anagram 121401

my wishlist
(go there to see some pretty cool books i've found!)

[10 Dec 2001|09:57pm]
i ate chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, cherry twizzlers and nutter butters for dinner. this was NOT a good idea :/

soon i shall sleep. can't be on the computer much longer 'cause my wrists are fingers are starting to hurt a bit

[11 Dec 2001|07:22am]
i woke up with a stomache ache from eating all that junky sugar stuff so i made a wishlist to keep me occupied. now i'm feeling much better and the sun will be up soon, so i'm going back to sleep for a bit :)
i feel weird about wishlists...but what the's christmas :)

[11 Dec 2001|08:04am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

HAPPY BIRTHDAY emmettsl :)

[11 Dec 2001|05:44pm]
i ftped tons of stuff off my computer onto my server so i could get more space on my computer then i defragmented and that took all afternoon. while that was going on i washed the kitchen floor, did the dishes, did a load of laundry, moved furniture around so that i can get the last of my livingroom floor red, painted a little shelf for my bathroom white, washed the livingroom floor, watched oprah, did the anacam biz stuff, worked on my mailing list, read my email, painted more of my couch white, and cut off almost all of sebastian's fur because he keeps getting little mats in his fur all over. he actually looks good! and he looks so much smaller! he looks as small as pooka! i still have a long way to go with his's really choppy...and it's very difficult to do it to him because he hates it and tries to get away. he looks like a totally different dog, but he looks as cute as pie :) i can't wait until i can get his haircut to look GOOD and not like he got ran over my a lawnmower.
now i'm watching the news and i'm going to paint the rest of my floor red and perhaps some of the couch red.
jason is as school and afterwards he is gonna come over and snuggle.
it was sunny today so i got filled up with sunlight and had energy and felt happy and good :)

i had another disgusting dream with david bowie in it. this time we were kissing and he was a horrible kisser and little pieces of gunk from his mouth kept falling into mine and i just wanted to throw up it was so disgusting.
i don't know what's up with this david bowie dream thing!

[11 Dec 2001|09:03pm]
my couch looks really cool red with the red floor exactly matching :)
i did a lot today and that feels good :)

[11 Dec 2001|11:11pm]
it's 11:11
hi thingie :)

[12 Dec 2001|11:11am]
it's 11:11 again...and where is thingie?

[12 Dec 2001|12:08pm]
it's totally grey out but with my red floor and red couch there is an aura of warmth in my house, even tho it's cold. it's really nice :) i think it balances things out nicely :) i am so pleased :)
the polyurathane resin i got to put on top of my floor says "satin" on it. i forgot to look for "high gloss". so i have to go back there to get more. and it also says that you need to put on 3 coats and sand between each coat. i'm so sure! like i have time for that! my next step is to start putting glittery circles on my floor. i'm going to make a circle stencil ( or maybe i will hand make all the circles for a less perfect feel..i dunno yet ) and then i will paint a circle filled in and before it's dry i will put glitter powder on top of it...then when it's dry i will put the resin over that...then i will keep adding glitter on top of that and then more reson, etc...until i am satisfied. when i have all the circles on my floor done...i will add one last coat of super high gloss reson over the whole floor.
that's my plan as of today.

today i am also going to add clear liquid latex to one of the sections of the couch and add glitter to that and see how that comes out. i have no idea...i'm making this up as i go along :)

and i am still working on the archives...making the html pages pretty and adding text and getting the index pages up with the contents. i switch between doing floors then doing archives. i'm trying really hard to just keep with these projects and NOT start up new ones so that i can FINISH things and not get overwhelmed by too many projects which i tend to do.

i still have yet to finish the polaroid project and i am 3/4ths done with it. yes, i have been working on that on and off for over a year now, i know! but believe me, it's ALWAYS on my mind and that is the 3rd project i'm working on.

after those 3 projects are done, my next thing to do, if things go as plannes ( which they never do ) to work on typing out my old journals, painting cups and pancakes on things so that i may sell those...and...well, there is just so many things...i will have to see how it barin just fried typing that much.

right now i need to get to the store pronto and buy some food for me and the pups.
all i have to eat is a jar of spaghetti sauce and i don't think that makes a good breakfast. :)

[12 Dec 2001|12:26pm]
ah, i changed the colours of my journal and on anacam to a warmer tone for winter :) yummy :)

[12 Dec 2001|03:59pm]
where is the best place online that i could buy food? like grocery food

question: with the amazon wishlist there an option i can check so that after someone purchases something for me it just disappears from the list instead of turning up at the bottom of the list under "already purchased items"?

i just got back from outside. did errands. got food. it's amazing how warm it is for this time of year! i don't even have to wear gloves! i was listening to rufus wainright on my walkman :)

i've been working on getting the analog section updated all day. now it's time for oprah. it's about how to become emotional aware and stopping compulsive behaviour that stops you from creating your greatest potential.

[12 Dec 2001|05:25pm]
fixing lots of little stuff on my sites that no one would ever notice but me.
nighttime already. hungry. i think i will sizzle something up in a frying pan.
what are you having for dinner?

