June 25th, 2004


i took these pix of the sunrise the other morning :)



farenheit 911.
you HAVE to see that movie!
i haven't been to a movie in so so long that the whole audience clapped and cheered for at the end because it was THAT good! a really amazing piece of work!

and tomorrow a really huge and full day. 1st to the zoo for jaosn's company's picnic. and we will see the baby lemurs!

and then to the kiss concert front row and center! how about that? what a day it will be!



this hat is for sale for $149
it is the very 1st hat i ever made way back in the early 90's!
it is hand sewn and hand embroidered from vintage velvet and other vintage material. and vintage (silk?) ribbons cascades from it. i think the material is all from the 50's. it is VERY soft and comfy to wear!
i hate to part with this because it means a lot to me and is a part of my history and it's the 1st hat!
but, i need the cash!

this hat is for sale for $149
it is crocheted from 15 or more types of yarn!

more hats for sale here:


putting all the mannequins back together means i can sell a few of them now.
i don't want to sell most of them, because they come in really handy for when i make hats and clothing and i want to see what it all looks like together. but i have about 4 i could part with, i think. so, i emailed my friend amber and she'll come over and see which ones she wants because i promised her 1st dibs. and then, i'll see if one else wanst any after that. i hoep i can sell some becsuse i need the $ very much!

i am like 20 members down. which means i make about $300 less then last month. which is pretty awful.
members for ana2 go continually down. i suppose i could start adding myself to all those annoying cam portals and then i have to add all those annoying banners back. but that is just such a gross thing to do. hate all those banners and the kind of crowd i get from them is mostly annoying freeloader types. still...who knows?

and i could do another nude all week, but i am SO not in the mood for anything of that sort.
and if i do anything when i feel like not doing it, it just makes me feel gross and unhappy.

i wish i had the bigtime money to put an ad for my cam in a huge magazine or something.

oh well. what to do what to do?

i have 6,000 people on my mailing list! if i could only get most of them to send me oen dollar for all the free photos i have given them throughout the years....but whatever. ok...thinking about this is putting me in a bad mood. so...i will not think about it.

what is meant to be is meant to be...

i have my pxl2000 to sell, i have a really awesome antique 25mm camera i will sell that has a million accessories to it. it hink each of these things can sell for over 300 a piece. and then i have a few mannnequins. and if i sell these things, i can make it through 1 or 2 more months.

and then maybe by that time i will have more hats for sale (which i still do have hats for sale in the for sale section).

i just have to pray and have hope and faith that the universe will hold me and support me in its infinite grace and love.
it always has so far. i have to remember that by following my joy, no matter how illogical, will always bring me the most abundance. it has always worked for me. some how i always survive. and i have lots to sell still.



order of my day:

wake up.
squish the beasts.
read hotmail.
read under the bed
check and see if pluckyfluff made new yarn.
skim yahoo news
read juno email.
turn on new wave radio station
open windows.
look at bank balance.
msg jason in IM about day so far
look at friends list
deal with photocontest
look through campix and sort
put up yesterday's anagram
add pix and new text to today's anagram
eat buffalo.
make some crystal lite
start to put mannequins together even more
ponder 5 million various things
run the credit cards through
put mannequins together even more
eat more buffalo.
take out garbage


today i leave at 6pm to go to farenheit 911 with jason and 2 of his friends.
before that...i don't know what i will do with my day yet...just waking up.
it's 64 degrees outside.