january 4th, 2005


huzzah! i got them buttoned!


i got some helmut lang jeans from spiral that he bought on ebay but they didn't fit him right.
they are brand new, size 27 (whatever that means) and very stiff, but they fit me pretty much perfectly.
or shall i say if i just lose a few pounds that shall fit me, but i can fit into them now, i just can't breathe.
you can see my little belly poofing over there :)
they are button fly and i just can never ever ever button those up. i wonder if i can get the hang of it?
i can only get the top one buttoned. it's so much easier to smash oneself in pants with zippers.
if i wash them i wonder if they will shrink? i really hope not.
i'm really shocked at how well they fit. i usually look ridiculous in jeans, but these look just nice and normal, i think.
these aren't very good pictures of them, i'll have to wait until daylight to check them out better.

the retail price on these is $250 bucks!


sorry i haven't been on cam much.
jason has been on holiday so he has been over more, and he hates to be on cam. he goes back to work on monday, which will be sad for him and me, but i will be on cam more then. just to let you know.


all i want to eat lately is fish. like sardines.
did you know that sardines have twice as much tiwce the amount of omega 3 fatty acids than salmon?
i just found that out now. i'm researching sardines because i am craving them.
they also have a ton of calcium.
and they are low on the food chain so they are cheaper and better for the environment to eat (as far as i can tell right now).

i think it's really telling that the FDA or "someone" is pushing salmon as being high in omega 3 when it's actually way low in comparison to mackerel, sardines, and herring.
what's up with that? and we are fishing blue fin tuna into extinction. did you know that? sorry charlie.
something smells "fishy" about that :)
it takes something like 5 pounds of small fish to make 1 pound of tuna or salmon.

a really informative site:


i had sardines on an english muffin and made a smoothie from pineapple and canteloupe for breakfast. and jasmine green tea. of course my breakfast is at 3pm since i got up at 2pm 'cause i went to bed at 6am.
i have to get my schedule back into the daytime.
i will try rrreeeaallly hard to go to bed early tonight. early as in midnight or so.

i feel a lot less cranky today.
i almost feel like i could go excercise or something.
i need to start doing that.
my tummy grew over the holidays.


anapix winners (and get your pictures for the current contest) announced here:


i'm so thrilled, happy, lucky and honoured because asya , one of my favourite artists (she is so brilliant), has made me a photo of herself and this strange gopher stuffed animal i gave her, and she's going to send me a print:
see it here:


i am going to find it the coolest frame ever! i'm thinking it needs maybe an old antique gothic frame of some sort.
when i get the measurements, i will search on ebay until i find the perfect one :)

thank you asya! *oink* :)