May 9th, 2004

was that thee most intense survivor finale or what?! :)


i'm going over to jason's to watch survivor, but i am going to shut off my computer in case any weirdness starts happening again. i don't want my computer to get fried. i'll turn it back on when i return!


holy shit. that was scary as hell! all i got to do is type that the sirens were going offf and upload it and i was leaning towards the computer to turn it off, then WHAM, and the electricity went off and a huge horizontal and upwards wind came and things were just FLYING through the air and the tornado sirens were going off and it was pure chaos. i just started unplugging things from my walls like mad and trying to find the dog leashes. and jason came running over and we were like what do we do go in the garage?? my heart is STILL beating fast. i just threw on my red boots with no socks and was prepared to run for it. i didn't know what was going to happen. i seriously thought something was going to come crashing through my window. it just happened SO fast. it's scary how fast that happened. i really thought for sure we were being hit by a tornado. and then as fast as it came, it left. and now just thunder and lightning. and it feels like it's 20 or 30 degrees colder. i was 88 degrees out just a minute ago.

fuck. that was so SUDDEN. i can see how something like that could just hit someone with hardly any warning. wow. it makes you just know that when the people on the news say go into your basement NOW, you better get into it RIGHT NOW! wow. just wow.

and then a few minutes later i saw 2 of the brightest bursts of light i have ever seen. the kind of bright that you would need welders goggles to look at. it came from this building that i can see far away. i thought for sure an electrical fire was breaking out there and i thought for sure i'd see firetrucks and fire within minutes coming from that building. but then NOTHING. nothing else happened and no one went there.

i have NO idea what it was that i saw. jason saw it with me and we were blown away by how bright it was.

and jason said it made this really weird electical sound when it happened, but i didn't hear it.

now the rain has started again and it's very very dark.

holy crap that was freaky and scary!!!

i still have goosebumps all over my body!



ok, the air raid sirens are going big time. tornado.
i'm going to turn off my computer. it 's raining like mad and has gotten very dark out.



lots of thunderstorms and tornadoes near me. the wind is really whipping up! it's exciting :)
i'm so glad i live in the city when this happens because tonadoes usually do not hit cities.
up until 6th grade, i lived in a little town that had tornadoes ALL the time. i was terrified, still am terrified, of tornadoes. they are some of the creepiest freakiest weather things EVER. the fact that it could make a piece of paper slice your head off or a tiny piece of hay impale you! eek!


i call this the kitchen sink hat because it's everything but the kitchen sink that is in it.
it's not done yet. i think i'm going to finish the rest of it in wire :)

this was made from ONE skein of yarn that i made yesterday at the spinning class i was in.
it has in it: poodle (those are the black squiggly pieces..yep real poodle dog!), silk roving, silk noil, flax, cotton (the light blue made from recycled jeans!), ramie, camel hair (only the guard hairs not the soft stuff), a bit of uncarded wool that was still in the grease (unwashed, so it smells like lanolin), and some uncarded alpaca. i love it!

now i want to finish it with wire to make it more futuristic :)


i'm watching moonstruck for the gazillionth time. i love this movie :)

all the scabs are finally gone from my tattoo :) yay! no more itching :)


tomorrow i must pay my electric bill or my phone will get shut off.
i hope that they give me till the end of the business day tomorrow to pay it. i will call them 1st thing in the morning. and i hope they will take a partial payment if i promise to give them the rest in 3 days. i think they will. i hope.
if not, i guess my electricity will be turned off. so, if all of a sudden my cam stops updating, you know why. and then, i will get it back up again in a few days. worst case scenario. life. it is what it is. i can't get bent out of shape about it.

yesterday when i was at that wool festival with my friend, fuzzybumblebee, and i was in the hugest building full of every yarn and fiber thing imaginable (except anything do do with crochet). it was heaven. and also hell, since i could not spend a dime. and i didn't my restraint was amazing, to say the least. i didn't even spend one dollar.

next year fuzzybumblee and i may try to get a booth at this thing.
even if we didn't sell anything, people need to see some CROCHET. and especially free form crochet to open up their minds a bit more.

this hugest of fiber fesitvals and 99.999 % of it was about spinning, weaving, and knitting. every tool imaginable for that. i think i saw ONE booth with SOME crochet hooks.

every person i would talk to would ask me if i knit. and i'd say no, i CROCHET. it didn't even cross anyone's mind that crochet was even something viable. at the spinning class a woman asked me if i knit with my yarn i spin, and i said no. and so she said, or so you just spin? and i said no, i CROCHET it.

