august 22nd, 2004


they turned off the air conditioning in this building or something. and it got so hot in my house i couldn't function. i just laid in front of my fan and fell asleep. now i feel so incredibly groggy.


so i worked on the photos now. maybe i'll add more stories to them later on today.
how weird to have this juxtaposition of weird pain photos with another set where i am so happy with the saint paul vulcans.

oh,'s anacam's 7th anniversary TODAY!! woa, that really creeped up on me!

weird :) 7 years!
i might do something special for it later in the week...
but at the moment i am rather preoccupied with other things...and my main cam is in the shop right now getting fixed so i am using another broken blurry cam for the moment.
but wow, 7 years, that is pretty intense...

but the best is yet to come :)

overindulgent goth grrl angst photos.
and hey, my boob is a floatation device...


me on the vulcan fire truck. such a bummer it's a blurry picture. but that is what happens when you let the vulcans be in charge of taking the photo! actually, what am i saying? all the photos are blurry. i haven't gotten a hang of the new camera. but hey, it was a damn happy moment and i needed that :) more vulcan stories to come...
make sure to flip that 1st one upside down.



now i have even more pictures. but now i must sleep. so 1st thing when i wake up i shall work on them and put them up :)
i must tell you about the vulcans :) no, not the ones from star trek...but the ones from's this weird fraternity thing..hard to explain.
anyway...they all came barrelling into the pub tonight in their fire engine and i TRIED to get some good pictures of them...
it was weird to see them now because i thought they only come out during winter. they are these weird guys who dress up kind of like swashbuckling devils in red janitor suits and they kiss all the ladies and get their grease paint devil beards on them. anyway, i just love them because of good childhood memories associated with them and they are practically rock stars in my mind.

god, i'm so weird.