july 30th, 2004


well, i guess jason and i are going to go out for a walk. he got home at 6pm and then has been making himself some dinner and then he is coming over here to watch movies or something.

i am thinking of going to vancouver in september so that this girl, jervais, i know can teach me how to do extensions. sonia was going to teach me this summer...but...well, that didn't work out so...i'm going to go to vancouver to learn and stay at electrickat/bionicgurl/kat's house which will be so cool because i have wanted to see her and meet her for so long now. and i can show her some crochet tricks and take her picture, too :)

it's seems like a smart idea to take this opportunity to learn something new to make more money. and someday i am going to learn how to tattoo , as well. i have been looking into tattoo schools.
hats/hair/tattoos/cam, ha :) ah, and music, but i don't expect to really ever make a living from music although when i start making it again, i'm sure it will bring in a little bit because this time the record co. won't be keeping all the money.

and in vancouver i can meet kat's friend, danica, who seems like a great person, too :) maybe she'll even pierce my belly button since she is a piercer :)

i don't know what days and i still don't know if i can swing it, but i am going to try. i don't think i have anything going on in september. i'd be only gone for 5 days or so anyway.

it will be cool to learn how to do extensions because then i can make some extra cash on the side by doing that to help me out, which is always a good thing :) so i am hoping that by learning it i can recoup the expenses by doing someone's hair later on.

i even have a cousin who live's in vanocouver. when he was little he peed in my tinkertoy container pretending it was a toilet. yep.

i used to have a lot of relatives that lived in on vancouver island. the had a strawberry farm. and my grandparents has this nice a frame getaway cottage on the sea. but i don't think that is still in the family anymore..i have no idea.

oo, wait, i know another person in vacouver, too! the woman who was in charge of the canadian documentray i am in. maybe i'll look her up, too, if i have time, which i probably won't.

anyway...maybe jason will want to come with, too. i don't know.
but he is trying to cut down on his expenses. i'll ask him when he gets his butt over here to watch movies.

i'm really wanting carbs right now. like spaghetti dinner. yummmm.
i haven't had spaghetti in so long.

but i'll be good and eat some more turkey. blech.

turlet and smoked gouda is what i have been eating today. i need jason to bring me over a multivitamin.





yep, my cam is fuct. i will have to take it in to get fixed.
blarg. so, if you see my cam do this, so far i can fix it by shutting it off and then turning it back on. so when this happens, i will try to do it asap. but if i am sleeping or something, i obviously can't fix it.




FINALLY finished wrapping my hair. did that for 5 hours. wow, that takes a long time.

it rained throughout the afternoon. i downloaded new music. rufus wainright, air, stereolab

jason should be home soon and then we are going to go for a walk, if it isn't raining out.


man, i thought my camcorder broke and i was like noooooooooooooooooo!
it wasn't even showiing a picture, just being all black, so i turned it oiff then turned it back on again and now it's fine.
but that is NOT a good sign! argh!
now that i think of it, i think i did pay extra for a 3 year longer warranty or something. i must go find that and see if i did that...


i think eating what i did last night screwed up my diet. i'm bummed because it takes 2 days to get back on it for it to work again. but i am not really sure it screwed it u because i don't have any ketos sticks which are like this little pieces of ph paper that you pee on and it will tell you whether or not you are in ketosis or not. ketosis is the state your body is in when it's burning fat. and if you eat only protein your body goes into ketosis, but it takes a few days for the effect to kick in. also there are certain things that can make it harder for some people t get into ketosis like caffeine and aspartame and a bunch of other stuff that are not carbs but still it can interfere a bit. i don't know, i don't have any of this sticks so that i can test myself to see what is up. but i don't feel i have lost any weight yet even tho yesterday when i weigghed myself i had lost 2 pounds, i know it was only water weight i lost (because you lose water weight when you are on this, too...which is nice if you are bloated from pms!)

but when i measure my right thigh (which is always where i measure to see if i have lost any weight) it's the same measurement as always. goshdarnit. but i'm still going to keep at it. and that is that. even if i only lose 1 mound a month, then hey, at least that is a step in the right direction. and i HAVE to get out for a walk today. because i haven't for 2 days. and it's a really nice day out there.

my hair looks soooo much better now that i have wrapped my real hair up in it with white yarn. i love when my hair is white. i still have quitea few more to go but i have the top parts that show the most.this makes me really happy because if my hair doesn't look right, then i am not as happy as i could be.

i'm so weird. but i HAVE to always be wearing the right shows i want that makes me feel "me" and i have to have the right hair. it's all about the shoes and the hair.. as long as you have those 2 things down, it doesn't even matter what else you are wearing, imo.

yes, this is my extremely shallow diary entry. all the men are yawning and tuning this out, i know.
it's a very typical girl entry. blahity blahity blah. maybe i should talk about shopping and cooking next just to have covered all based... or umm, make up and what is the perfect shade of red lipstick?