January 28th, 2004

made a livejournal just for my hats:



i want to learn to juggle.

i can't remember if i told you this already, so pardon me if i did.
so i've been lugging all this fabric around with me for decades because i knew that someday i would make clothing with it. i have a really nice sewing machine that my mom got me for xmas way back in the early 80's.
but i never use it because i hate things that are at all complicated. a sewing machie is not that complicated but it's still too complicated for me to want to deal with it. i've always loved hand sewing but i never did much handsewing after i got the machine because i thought it would be stupid to do it by hand if i had a machine. so i would never got any sewing done by machine or by hand because i was stuck in between this "problem". also the machine scares me a bit. it's not relaxing. it's noisy and it goes really fast.
anyway, it occurred to me a few days ago that if i would have just been able to let go of this idea that i HAD to sew my machine because it was more time efficient and precise, i would have been sewing a lot these past few decades!
crochet has made me realize that it is the processs that i love and the process has to be fun for me to get things done. so, i am making peace with my desire to hand sew instead of use a machine. it may not be as time efficient or precise. but actually like the way it looks a lot more and it's something i LIKE to do.

so there. i wish i had known that 20 years ago.


having a coke and taking pix while jason has his atkins dinner at perkins.
i going to start a calendar where i rate how creative i feel each day on a scale of 1 to 10.
and then i can make a graph of this at the end of each year and see if there is any rhyme or reason or trands as to when i feel creative and when i don't. because i sure cannot figure it out!



jason gave me a ride to the p.o. box :)

spent today: $6.30 mailing the hat (and extra trinkets)

generic sominex: 2.99
batteries for my camera: 3.99
trash bags: 6.99
toilet paper: 2.99
diet sprite: .99
paper towels: 1.29
tax= 1.25
total: 20.49



this yarn is paper



i'm sorry but i just cannot go outside and walk for blocks when it is 26 below windchill. argh.


woke up at 2pm. vacummed, dusted a bit, sorted through the campix as i do everyday, took some more pictures with my nikon, put clothes in dryer. made tea.
i NEED to get to the p.o. box but it is 6 below zero right now but, according to weather.com it feels like 26 BELOW ZERO. ffffffffffffffuck. what to do????

thank god, tho, that i can tell the days are getting longer. it is now not absolutely completely drak outside at 5pm.

my butt and legs are sore from spinning the other day. i was purposely using my legs to spin the worng way in order to actually get excercise from spinning and it totally worked because i am sore.

god, i do not want to go out in 26 below zero windchill.
i'm so depressed about doing this.
i really do not like pain.



how weird is it that i am getting my old bandmates back together and i just now i receive an email from karla, the girl who was the keyboardist for the blue up? for a few years. how freaky.
last i talked to her was when we were on tour when we were on columbia records. she wasn't signed with us and she didn't play on the record, but we hired her to go on tour with us. but she is this crazy born again christian who was constipiated the entire time and a total control freak and basically hell to be around. so we all got in a fight and she left us high and dry in the middle of the south with shows still to play.
so, after she did that, i was so pissed i vowed to never speak to her again. even tho she sent me a few xmas cards, i didn't reply.

i have NO idea how she would figure out that my name is ana voog now and how she found my website.
totally bizarre. oh wait...i do know...DUH. she probably did a web search on the blue up? and found my site.

she wants to send me pictures of "her babies". i have no idea if this means she has children now or pets or what.
as much as i am curious i am so sick of her shit i don't think i will write her back. i don't want to see her again.
she has burned me too many times.

i don't know...should i email her back? argh. i'm just sick and tired of people that piss me off being in my life. she is a total energy drain. but i can't help feel a tiny bit of fondness for her just because we go way back and there were SOME good times.
but if i write her back i don't want it to be that i give her an inch and she takes a mile, you know what i mean?

i hope to god she doesn't join ana2 and read this.
i can totally see that happening.



well, i got that yarn off the bobbin. sort of. i won't bore you with the details. how many hours did it take me to get that off? well, i was working on it since 7pm ...so over 7 hours? man, that is insane.

i should get to bed very soon. i'm actually tired so that makes me happy.
it will be nice to wake up to a slightly cleaner house!

i'm so excited about all the ideas. i have to figure out how to get money for more yarn that i need for hats for my hat show in may. i need wire and stainless steel yarn and clear plastic jelly cord from texturatrading.com
i need about $200, i think. there must be a way somehow...i'm thinking of things to sell...