February 2nd, 2004

nipple police

ate today: mountain dew, potato chips, croissant, how chocolate

spent: (i'll have to find the receipt..)
i bought: croisaant, diet coke, mountan dew, potato chips, hot chocolate


it's still snowing out!



it's snowing like crazy out. it has been all day and all night. i hope to get out in it sometime today to take pix of it in its pristine condition. pray for me to wake up. make me astral coffee....





gay weddings
whoever needs to be re-reminded of the "sanctity" of marriage should watch the series "gay weddings" on bravo.
i had a tear in my eye the entire time.
whoever has lost track of what marriage was supposed to be amidst all the hetrosexual las vegas quickie weddings and the reality tv show "weddings" should take heed....
the "faggots" have come to teach us all a very important lesson about the sanctity of marriage. truly brave. truly sanctimonious.

in the middle of the night i always have so much to say to my mom, to my dad, to my best friends, and to you...

but as usual...i cannot say it all, it implodes my brain, and i must sleep....
