September 3rd, 2003


i am microwaving some potatoes for dinner.

today was jason's 1st day od school again. this is his last year.
for the short period in between his work and school i was over at his house cutting up sparkly vintage fabric into strips so i can crochet it. i am so excited about using my fabric in this way. and it delights me to no end to transform a pile of fabric into an orb or yarn.

i imagine taking every last piece of fabric in my house, even my clothes, and transforming them all into soft multicoloured fabric orbs.

i love destruction and creation. taking something old and turning it into something new.
transformation. recreation.
egg to larva to cocoon to flying insect
phoenix risng from the ashes...
you get the idea...

i just find the whole thing extremely funny.

funny that a racoon could become a hat

a hat into pillow stuffing

pillow stuffing into food for moths

moths into into....

on and on and on

in my mind...i have transformed everything in my house into an orb.

and then all these orbs will become hats.

i will sell all the hats and buy fiber to spin...

to make into make into hats...

my potatoes are done now...



tomorrow sonia does my hair with dreadlock hair extensions!
weeeee :) longhair :) i go over to her house tomorrow at 4pm to get it done :) i'll take pictures when i'm there!