december 16th, 2004


kick asssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!
jae is getting me this collar:

in return for a year of ana2!
i am SO excited!!!
i'm so totally wearing that in my next album cover!!!
i'm so excited and happy!!!!
i love when futurism meets things that are also antique.
that is my favourite mixture of things :)
i want that collar in every single colour!
they have it in so many colours but they don't show it on their site in all their colours.
but i am getting that one which is the transparent colour :)

here's the other collar that rocks the world
that i will also have to get someday:

it reminds of of the movie "dune" or 'the cell" :)

can you tell i am hyper??! :)



i feel rejuvenated from looking at that site.
and looking at collars.
i dunno, i feel like i need to step it up a notch.
i want to. need. evolve.
i don't want to create lazy crap.
i want to create the BIG stuff.

the problem always cmes in when one has to pay the bills and must create quickly.

but i HAVE to create the BIG stuff now. i have to.
there is no other possibility.

i know i need to balance it out with making little "fun" stuff, too or i get too overwhelmed. the little stuff is for taking a break from the big stuff. and i need that, too.

but ya, time to stop fucking around and just do it.


transparent frilly rubber neck choker!! MUST HAVE SERIOUSLY!!!

oh my freaking god i NEED this,, too!!!

i think i would get both in transparent.
ohhhhh myyyy goddddddddddddd i neeeeeed a bunch of $$$$$$!!!!


must. have. those. collars!!
holy crap i need to wear those on my next album cover!


ah! i found who made that painting! happiness!

saturno butto! brilliant stuff!

my god. sometimes i come across things that just make me feel like far beneath something. like a baby. like i have a long to get where i want to be. this site does that to me. i am astounded by the brilliance of this person's paintings. wow.

i am ridiculously humbled.


go here:

while i procrastinate...


i am HUGELY procrastinating on cleaning.
i am really dizzy today, i don't know why. but i feel really spinny.
maybe it's because i didn't eat much yesterday? i don't feel weak or hungry, tho. just dizzy.


dear sebastian dog,
thank you for barfing on my newly vacummed hallway.
it reminds me to never feed you a piece of pizza ever again, even if it is just a crust.

your humble servant,


i wish i could find more stuff on this artist. i think his last name is bluto or something.
i would seriously kill for that neck/headpiece thing!


yay! i got up at 10am, not 1pm.
good deal :)

today i shall try to clean the thing room a bit.
i find that when my house is cleaner i also want to take care of my body better, too.
funny how that works.