november 20th, 2004


jason took me to go pick up my camcorder.
i'll get that hooked up asap so we can have 2 cams, even tho i know it will just break in 1 hour and i will have to take it back.
but this time i will document it and print out the cam pictures and show them.

jason and i have been having an "arrested development" marathon.
i think we've watch about 12 episodes now!

i keep being very nervous today.
and i keep sneezing.
what am i allergic to?


i always wake up so nervous. i wish that would stop.
i had a dream a met an alien and an alien hybrid.
they were very kind and shy.


look in past anagrams for links to 4 of my cds to download and TONS of "anamates"(mini movies) i have made!
i will get the links in their "proper" places soon. but for now , look back in the past few anagrams in the past 2 days for a plethora of goodness (YEARS worth)!
thank to btripp for the server space! he rules and makes it possible!

and also a TON of yummy pix the last few days in the past few anagrams!