december 30th, 2004

the boob moments of 2004

anna nicole. wow.

even tho she is so unlikable (i really WANTED to like her, but when i watched her show she became more unlikable every episode), i still feel sorry for her and hope she gets help some day, but i think she is just broken. :(
it's so painful to watch a person die slowly through the media and be completely helpless to stop it.

but what is really really really sad is the response this gets in this thread in the link below. it send shivers down my spine. the men who responded in that thread are the ones who need bigtime therapy:


i don't think she's drunk, tho. i think she's on something else.
because if you watch it here:

you can see her walk out and she can walk perfectly fine and in high heels, too. which would be an amazing feat to do if one were as drunk as she seems to be when she speaks.


oh! found this now:
brigitte nielsen feels up anna nicole (and flavor flav on the side).
this photo has to be one of the greatest in all of 2004. it's a classic! :)


ah! and:
this oops moment here of tara reid is also a classic. (warning: very high resolution).
and this one here, i think i like this one even better.

it just says so much about "perfect". i fucking love it.


and of course, who can forget janet's "wardrobe malfunction"?

yes, 2004, you were year of the boob moments.

and then MY boobs. who can forget MY 2004 "boob moments"?
oh yes. how can i even choose WHICH photo of my boobs to pick as my ULTIMATE boob photo of 2004? "dahhhhh-link" *flicks wrist and winks annoyingly*



i'm watching very interesting and rather depressing documentaries on pbs about the ocean's ecosystem and farming fish.
i recommend watching these, as they will repeat them, i'm sure.


before and after satellite pictures of indonesia:

more satellite photos of tsunami affected regions:

claim: 400,000 dead in indonesia alone?


i think these are by oyo, i'm not completely sure because i can't read russian. aren't they fantastic? :)


jason and i went out to eat at a chinese buffet.
my stomache is now puffed out to HERE *makes large hand gesture*.
the whole world is a grey mist.
my house is finally warm and smells like fabric softener from the clothes in the dryer right now.
i like the soft thumpy thump hummm of clothes tumbling in the dryer.

i want to fall back to sleep.

i would have never figured ellen degenerous for being a good dancer, but she surprisingly is.


it's frrrrreeeeeezing in my house.
it's raining and misting out cold cold rain.
it seems like forever since i've seen the sun.
it's just been grey grey grey for days and days and days.
and all this week it looks like it will just be grey.
snow, rain, flurries, mist.

all i want to do is cocoon.

i'm going to go crank my heat up to high.

i need to make something today.
i need to do something creative.
and i need to make things to sell.
i've been spending too much lately with the holidays and all.

last night i did decide to go to the bar (mancini's this italian place with the red leather booths) and i drank guinness, which i could not afford. but i had a totally great time. i thought i was not going to be in the mood for all the guyness, espcially when they all gave each other these gag gifts for xmas that were crass, gross, and sometimes sexist. but i found myself being completely amused by it all and i felt rather jolly after a few beers and i even wanted to go dance to the horrible loungey band playing oldies called "the midas touch". but i didn't dance, just watched.

i did bring 2 of the gag gifts back with me to borrow, these really nasty looking rotten teeth and a gigantic jar of cajun pickled pigs lips. at the time i was like "oh man! i have to make cam pictures of that!" but today i am not so sure :)

my bbs (Anarchy) 4 years ago

etc etc...

weird! :)