31st, 2002
anagrams * menu
going out to dinner with jason and
to my new apartment to christen in the new year there :)
feeling | weird | nervous |
disjointed | dreams | stuck |
in my head | but i can't | remember |
anything | specific | going to go |
take a bath | now | and i hope |
that helps | washing | machine |
aggravating | me | stomache |
convulsing | ouch | ouch |
ouch | i think | i'll be |
fine | in a minute | what |
are | you | doing today? |
weird argument i got into over this picture in the picturing_food LJ community: her: I hate to be a boob, but that first picture, with the arms on the eggs, disturbs me. < I hate saying it but
it does bother me > me:
her: I mean no disrespect ( and I can't type for crap tonight) but food is 'sposed to be fun, not disturbing. Food is what we deal with every day but that just grossed me out and even if it makes it passed the moderators of this forum, I find it in poor taste. Food is to enjoy, not to question. If I see more of this type of "food picturing" then I will withdraw my membership to here. Good God, it reminds me of abortions. Food is for enjoyment. Food reminds me of good times, good friends and a good life. I suck, I know this by what
I have written prior but, egads. I do find it offensive and tastless
and if you were in my shoes you might see it. It's just gross and
tastless. No wonder some people become anorexics (sp). me:
there are MANY ways to "picture"
food her:
But, if you have a political agenda, take it elsewhere. This is about food and not some making food your vehicle for political agendas. I have enjoyed most of the pics up to this point. I am not a vegetarian and
I love to see their creations. This form of "art" that you
have posted has made me sick, completetly and uttery sick. It's rude
and making me ill. me:
dude, it's just two very tiny doll arms and a boiled egg. it's hardly some aborted fetus or vomit or something! lord. i even ate that egg after
i made that picture. it's NOT that big of a deal! her:
I apologize if I seemingly went off the edge but things like that contain messages that other's don't appreciate. Is that right or wrong, only God knows (oh and I am just a theist) but it sure didn't set well with me, as you can tell... I am done with this. I apologize for being a person with too many nerves, but I don't apologize for being one that questions. Questioning is a big part of my life, if I didn't question I would be more unhappy than you have seen. ----------------------- me:
grow up. ======================= her: I disagree and I am throwing a hissy fit? Hello, I don't like the picture, EXCUSE me, that's life. Good Word woman, I am not throwing a hissy fit. I don't agree with the content but I am hardly throwing a "hissy fit." Pardon my life, I have things that make it offensive, I am entitled unless you have some compelling reason I should take your side 100%. Yes I am upset but you have little knowledge as to why, to which I wont say but it's up to you to be the better person to not show such sad/disgusting pictures in the future. But I have every right to question your photos, this is a public forum which doesn't preclude me from questioning what you posted. If I were a member of a photo essay group, wait I am, I wouldn't give second thought to what someone felt incomprehesible and be understanding to that, but here I bullshit. But that's just me. I actually give a shit about people's feelings. It looks to me to be a political means to carry on some form of something that is NOT food. I enjoy and love food. I hate to see people use food to push some politicial agenda, food is a wonderful thing, you see. It has magical properties that make us want to interact. Food has no malice, no intent, but people make it this horrible thing. That's what I read. I didn't like it. So sue me. -------------------- me: if you are questioning...WHAT is your question? |
more faves
from 1997-2001
and a few new ways of looking at old pictures: