5th, 2005 |
the official press releases:
Weblogging Software Leader Six Apart Acquires LiveJournal
from six apart:
from brad himself:
today was spent being really introspective.
evaluation and re-evaluation.
still digesting. necessary for future creativity.
something i posted in my LJ:
looking back at my relationship with LJ
i went back to my 1st LJ entry and i've been reading and reading all through
2000, and now into march 2001, so far.
i ran across this entry here:
which says this:
"Mason Peatross says...
@ 2001-03-14 19:10:00
Heh. I know why I love Livejournal
so much
It's because Brad is such a fucking pimp. I asked him for help on the Livejournal
"Stars" and he came right up with some info. He is the man. Somehow,
I got his secret AOL name too. I feel so privileged. That's why I'm a paid
| user | count(*) |
| news | 407 |
| absolution | 368 |
| bradfitz | 349 |
| ana | 292 |
| gardengnome | 268 |
| punquin | 265 |
| angelicdestiny | 253 |
| lianna | 210 |
| gigglecam | 202 |
| iloveholly | 200 |
| erowlife12 | 196 |
| muse | 191 |
| neko | 186 |
| magicwoman | 184 |
| lakme | 176 |
| whorlpool | 176 |
| zuul | 175 |
| myredself | 175 |
| happypage | 172 |
| banshee | 167 |"
i think the numbers represent the friends list thing.
holy cow, can you remember when LJ was that small??
i used to update my LJ so much. lots
and lots of really mundane entries every 5 minutes and then lots of jewels
, too.
and i used to talk about EVERYTHING in my life so openly and just lay it all
right out there. i'm amazed i was able to do that, publically.
and i kind of miss it. i'd get such really good feedback, and i also helped
some people with my openess see a part of themselves, too (which was really
fulfilling for me). but also just a lot of really really terrible feedback.
it was either really terrible and nasty or totally amazing beautiful things
that even when i reread the comments again today it energizes me.
i was thinking of deleting a lot of entries, or at least the mundane ones, but then i think, for me, the journal needs the mundane ones to make the more special ones have a context.
i'm not sure. it's just weird to read it all again. and relive so many things. and there is so much i never did talk about,too. i can read between my own lines and remember what things i didn't say when i read the things i did say.
and it makes me sad that so many
friends i had on LJ from the early days are now my enemies. it's weird how
things change like that.
i both miss sharing my more private things on lj, but i also am glad i don't do it as much anymore, too. it really burned me out.
i go back and forth on this a lot...what to share here, what not to share. LJ has been an intense place for me. and it's hard to constantly remain in the hotseat.
to keep opening myself to such criticism.
it's hard. it wears you down.
maybe i will get a new spurt of energy to open up more again, publically,
as i once did. i dont know.
or maybe i just have outgrown that
part of my life.
i think i just don't need to open myself up as much anymore in this public
space as well as being burned by it, too.
i think i'm very different now than
i was years ago, in many ways. well i HOPE i am.
i grow and evolve.
i'm a LOT more over with feeling i need to explain myself as much as i once
did, and justifying my actions and thoughts to others. i'm really glad about
i really went out of my way to be "understood" for most of my life.
i don't do that as much now, i don't feel as much of a need to. i'm really
glad for that. i was working towrdas that. going back and rereading my old
entries makes me see how far i've come on that. although some of my not feeling
i want to explain things is not just from maturity but from exhaustion and
cynicism, so it's a mixed bag of emotions on that.
i feel a bit of a loss with that gain. know what i mean?
does anyone else remember how my
journal was back then and miss it?
or are you glad that it is the way it is now?
and how has your LJ evolved as you've
gotten older?
how do you feel about it now?
what things do you do differently now?
and what things have remained the same for you?
also this entry:
was very good for me to reread!
actually a whole bunch of entries
were, and a whole slew of comments, too.
i need to maybe go back and add them all to my memories section, a section
i never use. i should have been doing that as i went through a year and 1/2
of entries. now i'll have to go back and search for them again.
today is kind of a lost day.
i have a headache, i hope this means i am about to get my period.
paid rent. paid server bill.
ate sardine sandwhich and C2.
made a journal at greatestjournal.com just in case.
LJ SOLD! official announcement thursday?
LJ being sold to six apart seems to be confirmed here:
they say it will be officially announced on thursday
The Cultural Divide Between LiveJournal and Six Apart
"Six Apart to buy Live Journal
EXCLUSIVE: Folks have been predicting a big year for mergers and acquisitions
in 2005, and we are starting the year with a bang. I have learnt exclusively
that Six Apart, the parent company behind hosted blogging service TypePad,
and Moveable Type is about to acquire Live Journal, for an undisclosed amount.
The deal is a mix of stock and cash, and could be announced sometime later
this month, according to those close to the two companies. If the deal goes
through, then Six Apart will become one of the largest weblog companies in
the world, with nearly 6.5 million users. It also gives the company a very
fighting chance against Google’s Blogger and Microsoft’s MSN Spaces."
thanks to btripp for the
this is an entertaining thread (sort
wow, i didn't know that there was a "cool" hierarchy over which type of blog you have or where you have your blog. nuts.
well, just in case lj gets completely changed in a way that i do not like because of its merger with sixapart i've made a journal here:
i won't move over there unless things get really wonky here, which, hopefully, won't happen. i hope that LJ will stay the same, or only get better! *fingers crossed*
please please, my dear livejournal, stay the same because i lurve you!
i'm not here so my journal can be a "blog", i'm here because of lj's unique and easy to use features and for the community aspect of it all!
someone took the name "photocontest" there. that sucks.
eliminationist rhetoric on the right
"I've been talking for some time about the course that eliminationist rhetoric on the right would eventually take by the force of its own nature: pretty soon we'd go from talking about liberals as traitors to overtly wishing for violence to be visited upon them and discussing locking them up, followed in due course by such violence and incarceration becoming a reality.
Well, it is now becoming a commonly spoken sentiment on the right to wish for violence against liberals and to simultaneously suggest they and all "traitors" (including Muslim Americans) should be locked away. We're firmly into Phase II now."