march 30th, 2004

dog years:
according to this calculator both pooka and deiter are considered seniors! pooka is 8 (48 in dog years) and deiter is 6 (40 in dog years). 40 years is a SENIOR? pish tosh!

anyone remember what year i got sebastian? has it been 2 or 3 years now?




my neck is hurting me more and more with each passing hour :(


i have whacked my neck out again. all i did was turn it wrong and WHAM, now i can't move it much again.
it's so weird, this hardly ever happens to me.

maybe it has something to do with the fact that my mom can't stop emailing the stupid woman on lj who turned psycho on her. and then my mom goes into lj looking for anything else this woman has said about her. and then my mom emails ME about it.

i'm so truly sick of hearing about it. and i've told her i don't want to hear about it, yet here i am now with a whacked out "pain in the neck" and feeling all "augh" now.

i understand my mom's irritation and i've been in the same boat she has been in many times. and i surely understand the compulsion to keep checking up in places you shouldn't. it's an awful feeling when people think badly of you that you once considered friends and then they go around spreading lies about you on the internet. i truly know it sucks.

but i just wish she would stop emailing me about it. i really think she wants me to go out there and confront this woman for her, publically, so all her other lj "friends" will know this woman is a nut. but i am so not going to be dragged into this! and experience shows that would help nothing but just prolong the stupidity of this entire situation.

it just never ceases to amaze me the level of immaturity grown adults can show.
it's like some stupid cheerleader cat fight between women in their 40's.

i have to get to the little store for some pop and some dog food now.

the maintenance guy came over and fixed my sink so now i can clean in there and put all my bathroom supplies back.

last night i watched a really great documentary on PBS called "the new americans"
part 2 is on tonight. it is really good! i recommend that you watch it!