[13 Dec 2001|01:06am]
me sleepy.
worked on archives for 12 hours. time to vedge now...
gonna turn on my electric blanket and make a nest :)

[13 Dec 2001|12:39pm]
brrr. it's only 23 degrees. *shiver*
terrible dreams about being on the run in afghanistan. i somehow ended up there and sold into slavery. a guy bought me and i became his wife and i pretended to be totally subservient to him and so happy to be in afghanistan to save myself from death and beatings. i ended up having two children with him and pretended to be pregnant with a third so he would have less reason to kill me. i tried to find the internet anywhere so i could find a map so i would know where i was in afghanistan so i could know where was the nearest border if i should run. i couldn't get any information. it was horrible.

new names for doglets:
moosh factory
puff button
punchers and mushers

TO SUSAN WHO SENT ME A GOTH PONY [13 Dec 2001|02:52pm]
to susan who is "sun"-something on LJ and who sent me the cool goth my little pony and gave me some $ for ana2....i cannot read your handwriting to email you back nor find your live journal or make out your last name so i have no way of getting back to you about any of i HOPE that you see this entry and email me at:

wrangling the wuzzler [13 Dec 2001|04:37pm]
i cut more fur off the wuzzler with my scissors. he is so small now! i really need to get a pet shaver groomer thing...i did just an awful job cutting his fur! but he's still such a cutie. but he has so many little dredlocks on him, i just had to cut it off and start over with his fur. it's SO thick. he hates being brushed and he hates even more gettiing a haircut. it's soooo difficult to keep him still, it's like trying to wrangle a wild steer.
i left all the fur on his tail, tho. he matches deiter and pooka more now. the next stage is dying them all pink :) now that i have no carpet i can dye them pink :) but that will be a lot of work...i'll save that for another day.

i'm going to use the fur that i cut off to stuff a stuffed animal.

i'm eating swiss cheese and diet coke.

i might go to jason's for a sec later on to see his bin laden tape thing. have you seen it?

clawfoot bathtub [13 Dec 2001|04:55pm]
ok, yesterday on wheel of fortune ( i don't watch that just came on and i was across the room and didn't turn it off for awhile)..and one of the prizes was this black clawfoot bathtub. a total replica of the old antique ones but NEW and BLACK! does anyone know who makes these and where i could get one???

voog gifts :) [13 Dec 2001|06:45pm]
looking for a unique present to give someone for the holidays? :)
new voog happy things here! :

how can you resist? :) invest yourself and your friends with "PookaVoog Power" now! zip! zap! pow!

ana voog (and pooka) tote bags, mousepads, mugs, cups, boxer shorts, hats, bears, ornaments, sweatshirts, hooded sweatshirts, tank tops, and ladies t shirts and....even xmas stockings! *lordy!*

and/or buy a one month ( or how ever months you want) gift certificate to for any of your friends :) you can even give it anonymously if you like :) ana2 is definitely an unusual and interesting gift! :)

cloning and crafts and the kitchen sink [14 Dec 2001|04:13pm]
i had a new kitchen faucet installed today and lightbulbs put in and on monday they are coming to put plastic on my windows for insulation and put a hook in my ceiling so i can get a ceiling fan up there to distribute the heat i get more evenly through my house.
i'm working on the archives more...making the html pages prettier. i redid anamart completely ( ) and i feel very happy about that :) fixed more links. did anacam biz, read email. now i'm taking a break to eat food and watch oprah...which is all about cloning. they say they are only months away from cloning pets!

thanks to duckydoo for showing me this link:

fruit and cheese [14 Dec 2001|04:40pm]
mmmmmmmmmm :)

[14 Dec 2001|07:15pm]
i love how on my cam everything has a reddish glow to it at night now that my floor is red :) after oprah i just lonked out and took a nap after i ate something. i didn't get much sleep. i went to sleep at 6:30am and got up around 11am. as soon as i ate something i just went kaput. now i'm up again putzing around. dunno what i'll do yet. jason's doing homework. when he finishes that i'll probably hang out with him for awhile.
what are you doing tonight?

i will go check my mail and get another diet coke. then sort through campix for a new anagram.

[14 Dec 2001|08:06pm]
ooooo, i just received Blab #3 and it is GORGEOUS!!!! i definitely have to get every issue of this thing! WOW!

[14 Dec 2001|08:54pm]
my wishlist is getting out of control. i cannot stop! help! soooo mannnnyyy cooool boooooks!!!!!!!!!!!!

[15 Dec 2001|12:45am]
wow, my wishlist is really quite morbid and japanese!
i ate 3 slices of swiss cheese.
i itch. i need a long bath but i'm too tired now.
candles burning. mind fried on amazon.
bed soon.
why do i sleep with my arm over my head?

i wonder if i could find some PJ's with feet in them and also with a hat with bunny ears or some sort of animal. i'd like some PJs like the boy in the book "where the wild things are"