february 12th, 2005

the gallery of regrettable food!!




again btripp shows me the tripe factory!


a company dedicated only to "tripe"

and why do they call cow stomaches "tripe"?

where did that word come from?

from their site:
"Tripe, a general term for beef stomach, consists of four parts. Owing to the demand of the products, The Tripe Factory Corp. processes and packages three of the four parts, namely the
Rumen Tripe, Honeycomb Tripe and Omasum Tripe. The fourth part, the Abomasum Tripe will only be prepared on request."

what is the 4th only made on request?


the earth is WEIRD!!! humans are WEIRD!!!
i am weirded out immensely!!! this is bizarre!
i feel like an endorian meeting a klingon for the 1st time!


wow! thank to btripp for the facinating link. i want to see this in person very much!!

an incredible....well...i can't explain it just go to that link! wow!

body facts:

More than half the bones in your body are located in your hands and feet.

There is enough iron in the human body to make one small nail.

Women blink almost twice as much as men.

A sneeze can exceed the speed of 100 mph.

An average human drinks about 16,000 gallons of water in a lifetime.

Beards are the fastest growing hair. If the average man never trimmed his beard, it could grow to 30 feet over the course of his lifetime.

Every person has a unique tongue print.

Fingernails grow faster than toenails and your middle fingernail is the quickest one to grow. It takes about 150 days to grow out a full length fingernail.

Your brain continues to send out electrical wave signals approximately 37 hours after death.

The nervous system transmits messages to the brain at speeds of 180 miles per hour.

The human nose can remember 50,000 different smells.

The human eye can detect more than 10,000,000 different colors!

Your jawbone is the hardest bone in your body.

When you were born, you had 350 bones in your body, and after childhood 144 of these bones fused together.

Your brain stops growing when you are about 15 years old.

Laughing and coughing put more pressure on the spine than walking or standing.

Your stomach produces a new lining every 3 days in order to avoid digesting itself in its own production of acid.

About every seven years, your body replaces the equivalent of an entirely new skeleton.

The spinal cord is less then two feet in length and is the same diameter as your index finger, yet it contains over 10 billion nerve cells.

Blood type A can receive blood types A & O safely. Blood type B can receive types B & O. Blood type O can receive only O blood but are "universal donors" because O is acceptable to all other blood types. Blood type O is the most common blood type worldwide.

The eye muscle is the fastest reacting muscle of the whole body. It contracts in less than 1/100th of a second.

It takes approximately 200,000 frowns to create one permanent brow line.

Your eyesight is the sharpest in the middle of the day.



went food shopping a bit. started making a soup and something was on the burner and caused my smoke alarm to go off. hella loud! it was good for me to get out of the house because i was feeling depressed with my headache, neck ache, back ache, and period. so moving about outsode for a bit helped, ay least psychologically.
it was really warm out. 49 degrees. i saw people sitting outside at the picnic table at dairy queen. a very off sight for a minnesota february!
yay global warming!
i also got a switcher thing so can just switch cameras with a button when i am in the thing room.
no sense really having the thing room cam on in there when nothing is happening in there anyway.
but now i can just click it on. so, i will set that all up later.
my dad sent me a sweet valentine's card and a little teddy bear and a $50 bill, which went staright to jason because i owed him 50 bucks *sigh*
i saw some weird meat things at the food store, like beef TRIPE! never saw that before. it looked like some sort
crystalline structure fungi thing. but i asked a woman next to me who looked like she might know what it is and she said it is intestines! it sure did not look like intestines. it looked like a pretty honeycomb crsytalline white rock or mushroom fungus thing. it was so pretty and delicate. i wanted to buy it but didn't.
it's so cool how the things inside bodies mirror things that are outside of bodies. like when you look down at the ground when you are high up in a plane and the formations of rivers and deserts and lakes and hills and mountains and this looks so much like a slice of meat sometimes, the veins and the stripes of fat and the sinew and bone.
as above, so below.

everytime i walk past the meat section i am thoroughly morbidly fascinated with it all. it's so completely gross and violent but at the same time so amazingly beautiful.
it's just always surreal to me to see what looks like could be MY body, all sliced and diced and weighed. so deeply red.
and all the patterns in the meat. it's beautiful and so obscene.
all of what was hidden lay bare and categorized.
so utterly vulnerable and helpless and dead, but yet still so full of SOME sort of life, somehow. all the DNA still intact, containing in it all the codes to life. maybe even all the memories of each animal.



my neck still hurts :(
today i'm going to go to radioshack with jason to get a little switcher box so i can switch between cams.
then i can just click a button for it to switch to the cam in the the thing room instead of having to deal with this koolkam programme scewing up my chillcam programme.


Horoscope for Aries (February 12 2005)

Everything is looking good, so don't take chances. If you gauge your moves carefully and don't overstep your limits, you will be able to manipulate whatever situation you find yourself in. Today is about timing.


The first few steps that you take are more important than all your prior planning. Be careful about which way you are facing, for that is the direction your new journey will take. Even if you feel that you are in control, don't bite off more than you can chew. Keep it simple and you will have the best chance for success.


Buried tensions **
Be extremely careful of your tendency toward moody irritability at this time. You are very subject to outbreaks of irrational and compulsive behavior that will not serve your best interests. You may find yourself snapping at someone for almost no reason. Close domestic relationships are the most likely theater for your fireworks. It will be harder to deal with your loved ones because of the ferment in your own mind at this time. On the other hand, long-buried tensions may surface now and demand to be handled. The problem is that they may surface in such a way that you cannot readily figure out where they have come from. Frustrated energies in disguised form mean that you should not take emotional upheaval at face value during this time. The tensions are significant, but not what they seem.