27th, 2004 |
i missed the toal eclipse of the moon!!
*headdesk* (if i had a desk)
i can't believe i saw today that someone wrote that eminem's new song "mosh" is brilliant and equal to the beatles "revolution"
ummm. no. just no.
this place:
i don't get it at all.
people are dissecting the video as if it were some sort of genius like george orwell's "1984".
saying they were transformed and changed and had the scales fall from their eyes just from watching this video?
is the world really THIS out of touch that the scales would fall from ones eyes after seeing that video? wow. sure, it's nice looking and well done, but...transformative and life changing?
i mean, i'm glad that the scales have fallen but deeply confused as to why it would take this music video to do it.
am i missing something? do these people not pay attention to the world around them?
sure the mosh song at least has a
message that isn't "i'm gonna fuck you up homo and rape you mom and kill
you woman."
so, hey, i give him credit for at least focusing his anger on something actually
WORTH anger, like the president. and yippee for that. anything that helps
bush get out of office gets a thumbs up from me for that.
but c'mon. y'know?
are we SO starved for ANYTHING remotely
intelligent in music that people will just hold on to anything for dear life?
is the music out there now SO bad, are the people who speak their minds these
days SO hidden, that when one person does speak his mind he is hailed as transformative
and life changing? this is sad to me. i am GLAD for the transformation and
the life altering...i'm just sad that more people do not speak their minds,
in the corporate music world.
(and i find it also sad and rather funny that i feel i have to make sure you all know i am GLAD that eminem has bestowed us this morsel of "goodness", as if i would be some ingrateful person if i did not fully acknowledge this tiny pearl before swine. like i should be so GRATEFUL that there should be ANYthing good coming from today's coorporate music, that i better damn well acknowledge it like a pauper with a bowl of gruel.yes, the animation WAS good in that video and yes, at LEAST he is not rapping about rape, thank you thank you, master. THANK you, master, thank you for only hitting me ONCE and not ten times. yes i will be so THANKFUL that eminem said he wanted to rape me and kill me IRONICALLY, why, thank you so much, master. god forbid i should not acknowledge what little you throw my way.)
in all honesty, i don't understand why people like eminem at all. especially why women and homosexuals would like him. i don't get it. i seriously don't. and no, i DON'T think his anti-homosexual violent mysogynistic lyrics were a parody or "ironic" or anything like that. i truly believe he really feels (or felt) that way about homosexuals and women at that time (maybe still does, i don't know). so why on earth people like madonna and elton john would like him, i have NO clue.
and oooo "he stirs things up
and gets people riled!", ya, well, so does a drunk that breathes down
my neck when i'm waiting in line or an jerk at a concert who tries to feel
me up.
and just because someone "makes fun of everything" doesn't make
him automatically "clever" or even automatically "funny"
or "ironic". some people who make fun of everything are just assholes,
like rush limbaugh.
i do NOT get why people like eminem. i can understand why you would like him if you are homophobic mysogynistic white male asshat. but beyond that...this is a mystery to me. a complete and utter mystery.
please someone, truly explain this to me in a way that i can finally understand because i am so confused and disturbed by this.
i don't mean to insult the intelligence of my intelligent friends who like eminem (which makes this all the more frustrating to me, as a bisexual female who is extremely insulted by eminem. to put this in perspective for you...i feel towards eminem how others might feel about a member of the KKK). i just DON'T GET IT.
i'm going to jason's to watch southpark.
i'll be back soon :)
each day i catch up a bit more of
all the things i need to get done.
so that is good, and each day i feel a bit better.
anapix winners!
anapix entries shown and winners
announced and get your next photos for the next round! enter and win free
anapic by giles cartmel
this says it all, really.
i need an animated lj user icon of
can anyone do it? :)
and, a big animated gif of this :)
haha :)
(bush is a naughty boy and should be spanked. can i say that?)
brought the camcorder in to be fixed
for the 3rd time. if it breaks again, i get a new one.
got a cord for the 2nd cam, so when that camcorder gets fixed, everything
is all ready now for a 2nd cam.
i still feel nervous, but not as much. but i did have a panic attack when
i went outside, which sucked.
check this shit out:
here's a screenprint of what was said: