october 15th, 2004


pink puppies. fuzzy snuggles. happy daisies. beer.



thanks to btripp,
i now have a webspace to put my music so i can put it up again for you all to download!

thanks btripp! you are the best!!
i will get up the music for you all ASAP!

(and also that second webcam)

i know i knwo, i have been SO attention deficit disordered lately
and SO just "fritzed" (for lack of a better word)

i'm on high irritation mode to the worst degree.

so i've GOT to stop arguing on lj and GET TO WORK ON MY LIFE AND CREATIVITY!!!!


ohmigod i just have been arguing and arguing, even in the crochet community because someone had an icon that said if you belonged to a certain political party you were on drugs. and well, i said my piece and that turned into a fiasco.

for example, if you are going to have an icon that flashes a swastika or says if you do not belong to THIS particular religion then you are ALL mentally impaired or some such crap in lj COMMUNITY about CROCHET, then they should be prepared for someone to SAY something about it.
i'm sure if i went into the lj crochet community with a flashing icon that said all christians are mentally retarded people would just go "oh, that's "just an icon" get over it". sure.


and then i just want to check my EMAIL and i get barraged by these fucked up banners that lead to mysogynistic sexist advice columns.
(not to mention all the "rip her virgin cunt open with your big fat american dick ads, and btw, here's some pill to make it even BIGGER so you can RIP RIP RIP THOSE NASTY CUNTS!) and i just get IRRITATED. y'know?

and i'm bloody fucking sick of almost every time some woman says something about sexism against women some fucking guy has to turn it around and make it a discussion about MEN and how THEY are all oppressed TOO.
like hi???? was i talking about YOU?? no, i was NOT.
(and especially not YOU if the extent of your political involvement is joining a feminists for porn community, you list "slutty rocker chicks" as one of your interests, and you whine about the censorship of not being able to see the puppet oral sex in the new team america movie.)

this happens ALL THE TIME where men steer the discussion AWAY from what the woman was saying about feminism and goes "whine whine whine what about the MEN"?? i see this everywhere, all my life, even in so-called feminist lj communities.

it's like if some black people were talking about THEIR oppression and a white guy has to stick his head in and go "but what about the WHITE people?? whine whine sulk sulk*"

jesus CHRIST, have a nice big gallon jug of shut the fuck up will you?

are SOME men THAT fucking insecure that they can't just let a woman have a discussion about women without trying to make it a discussion about MEN???

and then there always has to be that one woman that goes "rah rah men! ya!"
like women can be even more mysogynistic than men even are. FUCK THAT SHIT.


i'm not making my point very well right now. i'd love to take the time to be more clear about what i'm saying here but i have got to STOP typing about this and EAT something.




how to not intimidate men if you are a successful woman.

women, can you believe this shit?

an excerpt from the "advice" from MSN.

"Secondly, you may very well intimidate men with your achievements, and this is a common problem. Here are some suggestions:

Try to ease men into seeing the “strong” you, the “career” you.
Play down your wardrobe at first (nothing says “I am a Princess” like a fur coat!”).
Don’t “dress for success” on the first date with power suits, expensive jewelry, or flashy clothing and accessories that reinforce your monetary status.

If you live in a more expensive home than he does, don’t invite him over until your relationship is more secure. Don’t let your conversation focus heavily on your accomplishments at work. Rather, focus on mutual interests such as family, films, books or pets (not items that signify success, such as expensive vacations).

And about your job title? Consider downplaying it on the first few dates. If you are president of a real estate company, you can simply tell him that you “sell real estate.” Eventually, if you establish strong feelings for each other, your success should not deter him, and you can say or wear whatever you want. But in the beginning, you just want him to get beyond any monetary or job title barriers that may prevent him from knowing you for what really matters (i.e., what’s on the inside)."


the president vs. the pill, iuds, diaphrams, the patch, etc.

The President vs. the Pill
"Most concerned voters know where George Bush stands on abortion—he backs the Republican call for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortions even in cases of rape and incest. But how many people know that his interest in controlling what a woman does with her body extends to contraception? That's right, the born-again wannabe-president-again has repeatedly used his power to curb access to birth control, which some 95 percent of American women use at some point in their lives..."

What Happened in Kerry's Vietnam Battles? 'Nightline' Speaks to Witnesses of Disputed Firefights
""Nightline" traveled to Vietnam and found a number of witnesses who have never been heard from before, and who have no particular ax to grind for or against Kerry. Only one of them, in fact, even knew who Kerry is. The witnesses, all Vietnamese, are still living in the same villages where the fighting took place more than 35 years ago. A "Nightline" producer visited them and recorded their accounts of that day..."


jon stewart on crossfire







taken from fuzzybumblebee

"pieced together from several e-mails i got today.

As you may know, a company called Sinclair Broadcasting is forcing all of its 62 national network affiliates (including ABC, NBC, and CBS, stations) to air a full length partisan hack job distorting John Kerry’s service and activism during Vietnam. This may be the most disgusting display of corporate interference in our democracy to date.

There's a boycott, and at http://www.boycottsbg.com/advertisers/ you can send an email to all Sinclair advertisers, or just the ones in your area.

