april 2nd, 2004


the horrible noise outside my window



i don't think my neck is getting much better. in the daytime, it seems like it is getting better..but then by the time night comes it really hurts. throbbing sharp pain all up and down from my shoulder blade to the base of my skull on the left side of my body.


i went for a walk finally it was 62 degrees!
i took deiter with me cause it's easier with just one dog.
i took some pix but not many cause when i bring a dog with, it's hard for me to concentrate on making pictures because i have to concentrate on the dog and also it's distracting having all the people wanting to wave and me and the dog and stop me and talk about the dog :)

at the end of our walk, we stopped at the noodle place and i got some beef soba soup :)

money spent: $7.49 on the soup

and i found another receipt from yesterday: 14.06 for beverages



i try to ignore that my neck hurts.
shitty 3.2 beer helps somewhat.
but then sometimes...oftentimes...most times...just OUCH.


before i die, i will have a tattoo.
maybe when i hit 40, i will go hog wild with tattoos.
if you don't know what kind of tattoo you want at 40, you probably never will (my guess at age 37...38 in a few weeks).


cutting up red velvet to tie into my hair :)




i watched part of frontline on pbs tonight. it was about the genocide in rwanda.
i feel like a stupid american idiot for not knowing what had happened there. i don't blame myself completely. and what could have i done? i don't know. i just feel pretty infantile when almost one million people are brutally chopped up in a matter of weeks and i didn't even know.

the governments of the world, especially america, could have put a stop to that. i knew that they didn't give a flying fucking crap, but it was just solidified even more by watching frontline tonight. how they all hightailed it out of there and left the others to be butchered.

this government only goes into how much they care about the poor oppressed people (women in afghanistan **which are worse off now, btw**, "liberating iraq", etc) when the government has something to gain from helping. if it doesn't...it doesn't give a crap about it/you. well, we all knew that. but when i am reminded of it again...i just...get so angry. angry isn't even the word. it goes beyond language.

my government makes me sick.

we all think that what happened with the nazis could never happen again because we are aware and smarter now.
we would all be deadly wrong in thinking that.
it already has happened again, and it will most likely keep happening again and again and again...

mad mad house

i don't know when the reality tv show "mad mad house" started (on the sci fi channel...i don't have cable but my boyfriend does). but i saw part of it tonight and it looked very interesting!

what it seems to me to be about is 4 or 5 "spiritual" people (a druid, a wiccan, a modern primitive, a voodoo priestess etc) test a bunch of "lesser evolved" individuals trying to evolve them more spiritually. the lesser evolved are in it for the 100,000, but little do they seem to grasp that they are being evicted from the house as they do not seem to grasp the bigger spiritual lessons involved.

the only bummer of the show, so far, from what i have seen, is the "vampire". what he has to do with spirituality is beyond me. and that he is included in with the spiritual people (who decide things) is truly a bummer for me. he seems to offer no great insight to anything except for just to be a spectacle.


oh, here is the official explanation:

People who live in different worlds have to live in the same house.

Did you know that there are practicing vampires in the United States? Or that the Wiccan religion is sometimes called "witchcraft"? And why, exactly, do nudists like being naked?

SCI FI invites you to experience life around the edges, in the colliding worlds of its newest alternative-reality series, Mad Mad House.

Five practitioners of "alternative lifestyles" — a Wiccan, a Naturist, a Modern Primitive, a Voodoo Priestess and a real-life Vampire (known collectively as the Alts) — rule the roost. Meanwhile, 10 ordinary folks move into the House as the Alts' Guests — and compete against one another for the $100,000 jackpot.

Our Guests will live out a Survivor meets The Real World meets The Osbournes lifestyle — and try to get along living under one roof together. The eclectic and unpredictable Alts will challenge them, judge them and eliminate them one by one — ultimately deciding which Guest is most fit for life in the Mad Mad House.

as kiitos says:



This is an article that says the American army has detinated enough uranium in Iraq to equal 250,000 of the atomic bombs used on Japan. THAT is a shit ton of Uranium. Thanks President Bush you stupid punk ass bitch!!!!"

electric cars

correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldn't an electric car use up just as much gas/oil since it took gas/oil in order to create the electricity?

coast to coast am

interesting programme on the dangers of fluoride on coast to coast tonight.
scary stuff.
did you know that it is more poisonous as lead?
and it's 1st use was by the nazis to keep the prisoners docile?
it is also used as rat poison.


what is up with all theme music on coast to coast?
i mean, not just the beginning theme and the end theme (which i can understand there is a purpose for)...
but those 3 other (i think it is about 3) instrumentals that they ALWAYS play during the breaks that just go on and on and on?
what is the purpose of playing those so long over and over again week after week and month after month and maybe even year after year?

does the host need time to kill to do some sort of behind the scenes twiddling?? or what? what is UP with that?
it drives me crazy.

fish soup

i'm looking for a good recipe for fish soup.
something hearty yet refreshing. but most importantly, something simple :)
the fish i have is orange roughy.
any suggestions?