anagram 120401

[03 Dec 2001|02:12pm]
i'm out into the cold and the sun to get some food for me and the pups. i'll be back before sundown. it feels like nirvana to feel normal today.
when i come home i'm going to paint my floor more and play around with glittering the floor and covering parts of it with polyurethane resin.
i'm doing lots of laundry today and it smells like downy. very comforting :)
to my friends, sorry for being so out of contact these past few days.
i received 12 grapefruits from jason's parent's today in the mail for xmas! how very nice and what a surprise!

[03 Dec 2001|06:25pm]
i'm baking a cheese pizza. staring at my floor and moving furniture in my head to figure out how to add another layer of paint...and keep the dogs off it and keep the dogs also off my bed. i swear, i get dogs and my entire life practically revolves around them. but they are so totally worth it and so much more for the joy they bring me.

[03 Dec 2001|11:50pm]
i'm diggin' the "goo gone" to get the gook off my cobalt blue bottles where the labels are not coming off. i'm getting them all sqeaky clean so i can put them all in a row on my long windowsill before i have them sealed up and insulated for the winter. it's still gonna take awhile tho. lots of scubbing. thanks to the LJourner who turned me on, man, to thee goo gone :)

blue bottles. red floor.

are these entries thrilling you? are you on your toes with excitement about my experiments with new cleaning products?

g'nite :) i am a sleepypo now :)
i feel good about my accomplishments today...thanks for keeping me company :)

[04 Dec 2001|11:32am]
If I was a work of art, I would be M. C. Escher's Lizards.

I am a bizarre juxtaposition of the real and the unreal. Based in the realm of mathematics, my two-dimensional appearance belies a complex and free-willed behaviour which both delights and confuses people.

[04 Dec 2001|11:35am]
If I was a James Bond villain, I would be Mr Osato.

I enjoy Japanese art, industrial espionage, and manufacturing monosodium glutamate.

I am played by Teru Shimada in You Only Live Twice.

[04 Dec 2001|11:54am]
the museum is coming to get these screens out of my house today and see if they want them or not. bon voyage screens. i hope that your new home will not be the basement of the museum where they will never see the light of day. i hope the journey of the screens will be enjoyable for the screens. perhaps there will be someone who works in the basement who will open them and look at them and love them and it will brighten their day and fill it with wonder as the screens did for me. a beautiful piece of history and mystery...depicting the art of making green tea. created by KanĂ´ Tsunenobu, 1636-1713.
here is some info on the artist:

Ousia Reunion! [04 Dec 2001|11:56am]
"It looks like a date has been set for the Ousia reunion show (Snowbient II)
Sunday, March 17th, 2002 (St. Patrick's Day!) @ the 7th St. Entry
More on this later :) "
sayeth fetik3

[04 Dec 2001|12:17pm]
i didn't know that there was a tradition of having milk carton boat races in the summer here. that rocks!

today is very grey. i'm drinking diet dr. pepper. the stove is on for heat as it has been for days and days and days. soon i will have them come up here and put that plastic over my windows so hopefully i won't have to do that. my electric bill is absurd. 100 bucks a month usually. i have to pay it today or it'll get shut off. my phone was going to get shut off yesterday but i paid that bill in time. and then tomorrow i'll get rent in on time. then in a few more days i'll have the $ for the bandwidth. all other bills will have to be ignored. each month gets a bit better, tho. i think i am slowly getting caught up while i hang on by the skin of my teeth financially. and i have plans in the works. i always have plans. i don't know how i always manage to survive...but i always do. it's quite amazing! i hang on by sheer will power and desire and intent to live my life as an artist. i will not have it any other way. the grace of the universe sees the great joy i have to create and it holds me in it's loving hands in many miraculous ways to help me live my life by following my joy. something i never take for granted and am eternally grateful for.
i feel a lot more stable today than i did yesterday.
i think the red floor is working it's magic.
i think i was dreaming about yin and yang this's all foggy in my head now...
the dogs are on the white couch that will soon be red, as well. pooka and deiter are sleepypo while sebastian chews with great delight on a chewy thing.
i am blessed. my life is full of grace. and you are here. thank you :)

[04 Dec 2001|01:20pm]
talked to my mom. we can talk now about chit chat things. it's nice not to fight. she might come here thursday to hang out. the sun is out in full force at this moment.
i'm going to make some scrambled eggs and listen to oasis.

how to eat a grapefruit: option #2 [04 Dec 2001|02:43pm]
i remember my dad eating a grapefruit each morning. he would cut it in half then methodically cut around the inside of each section so that he could scoop the inside portion out with a spoon. and he would sprinkle his grapefruit with sugar on top :)

i have never liked eating food that takes that much work beforehand. i just want to eat it and be done with the process. but today i did it my dad's way minus the sugar. and i now know that this IS the best way to eat the grapefruit! i don't have to chew the chewy outside skin parts. i don't have seeds in my mouth. and in the end i can squish the rest of the juice into a glass and drink it. :)

my dad knows what he's doing :)

altho....i DO think that eating a boiled egg by putting it into one of those dainty little boiled egg holders and then slicing it in half while still in that container and then scooping the egg out with a spoon (instead of just peeling the skin off the whole egg and then cutting it in half on a plate) is going a bit too far :)

[04 Dec 2001|03:19pm]
i told my mom that i was going to get dredlocks back in my hair and she was all "oh pleez, just leave it short. i like it short!" and i said "ok,mom, i'll leave my hair short if you get dredlocks" :) and then she was all " oh no no no..." (subject dropped)
then she was like, " are you ever going to take your boobs out?" and i said, " i'll take my boobs out if you take yours out, deal?" and of course she was like " oh no no no..." end of story.

[04 Dec 2001|03:20pm]
so...if you are celebrating xmas...what do you want for xmas? :)

[04 Dec 2001|05:28pm]
do you think i am a giver or a taker?

i have made it so that even anonymous posters can post to this, not just registered users.


misc post:

i can understand and respect the point of view that things should be taken care of to last the most possible time and that sometimes that means that in order to do that the thigns have to not be seen very often.
an example...putting a dress from the 20's into a box with spacial paper so that it lasts and lasts but is never really worn.

but i like things to have a life and live their lives to the fullest and just serve out a beautiful useful existence even if that means then that those objects will have their lives shortened somewhat.

so...if they end up in a basement i will be sad. but i can understand that some would think that would be a good thing and i can respect that.

it's just that these screens look so good in a HOUSE. enriching the lives of those in that house and those who come in contact with that house. they were meant for that. that's why they were created. and...when i "feel the vibe" of those screens...that's what they seem to "want" and "say to me", that they are happy in a house with people living their daily lives around them.

yes, i am one of those weird people who think inanimate objects are alive and have their own will. :)