5th, 2005 |
the napoleon dynomite movie, IMO,
sucks! wtf?
i don't get why people liked it.
it was like a beastie boys video or a foo fighters video...but went on for
2 hours instead of 3 minutes.
just no. 3 minutes (and many many years ago at that) was funny.
2 hours long in 2005...no. again...no.
no no no.
bought sebastian 4 new jacks. (stuffed
toys shaped like jacks). they are his all time fave and i'm always worried
i won't find them again, so when i do, a buy a bunch. and bought some dog
food and biscuits. got them some fancy schmancy science diet stuff instead
of the generic horribe dog food that they sell at the little store i am forced
to buy because i have no otehr choices. went food shopping and wasn't going
to get anything but then got all inspired to buy certain foods for my web
show next week! :) but i'm not telling what i got because it's a surprise,
but it's all taking shape what this show will most likely be and i think it's
gonna be pretty cool and i think a bunch of people are going to go "whaa??"
(hopefully in a good way :)
picked up the camcorder at best buy and i hope to god it's FIXED now!
and had to buy the new duran duran because i'm going to their concert in march,
and i'm super psyched because it's all the original members and i've never
seen them before.
i wasn't expecting much from the new cd, but i did expect to at least really
like 2 or 3 songs off it it, which has been the case of the last few cds they've
put out. like "ordinary world' and "come undone" were wonderful
but the cd SUCKS a pile of crap! it's just...shockingly bad! what a disapointment
what were they thinking? it's just terrible lyrics and so-so melodies, and
it sounds like they are trying to be hip and young and vibrant and cool and
"on the scene" and they just sounds pathetic and empty.
i wish they would just be what they are! really beautiful mellowed out middled
aged european men who have probably seen some hardship in their lives and
FELT and LIVED! their songs should sound like a fine vintage wine or something,
not some hyper hip scenester bullshit. it's embarrassing and they can't pull
it off because it all rings hollow because it's obviously not their truth.
i learn from their mistakes and i'm, hopefully, not going to make the same
i still love them they are duran duran and they are my 80's icons. but damn!
maybe it will sound better when i'm drunk :)
i'm still psyched to see them live!
jason's coming over in asec and we
are going to watch the napoleon dynomite movie :)
ok, seriously off to best buy to
get the camcorder now and run a bunch of other errands, like get some food
and get sebastian a new toy cause he's chewed through all of his others.
see u later today :)
listening to solvent
6 new anapix up:
i am ready for a rejuvenation and a reinvention.
i'm feeling dualities conflicting
in me.
on one hand i feel insecure and a need to verify my existence.
on the other hand, things are looking promising for the future...
but i still feel in limbo land until i see these to fruition.
i am feeling really motivated and
positive and full of ideas and energy.
almost too much energy that it turns to anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed.
and at the same time feeling very cranky, cynical, and bitter and exhausted
perhaps because of my pms.
even my breasts hurt like they are bruised.
one minute i think i look pretty ok, the next minute i feel like i am deluding myself.
this battles goes on and on. the
positive side always wins, lately tho, thank goodness.
but it's weird to feel so fully both these good and bad things in me simultaneously.
Horoscope for Aries (February 5 2005)
You don't have to wait any longer. The time to take a chance is now. Apply for whatever position, grant or anything else, and you should have no trouble getting it.
Your emotions are softened by this influence. You will find it difficult to
feel anger or resentment against anyone, particularly the people who are close
to you emotionally or those whom you encounter in the course of everyday life.
Toward friends you feel protective and nurturing, and you want to help them
in any way you can. If you have to work with others, you are able to keep
things running smoothly because of your sympathetic understanding of their
feelings. If you have a choice, you should have people visit you today instead
of going out, because the benevolent nature of this influence is best expressed
at home. This is one of the finest influences under which to relax and take
it easy, and probably you will not feel like working anyway.