September 18th, 2003


had a bit of a downpour here.
gave the dogs my leftover cous cous from yesterday since i am not going to be eating carbs.
here are some pix. some of them are almost identical but , to me, each one is different of the dogs may be doing something different in each one even tho i may be the same.
my dogs never fail to amuse the heck out me.



maybe i just gained weight because i am entering pmsland.
i hope that is what it is. i am ravenously hungry as if i were in pmsland.
still, i'm going on the atkins until goldfrapp plays at the fine line on the 26th.
i was going to go to that show with jason, but now i'm going with amy because
jason bought tickets to see kiss in chicago! as soon as he did that they added a show here, in minneapolis, so he was kind of bummed he did that.

so...for breakfast: diet vanilla coke and smoked gouda.
hmmm. i also bought some beef and some chicken and some smoked kippers and some eggs.
there is not much variety at the little store by me.
if it's just water weight i gained, i will probably lose the 4 pounds by tomorrow because when u eat only protein, all the extra water comes off immediately.

i'm sure you are thrilled to know this.

the sky is getting darker and i need to turn on the lights.
i'm listening to supertramp.

i am trying to communicate both verbally and telepathically with my pupsters to see how well that works.
usually if i leave for even 10 minutes they will get into things they shouldn't and so i have to lock the up in the kitchen when i leave.
but this time i verbally told each one that i was going to the little store to get food and that i would be back in just 10 minutes and so not to worry and to please not wreck anything in the house.
and then while i was gone i also telepathically told each one to be a good boy and that i was coming home in just a few minutes.

and when i came back, they were not barking or whining at all and they had been totally good boys!

so maybe this will work? that would be so cool!

usually i just tell them that i will be back and to be good.
maybe it helps to tell them how long i will be gone , as well. although i always got the feeling that they had no concept of time.

who knows?

i'll keep trying this because whatever works is great with me :) i must clean like the dickens. whatever the dickens is.


i'll get more new pix up here soon :)

i woke to the sound of jackhammers.
it's a grey day and not windy like it was yesterday.
i weighed myself this morning and i weighed 113! wtf?
so i gained 4 pounds. i hope to god that is just excess water. grrr.
i think i will go on the atkin's diet starting NOW.
i need to get the the store and buy some protein.
there is no WAY i am going to go up in weight.
nope. no way.

my dreams sucked. the only one i can really remember is a dream
where i was just screaming at my mother.
it was just horrible.

despite all of this ,
i am in an OK mood.
feeling positive.

today i need to clean a lot.
and do a few errands.
and i'm excited about survivor starting tonight.
woo hoo!
i have no idea why, but my desire to be on that show is almost gone.
i have no idea why that happened. hmmm.

ok...i must get my ass in gear.

1. make coffee
2. get outside and buy protein food and do some errands
3. clean clean clean
4. watch survivor

and then later read more "alien agenda" by jim marrs which is an EXCELLENT book
on the whole alien thing and government conspiracy about it.
absolutely so detailed and thorough.