It's fun! It's easy! Just remember that the advertisers are not the jerks,
they're the good people we want to get the attention of, so that they'll
pressure the jerks."

and this part is from "crazy" ol' me:

and that just to get totally "out there" for most people.
did you know that the sinclair family claim to be direct descendents of jesus christ and are one of the top lineages in "the illuminati". and maybe they ARE! goodie for them! but what does this MEAN to YOU?

it doesn't matter if you believe this. because THEY do! THEY believe this and are making choices that have to do with YOUR life because of THEIR beliefs!

do a google on "sinclair" and "illuminati"

inform yourself:

why is it that when you type in sinclair + illumanti into google you get:

which leads you to their course material they have called:

"The Illuminati 666"


why the heck do they have course material called that at the sinclair community college?

i know this is a bit much for most people to take and and it causes extreme "cognitive dissonance".

but the fact is, even if YOU don't believe in it, THEY DO.
and THAT is a fact. THEY believe it. it doesn't MATTER if you don't. THIS is what "the show" is running on.

and THAT who is running "the show", at the moment.
stop "the show".

do the research. don't be fooled. and don't be "shut down", which is what they are hoping you do by being fed so much information and disinformation that you just "shut off". that is what they are COUNTING on.

it's the oldest trick in the book!

i'm not saying this as pro kerry or pro bush person.
everyone always assumes that because i am anti bush i am pro kerry. i am NOT. they are both fucktard members of skull and bones (a death cult...which is NOT just a little frat party). voting for either one of them is one and the same, as far as i can gather. (look it up!)
i don't give a rat's ass who you vote for in this election!
i just want more people to see the bigger picture on how they are being fucked with! on EVERY side of EVERY political party.
i am not saying this for ANY political party at all.
not ANY single party whatsoever. i am saying this for EARTH and HUMANITY in general.
i'm saying "do the world politics make no sense to you at all?"
"why do you think that is?" "do you feel you are missing out on some KEY fundamental aspect of information?" "QUESTION THAT UNRELENTLESSLY" MAYBE it's because you ARE missing out on a key fundamental aspect of information! maybe? and yes, i KNOW it's hard to decipher ANYTHING these days. i HEAR you. it's EASIEST to shut down. i WANT to shut down.
but MAYBE it's because there is ANOTHER agenda happening here?
something WAY beyond republicans or democrats or any political affiliation whatsoever? there IS news beyond cnn, crossfire, even the daily show or my journal (ha!). what does your GUT/HEART say?
*my* gut and many of your guts says right now *shut down*. my heart says "keep going!" . confusing, i know!
i feel it. i feel it sooooo hard. goddamn it want to drink beer and sleep for a month.
but fargin' a, we have to WAKE UP. FIRE IN THE HOUSE!!
and we, as americans (especially), hold a BIG part of that water hose. it's so easy to be lulled to sleep, like in the wizard of oz: "poppiesssss that will make them sleeeeeeep". man, i want to sleep. I AM SO TIRED.
but the rest of the world is having their arms and legs blown off why we have the luxury of medicating ourselves with TV and food and bud light (i know i am...).
and i'm NOT talking about getting out there and voting (although what can it HURT to do so? so you may as well! so fucking do it! just in case!)
i'm talking about waking up to the BIGGER picture that we are JUST ABOUT as hypnotized as the media makes us think north korea is.
wake up! PLEASE.

i know this will put me in the "nut house" for many of you.
but i'm already there for many of you, so it doesn't matter.
what matters is that i wake SOME of you up.

there is nothing i can do but just to be the bringer of information.
and i feel an obligation (for lack of a better word) to spread "what little i think i know", like so many other people do, in this moment. but i choose to do it without violence, in my own space.

i am NOT saying i have "the answer".
i am simply saying..."shit doesn't add up. why IS that?"
something else is OBVIOUSLY going on. don't you THINK?
what is this "something else"?
i refuse to shut down.
i will shut down for short periods of time. you have to.
that is healthy. but people's lives and wellbeing are at stake. not just in THIS country (usa) either.
no one can stay "on" forever. no one can "save" everyone.
and everyone's toleration of "on" is different.
just when you are "ON" (even for 5 minutes a month)....RESEARCH.

i'm not even saying this because i believe that if i "convert" someone to the "light" side, i get extra brownie points. "invoke star wars...luke...thaaa force".

i'm just saying this because, i FEEL, if i have some knowledge that (i FEEL) NEEDS to be shared (to cause less PAIN in this world), i should share it. but not cram it down anyone's throat (as you will see i am NOT posting this anywhere else but here, in my own journal). (need is such a dangerous word, in a way, no? and "feelings" more discredited than anything else in this societies value system)

of course, i realize how egotistical it is that "my view" should be worthy of "being spoken of". and i also i realize i could be WRONG. (ohmigod i could be wrong? how could i ADMIT such a thing?)
but here it is , anyway, in my journal, which i have not forced you to read. and has been shared with you in the most nonviolent way i can think of, in this moment.

i know i seem like a nut case...but what i am saying spans hundreds or thousands of years.....at least take an HOUR of your time researching this.

make up your OWN minds.

let ME know what you find. i am ALWAYS open to learning more things.
i'm just trying to piece this puzzle together.