anagram 120501

[04 Dec 2001|08:27pm]
woa, pink has my exact dreds (that i had and am going to get again soon) on the billboard awards right now! hey now! sonia5 did u do pink's hair? if you didn't your influence is travelling around the world :) yes suh! :)

give and take [04 Dec 2001|11:03pm]
i asked the question, "am i a giver or a taker" simply because i wanted to see people's responses on what and how they thought of give vs. take. i was using myself as an example to evoke a response.
i know the question is flawed and also so vague that one could insert just about anything into it...which is why i left it vague. it was an "inkblot question".

to answer the question myself, in vague terms..i am both a giver and a taker and i think i have a pretty good balance between the two...tho i can, of course, get thrown off track once in awhile just as anyone can :) i don't think to give is better than to take. taking is just as in taking in oxygen..taking in love...taking in a good book or conversation..taking time for yourself to heal, reflect, play, relax, think, sleep. giving is also good for obvious reasons, tho an imblance of that is , of course, detrimental.

over 30,000 campix in ana2 [05 Dec 2001|01:01am]
there are 13,791+ pix in the anagrams so far
and 11,266 campix in the 1st apt. portion of the archive
= 25,057+ campix in ana2 ( not counting digital pix, artwork, or other types of pictures which are thousands more)
and i'm not done counting by a long shot! i think there's at least 10,000 more!

ohmigod. that made my head hurt. i'm going to bed now! zzz.

and i got up the anamates, anamusiq and a new anagram up in ana2. yup. did a lot today!

pro-ana [05 Dec 2001|12:24pm]
i feel strange that the new hip word for anorexia is "ana".
and weirder still that i have written a song called "mother anorexia"
when i did struggle with it for about a year when i was under pressure with my former record label.
today they are going to talk about that on oprah and the pro anorexia websites.

what do you think of these sites? and do you think that when they are found they should be censored and shut down?....(which is what is happening when they are found...but they just pop up again somewhere else)

even tho these sites do scare me, i do not feel that they should be shut down. because i think that anorexics have every right to express themselves as anyone else. in fact, i think that as much bad can come of them...good can also come because then it's out in the open more, discussed, not kept secret in the dark where, i feel, it is far more dangerous.

i have been thinking about these sites for a long time now and still thinking. what an intense thing it is. and so much more complex than most people are led to believe.

IF you have seen these sites what do you think of them? do you feel they should be shut down to silence and isolate the anorexic even further? or do you feel that these sites can only cause harm and no good can come of it.

even though i find the dialogue on these sites very disturbing, i think it is good that anorexics are coming together and finding one another and writing down and discussing their feelings...even if these things are difficult for us to read and acknowledge.