June 12th, 2004




you HAVE to see this:


incoming storm

ok, crap, i think today is my dad's birthday. or was it yesterday or tomorrow?

it's either the 11th, 12th, or 13th. i get it confused because my brother's is one of those days , too. and then we had a neighour long long ago whose birthday was also one of those days.

freak. it think my dad's birthday was the 11th???? man oh man, i feel like an idiot for not knowing! why do i not know??

i am really bad at dates.

yikes i better write to him an email!

i haven't spoken to him in over a month. but neither has he spoken to me.

i wrote him an email finally 2 days ago because he never responded to mine a from month ago.

he misses me and kind of pulls me near...then when i come near he pushes me away. it fucks with my mind and heart.

it hurts. he is strange. i never know how close i am allowed to get to him. i'm afriad to get close to him because when i even get even the tiniest bit close, be email only, he clams up and pushes me away.

i love him so much. i hate that i love him so much. it would be so much easier for me if i didn't.

i beter write him an email now.