july 16th, 2004


got to the p.o. box, and took a 45 minute walk or more and took pictures. i'm so glad i got out for a walk because otherwise i would have felt like a slug. it sure is hot out there, tho. i was baking.
i guess we aren't going to the movie tonight because jason is sick of driving. it took him forever to get home, lots of traffic and detours and construction and stuff.


for $25.00 a month i could store all my music on live365.com and also have my own radio station of it that plays it continuously, i think. i need to read more about it...but that could be really cool. :)

i need to get to the p.o. box now, and then i am going to go see "i, robot" tonight with jason.







wanted: amputees to model my hats

i have no idea where to look or ask (and my cool friends who have amputations live far away, very sadly), so i guess i'll just ask here to begin with...

i'm looking for 3 people with amputations and who also have cool bionic looking arms and/or legs who would like to be in a fashion show and model my hats.

the theme is futuristic robot, and i really want people who are partly robotic to model my hats. plus, it would be cool to part from the typical "model" look, i feel.

so, if you fit the bill and are interested, or know anyone who would be interested, please email me:



photos from:
by Joel-Peter Witkin

angry confrontation and further explanation of my intent:

i just received this email:

"How about I just run over your neck with my wheelchair you insensitive shit?

Tell you what, why don't we just put you through the same horror and pain we went through to become your fashionable gimp playthings?

Personally, I'd love to relive the horrifying high speed car accident that left me in a wheelchair with paralysis in my right leg (what's left of it) and the month after month of sleepless nights, hard physical therapy, pain, endless medication and stares from strangers like I'm less than human.

Ana, I usually agree with your ideas (except your belief that "F9/11" is based on facts) and love your photographic work, but this is offbase and offensive to the majority of us who find ourselves in "less than perfect" condition. I would sincerely challenge any amputee to say he/she truly believes this would be anything but exploitation.


my reponse:

"i'm really sorry you feel that way. but my amputee friends do not feel as you do. and in fact, the revel in their cool bionic limbs and think they look pretty darn cool and love to show them off. it's good for the fashion world to take a step outside it's usual idea of what beauty or a body should be and see that people with amputations are just as cool looking and sexy and worthy as being models as people with all of their limbs, and so , it is a CELEBRATION of that fact, not an exploitation of it.

i'm sorry that you misunderstood my intentions and were offended.

check out my cool bionic friends:


and open your mind to what you are and what you could be.

of course, you'll never be able to divorce the pain you experienced and the pain you continue to experience from the changes that happened to your body because of that pain, but you can learn to redefine yourself and play with the reality of it and make it be something you are proud of and what to show the world, instead of something that should be hidden away and talked about with anger only.

although, i certainly do understand that anger.

in my show, i am not celebrating the pain and the anger, but the survival, the transformation, and the redefining of onesself and stepping beyond the very limited view of beauty that this world currently holds..."