once in awhile someone would go oh "crochet", as if they were accessing some fuzzy memeory of what that was and then they would say, oh we have a scarf for sale here that was crocheted. and they would show me some boring looking thing. NO one (at that place) gets the free form crochet thing or the possibilities with that.

it's my mission to spread the free form crochet love.

i ran into the woman who owns the three kittens yarn store that i love. and i told her that i would be up for teaching a free form crochet class at her store. and fuzzybumblee said she'd help me.

so, we may give free form crochet classes here and there. people need to know about it!

and SO many people i see on the crochet and knitting lj communities just absolutely MYSTIFIED over what one could possibly do with little scraps of yarn left over. or even if they only have ONE skein of yarn that is small. they just have no idea what to do with it.

i mean, doesn't anyone want just a STRIPE of a different colour in their project? a tassle, an extra little doo-hinky, like a crochet flower they could add? so much. i mean, the possibilities are endless. it seems that if (some) people don't have a whole bunch of skeins of yarn in all the same colour enough for a project that they found a pattern for (a sweater or blanket), people are just LOST.

i need to scoop all these lost people up and show them the ways of free form crochet. i want people to start thinking outside the box when it comes to this stuff. and i'm excited to teach it.

i'm still no expert. but i do think i have done enough of it now to at least get people started.

i think i could see myself, sometime in the future, in a few years, writing a book on this. because there is not enough information on this kind of thing.

i have bought some books on it, but they are all old books from the 70's, now out of print, full of hippy type free form crochet stuff.
we need an updated book.

it's just sad to go to this massive fiber festival and have NOTHING on any of this.

the spinning class was cool. the teachers weren't one of those kind with a stick up their butt tha think there is only one way to go about spinning. and they didn't look at fuzzybumblee and i like we were shameful freaks of nature because we spun weird think and thin stuff.

i wanted to learn how to do boucle, but the teacher didn't really get how to do that either, but she did KIND of show how to do it. i think i can figure it out on my own now.

she also showed navajo plying which i didn't know about and i still didn't really understand how she did it because i had only a few hours of sleep ther nigh before and was too tired to take that in. but i now know i want to learn that.

and i learned that i really like to spin flax. and i didn't get to spin it wet but she explained to me how, and it sounds easy. also, something which i did not know is that after you soin it , you boil the yarn with some ingredients (i'm going to look up on the net what) and then it turns white and into linen! so i am all fascinated by that now.

i also discovered that i love ramie but then some woman told me that you can only dry clean that fiber, so screw that. i hate dry cleaning.

oh, no one knows about tencel still! what on earth? it's the coolest stuff ever! feels like silk but you can wash it like cotton!

NO one had tencel for sale in that entire place. you could get EVERYTHING else. ingeo, soy silk,, bamboo, hemp, flax, cotton, alpaca, merino, silk, silk noil, etc etc etc. but NO tencel! what's up with that?

we also saw the CUTEST llammas and alpacas and angora bunnies that could MELT your heart! swoon :)







3:08 am

shallow thoughts: survivor

i am pumped for the finale of survivor tonight :)

although i really hated boston rob on whatever season he was 1st in (and that could be due to the fact of how they choose to edit, or rob saw what a dick he looked like the 1st time and cleaned up his act, i don't know).
but i kind of feel he deserves to win because he did play the game, so far, so well! i'm very surprised to find myself saying that.

but my 1st choice would have to be rupert, because he seems like an all around good person and he works hard for the tribe. but when he lost the last season he was on, i was really disapointed in his sulky pouty sourpuss goodbye he did and he went down a million points in my book for doing that. i don't think he is as good of a person as he leads on to be. or that might be the editing, too. who knows? but i don't love rubert as much i did in the beginning. but he is my 1st choice to win. i think he'd put the $ to good use, as well.

jenna to win? no way. god no. i hope not. 'nuff said. argh. what is she is gorgeous? i'm not going to hold that against her although many in the game hate her for it.
she still is a strong person and no idiot (expect for telling her tribe she won a car and then going on and on about it...that was stupidest move she made in the game so far). although i wouldn't be SUPER happy for her to win it just because i don't think she played as hard as boston ron or rupert.

but, from a guinea pig psychological standpoint i'd like to see amber win just to see if rob could take it , being mr. macho and all. and if she won, would they still be together or would it be too much of a blow to his ego that his girlfriend won over him?

(will they be together after this show even if both lose?)

it shall be interesting whatever happens (unless jenna wins which is very uninteresting to me)

so my choice in order i'd like to see win:

1. rupert 2. rob 3. amber, 4. jenna