october 16th, 2004

if you just joined because you're looking for that certain series , it's here

math calculations by tom root.



deiter stuck in the parachute on my bed
(that i use for a blanket)

i can't afford it, but i bought some of the dogs some of those "kong" toys that you stick the treats in and then they try to get them out but can't and it drives them nuts and they chew and chew. i can't help it. my boys mean everything to me. sometimes they need new treats and surprises, because they are the lights of my lives.
i wouldn't survive without them. they are my angels. i bought the tiny ones since they are tiny dogs, and got 3, one for each of them, and of course each of them only wants the EXACT same kong as they other 2 have at the moment.
i also got them each new ID tags because all of theirs (but pookas) had been ruined eventually and the address and phone # was out of date, anyway.
but instead of getting them the light plastic ones they had , i got them these engraved metal ones, and now they are all jingling and clanging like a bunch of cows in the pasture.
damn. so the 30 bucks i spent on that might be all for nothing and i'll need to go to my vet and order those plastic ones again that are less noisy. and they are not heavy at all, but even the TINY bit of extra weight that the metal one has , has pooka all spooked and walking strangely as he adjusts to it. hmmmm. he's such a delicate little prince. ha. fuzzybumblebee calls him "prince cornelius" :)
that cracks me up so much.

and SHE has a new japanese chin that i am dying to meet!
so can u imagine all 4 japanese chins together? all black and white? and probably all in a gigantic hump fest when they meet each other. hahah:)

my god, i live for that stuff.
anyone who has a goofy dog knows what i mean.
you DO live for it. it's the glue that keeps you going.
the whole world can be crumbling around you and you just look at your dog, sleeping upside down, jerking his leg cause he's dreaming some weird dog dream, and i laugh so hard. it never fails to amuse me more than anything else on earth.
animals truly are more evolved than we are. they are angels.
they are zen masters. they are gods of unconditional love.

yes, i am sure this is about as exciting as hearing about other people's children, but hey, there you have it.



all i have wanted to do for weeks now is SPIN.
why haven't i? why have i just argued on lj, or watched tv, or guilted myself out for not going outside (and now it's 35 degrees), and guilted myself out for not cleaning, and everything BUT spin?
it's ridiculous.
i should have been spinning.
but you, know, i'm not perfect and i make mistakes and i get off track sometimes.
it happens.

i've got all this camel and mohair and flax and recycled silk and angora and yummy merino things to spin.
i need to spin, dammit. spin i must.
house cleaning be damned.
tomorrow i spin.
it seems illogical to do so at this time, and i guess that is what has stopped me.
but logic be damned.
i'm going to spin.


i'm being so bad. i'm taking all these hats that were for sale off the market. i can't part with them!
argh...i hate when i get attached to my hats. this one...it was at 400 bucks (it took me 2 weeks to make), and i made it be for $99 and some girl goes "can you go lower?". i'm like "umm. no!" gah!
i can't sell my hats to people who can't appreciate them for how much work i've put into them and that they are ONE OF A KIND pieces that you NEVER be made again. these hats are my creatures!
just no. i refuse to sell my hats for THAT cheap to people who won't honour them and appreciate them as they should be...the ones that are really special. yes, i'm a snob in this.
and..now i'm attached to these hats. damn, I want to wear them gah.
there are still 3 up for sale. but the rest are for ME, unless someone wants to give me the money for what they are actually worth.

as i said before today, i'm just going to make some really simple hats that i can sell for cheap that i can part with.
i'm not selling a hat that took me 2 weeks to make and is one of the coolest hats that has ever existed and sell it to someone for 50 bucks or something. no way. no freaking way.


almost dressed. off to do errands. get the heachache meds and garbage bags and dog food.

then i will crochet and watch movies with jason, i think.

infinite abundance now! lol :)

(do you remember the "serenity now!" episode of seinfeld?)

i don't know why, but i can't get into my gmail today. it's just a white page. i can get into it on my other computer but not my main one. just a blank white page. or a white page that says "loading" and then never loads.




i want to crawl into a ball and die, but instead i have done the dishes, the laundry, ate something, cleaned up a bit, called in my headache prescription to be picked up later today., put things up for sale, and later on, and for days (besides cleaning) , i must crochet some really simple hats to sell for cheap. like i think i will do those kind where i cut up the fabric strips.
i guess i could also make some arm warmers. i need to work my ass off to make some money or i'm going to be in bad trouble at the end of this month.


major hat sale!!


some more than 1/2 off!

and vintage canon camera for sale:


i still have this camera for sale with all it's accessories.
$99! (the thing is worth WELL over 300)

and i still have mannequins for sale!

and i still have cds for sale!

email me:

i take cheque, money order, and credit cards.


i'm thinking maybe this french canadian show is the show the canadian documentary crew did..but they also sold it to the french stations.
but i am surprised as it was to air in february of 2005.

i put on some soothing music. my nerves feel a bit jumbly today.
but it's my onw fault for gettiing into so many arguments.
i have only myself to blame for the discourse i feel inside me, at this moment.
i move on...

and i've got to get cracking on cleaning my house for the NEXT documentary cre who will be here wednesday and thursday.

it's very cold and grey today.
i may need to not clean today but just take care of my emotions.
i think i will burn a ton of frankincense today and open the windows (even if it's cold)
and let fresh air in and get rid of all the old negative energy in here.

and ya, i shouild clean, that would help with my emotions, too.

i'm really scared about finances this month.
and i don't understand why i can't sell that canon camera. i mean, i'd sell it for $100 and it's worth over $300.
please, someone buy it!
or buy one of my hats, i'll even give you a deal.
or a mannequin...just..argh.
i need to sell stuff!


it's so cold in my house i had to put on a coat and hat and turn my oven on!


i am on a french canadian show?

i just received this email:

"Hi Ana

I'm a french young girl of Montréal, Canada...but I will try to express myself as well as I can...

I have just seen the tv program "Le sexe dans tous ses ébas" like 10 minutes ago and I just want you to know that I am really impressed by your work...you are so creative! Wow...I like arts and especially "special" arts...
I like the painter Salvador Dali who succeed to transform banal articles in an exceptional paintings...You are like him with your pictures...and I wanted you to know that!

That was just a little message to congratulate and encourage you to continue your great work!

I hope my english was not to bad and that you were able to understand me...

take care of you!"

how sweet!
but what is this show??
anyone know?

Looks like this show is being broadcast on Sunday 17th and Tuesday 19th so maybe someone with Canal Vie can record it?

Le sexe dans tous ses ébats

Épisode du dimanche 17 octobre à 23h00

Les filles du Web (WebCam Girls) (18+)
De ménagères à cyberprostituées, que sont vraiment les femmes qui se cachent derrière les webcaméras? Des exhibitionnistes? Des éducatrices? Des extraverties? Qu'est-ce que ces femmes font vraiment dans le cyberespace? Qu'est-ce que ça prend pour entrer dans ce monde pervers? Découvrez un univers dans lequel les femmes prennent un certain pouvoir et souvent bien du plaisir. -

Google translation:
"Housewives with cyberprostituées, who are really the women who hide behind will webcaméras? Exhibitionnists? Teachers? Extraverties? What do these women really make in the cyberspace? What does that take to enter this perverse world? Discover a universe in which the women take some to be able and often well of the pleasure. -"

Diffusions de cet épisode :
Vendredi 15 octobre à 22h00
Dimanche 17 octobre à 23h00
Mardi 19 octobre à 0h00


thanks to btripp,
i now have a webspace to put my music so i can put it up again for you all to download!

thanks btripp! you are the best!!
i will get up the music for you all ASAP!

(and also that second webcam)