there, govern, shape dog. Straight
sound plan. Still ship
air. Foot back sell, our, together. Then
flower soon every, check, few. Way,
section sail came, have
blue. Came life million move. Keep, fact beauty shoe
are well. "
feel free to post your lovely
"poems" from spam under
the bed:)
Horoscope for Aries
Love, creativity and making any personal changes to your appearance or attitude will go a long way today. Just say the word and you will get the response that you need to move forward. Progressive action will result in positive alternatives.
In the background
Valid during several weeks: Fortunately, with this transit you will have a strong desire to experience life on a feeling level, and this is just what you need. One very real possibility at this time is that an encounter with someone will produce the need for very searching psychological self- inquiry or will force very powerful changes in your life. This person may challenge your value structure, or there may be a powerful intermeshing of your personalities. On the material plane, this transit can be a time of great concern about finances or resources held jointly with another person, such as a spouse or business partner. By itself, this is neither a good nor a bad indication; it simply makes the issue important. You may also be worried about trying to borrow money or get financial backing from a bank.
Other transits occurring today:
Moon Square Uranus, exact at 07:01
A bit wild
Weak, transient effect: This morning the quality of time arouses an independent
and rebellious spirit in you. You are inclined to do exactly the opposite
of what someone suggests and to reject whatever others say simply because
they said it. For the same reasons you are impatient with restraints, duties
and responsibilities. There is a great need to be free and to do something
very different, maybe even a little bit wild. You have a strong craving for
excitement with this influence, and you may act in ways that you would never
consider in a more sober mood. This could be either good or bad, of course,
depending on how conservative you usually are and how unusual or outrageous
the action. For some people this can be a very liberating influence. For others
it is a bit too much.
Moon Square Pluto, exact at 07:22
Sudden urges
Weak, transient effect: This influence can have many different effects, some
of which you should be quite careful of. To begin with, it encourages compulsive
behavior; your emotions acquire so much momentum that it is difficult not
to give in to sudden urges and impulses that may not be good for you in the
long run, particularly if you have been trying to suppress your feelings.
This influence is least difficult if you deal with your feelings honestly
and do not try to hide them from yourself. On the plus side, however, this
influence allows you to go inside yourself and find out what you really want
in any situation. Emotional self-analysis is very effective now, as long as
you are willing to be honest. Encounters with others may also force an emotional
self- confrontation which is useful, even though possibly unpleasant.
Moon Square Chiron, exact at 23:25
Attention, Children!
At this time you have to deal with your own hurt feelings - either you are
reminded of old wounds by some incident, or a sore point is disturbed again.
Maybe you feel a little weak and are conscious of a certain aversion to handling
the usual everyday interchanges - a feeling as if you were coming down with
flu. If you now have the need to be alone, then that is what you should really
do. If you make too many demands on yourself or if you are not left in peace,
you may become hurtful to others - for example, your children if you are a
parent - as a result of a certain indifference. Fortunately, this influence
lasts at most half a day.
Important long-term influences:
"Expressing rage" (Pluto Square Chiron)
Expressing rage ***
Valid during many months: This critical influence could awaken considerably
conflicting emotions within you. You might have an increasing urge to finally
tell someone straight to their face what you think of them, while at the same
time being ashamed of having such hurtful and spiteful feelings. Others will
possibly have difficulty coping with you at the present time, so that you
are more reliant than usual on their patience and understanding. The best
thing you can do now is to be compassionate with yourself. Your inner unrest
is an unmistakable sign that something is coming to light which has long been
causing havoc in the depths of your unconscious. Most people bury the emotional
pain resulting from rejection, embarrassment or experiences of ridicule and
abandonment deep within their psyche, without ever venting the rage and hate
which accompany it.
Problems with colleagues or rows within the family could trigger powerful
emotions which no longer stand in relation to the outer events. If you now
have to cope more often with feelings of rage and aggression, this is probably
because you are stronger and more able to deal with such emotions and the
reactions they cause in others. Just admit to having such unpleasant feelings!
Only then will you become increasingly able to react to situations in a more
appropriate way, and not to punish people for things which they are not responsible
for. Rage is a completely natural emotion which protects us, often arising
in situations in which we suffer injustice. If your upbringing has made you
incapable of expressing such feelings, you will continue to feel helpless,
used, guilty and at the mercy of others, denying yourself the chance to fight
Transit selected for today (by user):
Pluto Square Chiron
activity period from middle of January 2005 until beginning of November 2006.
"A monastic consciousness" (Saturn Trine Neptune)
A monastic consciousness
Valid during many months: At this time you will reach a new understanding
of your own being and the world around you. In recent years you have probably
been through periods of great doubt, uncertainty and confusion. Although those
periods were painful they have contributed to your new view of the world.
Now is the time to deepen and take advantage of your new understanding. This
is an excellent time for studies that can raise your consciousness, such as
yoga, occult metaphysics, spiritualism and mysticism. Now you are able to
study these subjects and put them into practice in your everyday life. They
will not be purely intellectual or mental activities you can make them
real and useful!
At this time your own ego involvement in your activities is low. You are more
likely than at other times to act for altruistic reasons. You can devote yourself
selflessly to movements and activities that help you bring your ideas to reality.
Yet you do not feel that you are denying yourself, for everything you do seems
to be a logical expression of what you are.
Your ideals are not in conflict with the realities in your life at this time. They are in creative balance, with the ideal giving form and the real giving life. Your approach is one of calm sober reflection. This is not a time of lightness and gaiety; instead it produces an almost monastic consciousness that contemplates the world with detachment.
You have learned much in the last
several years, and now you will be able to put into practice what you have
Transit selected for today (by user):
Saturn Trine Neptune
activity period from beginning of August 2004 until beginning of May 2005.
"The forces at work" (Pluto Square Saturn)
The forces at work ***
Valid during many months: During this time you will have to withstand severe
challenges to your way of life as it is set up now. As we grow up, we structure
our lives to a certain degree, and we come to depend upon this structure for
predictability and order. Sometimes, however, the structure is repressive
rather than expressive of our true selves. But if it is safe, we tend to keep
it regardless of whether we are happy with it. Nevertheless, at some point
in our lives the internal energies of this arrangement of our world must evolve
or be totally destroyed. Now is such a time in your life. You must adapt to
the forces at work during this period for your own sake! You may feel like
the victim of some massive external force beyond your control that is forcing
you to move, but actually the dynamics for change are inherent in your own
life structure.
During this time some circumstance or situation will create forces that seem
to push against you. You may feel very pressured to do something that you
don't want to do at all, and you will probably put up tremendous resistance.
If your life structure is a valid expression of who you are, your efforts
to resist will probably be successful. Otherwise you will be forced to change.
In either case this period will be characterized by enormous expenditure of
energy. If you handle it successfully, you will be able to strive forward
and reach new heights as an individual.
As this influence begins, you may find that certain resources financial, material or otherwise are no longer available and that you are forced more and more to fall back upon your own devices. This is part of the test of this time. It is not usually a good time to expand your operations in any field of activity, especially business. Nor is it a good time to spend your energies making everything around you as solid and safe as possible. The best course, which you will be least inclined to take, is to openly and honestly examine all aspects of your life and voluntarily give up whatever you don't really need those things that make you feel secure but do not aid your personal evolution.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Pluto Square Saturn
activity period from end of January 2005 until middle of November 2006.